Out of service from reasonable drug test


"The best short-cut is to take the long way."
Have you read many posts on here? There are a lot of posters who can't form a complete sentences. To me it seems like the younger they are the more jibberish they post. It must have something to do with the "texting language" that is used so much.

I discredited him when he posted about having kids, being a single parent, and not answering if he was under the influence (initially) then called the cop out for doing his job ..... maybe the people that agree with him should send a letter in for him regarding their thoughts


Light 'em up!
all needed was to ask talk to me like a human being not an animal or criminal.

What do you call this?

You are correct, since you took the test. The only slim chance you have is if UPS did not follow the contract in conducting the test.

1. Did the sup you talk to receive training in observing a person’s behavior to determine if a medical evaluation is required.

2. Were you offered a steward before taking the test.

3. Was the documentation of the your conduct prepared and signed by the witnesses within twenty-four (24) hours of the observed behavior?

And this

Here's the one major question on my mind !!!

If the police officer told UPS management he seemed impaired, Why didn't the officer do a sobriety check himself ????
If the officer didn't think it was necessary, Why tell UPS he seemed impaired then ???

The only thing I can think of is that the swerving action represented an impaired judgement by the PO.
Did that give UPS the right to drug test under reasonable cause ??
If so, then any public complaint about UPS driving should lead to a drug test.
Just my thoughts.

And this

I would make the argument that the contract states you need to be observed by 2 trained observers if I was representing him however based on the statement by the police officer I think at the panel it would be a hard case to win. I've seen theses cases at state And Jac and sometimes they come with police dash cam video and it's not pretty

And this

This is a good argument.I would make this argument that if officer thought he was impaired he had a duty to follow the law but didn't. I would need to see police report and hope there wasn't one. I would also hope only one supervisor was there that heard the officers statement about being impaired.

And this

It's hard giving you answers when we don't have all the facts.Dont ever give up unless you steal then give up. If you get caught stealing I don't care if you show up with the Pope and Jesus Christ himself you are gone

You only seem to remember the negatives of what you read, none of the positives.

I wonder why?

i have no more fight in me.

You're choice....again!

At least this guy had to balls to post himself instead of having his wife do it for him.



Active Member
The officer asked why I was swerving a little answer the bob truck is big which is true makes some employees nervous on tight hwys and streets and my body is here my mind in stress mode. And asked him please don't give me a ticket he said let me see your I'd cut you loose. That's when he changed I knew I didn't have a warrant expecally for a missed court day. He never answered any of my questions nor the second officer. I seemed impaired because I panicking blacking out he didn't care also I told him I just returned to work the day before from a 4 day stay in the hospital. Ignored everything I said


I am just So confused, I would never give a cop my phone to call my sup

So you did the drug test and why did they do it

Poop Head

Judge me.
The officer asked why I was swerving a little answer the bob truck is big which is true makes some employees nervous on tight hwys and streets and my body is here my mind in stress mode. And asked him please don't give me a ticket he said let me see your I'd cut you loose. That's when he changed I knew I didn't have a warrant expecally for a missed court day. He never answered any of my questions nor the second officer. I seemed impaired because I panicking blacking out he didn't care also I told him I just returned to work the day before from a 4 day stay in the hospital. Ignored everything I said
Can you speak English?

Are you legal citizen?




Huge Member
Sounds like a lot of stuff is going on in your life.
It sucks that it went down like this.
Maybe you came back to work way to soon from the hospital.

There is a lot to work with if your business agent can find an angle.
The type of drug in the failed test will make a difference.
But if you were over the threshold, it will be a tough battle.


Well-Known Member
The officer asked why I was swerving a little answer the bob truck is big which is true makes some employees nervous on tight hwys and streets and my body is here my mind in stress mode. And asked him please don't give me a ticket he said let me see your I'd cut you loose. That's when he changed I knew I didn't have a warrant expecally for a missed court day. He never answered any of my questions nor the second officer. I seemed impaired because I panicking blacking out he didn't care also I told him I just returned to work the day before from a 4 day stay in the hospital. Ignored everything I said
Did the officer cavity search you?


Active Member
Management kinda of hazey but remember he was upset with me and the airs he didn't listen either after I kept saying you have the wrong person. After I was arrested in been i the back of the hot car a while. Into came to me no apology no explanation nothing good news is you don't have a warrant bad is im giving you a ticket for the swerving because you wouldn't obey me with out a question. What I was told what he told them no clue. That's everything I can remembered to my best


"The best short-cut is to take the long way."
The officer asked why I was swerving a little answer the bob truck is big which is true makes some employees nervous on tight hwys and streets and my body is here my mind in stress mode. And asked him please don't give me a ticket he said let me see your I'd cut you loose. That's when he changed I knew I didn't have a warrant expecally for a missed court day. He never answered any of my questions nor the second officer. I seemed impaired because I panicking blacking out he didn't care also I told him I just returned to work the day before from a 4 day stay in the hospital. Ignored everything I said
you seemed impaired because oxy and 8 ball don't mix