
Are full-time drivers overpaid?

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blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
Hoser was right. I wasn't saying that all UPS drivers are uneducated. I meant the job has low educational requirements.
The wages have nothing to do with hard work or accountability. It's all organized labor. I do understand how hard you drivers work, and I may have worded things a bit harshly. But I have seen firsthand exactly what you guys do. I helped out with driver helper last year. Tough job? You bet. But I would feel I was fairly compensated if I got $50 to do it. 60 to 70 is more than fair. Sure, long hours, wear on the body, etc. But the fact remains, anybody who can drive a truck could do it. Not saying they could do it as well as some of you guys, but the fact remains, anybody could do it.

Most jobs that pay $70K require some sort of special skill, education or experience. That's all I am saying. I absolutely will not take seriously any driver who thinks they are underpaid. The argument can be made that the rate is either fair or slightly high.


Active Member
I have over 20 years with UPS, pt hourly, pt sup, driver, friend/t sup all ops, manager.

p/t hourly = underpaid
p/t sup = underpaid
driver = overpaid by $2 to 3$ per hour
feeder driver = overpaid by same amount
friend/t sup = slightly underpaid
manager = slightly overpaid
division manager and above = slightly overpaid

When considering how you are compensated you must answer the following questions.

How easily could I go somewhere else and make this kind of money with these kind of benifts (what do people make for the competition)?

How easily could I be replaced by the company for the same or even lower compensation package (assuming no union rules)?

I have poured concrete and roofed houses in the deep south in July for a lot less than I make at UPS, while there are no easy jobs at UPS there are much harder jobs that pay much less.

I do not like my job, I have a BBA and have looked for other employment, I can get another job, just not one for as much as I make here right off the bat, so as much as I don't like this job and would give almost anything to be able to leave I can't say I am overpaid based on the criteria above.

My biggest concern is UPS will price itself out of the market because we all think we should get more more more despite the fact UPS already has the highest wages and benifits in the industry.


Well-Known Member
I don't think any of you guys would admit to being overpaid even if you really thought you were! It's simply not human nature to admit to oneself that they are overcompensated.

You make ~$70,000 a year to drive a truck and pick up/deliver packages. Sure, there is a lot of pressure put on you guys by management, but that's how it goes. It isn't management's job to let an uneducated blue collar workforce skate by without driving them for results.

If we worked 9-5 and went out with 8 hours work maybe 70k would be alot. We DO NOT make 70k for a 40 hour work week. Overtime is at a higher rate and that is where alot of us make our money. Remember, we dont finish till our day is complete(even if the preload messed up on the dispatch) I am sure alot of drivers would rather be having dinner with thier families than delivering fkin packages. I am lucky if I get to see my son before he goes to bed at night by the time I get home. Tell me I am over paid? gtfo!

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Hoser was right. I wasn't saying that all UPS drivers are uneducated. I meant the job has low educational requirements.
The wages have nothing to do with hard work or accountability. It's all organized labor. I do understand how hard you drivers work, and I may have worded things a bit harshly. But I have seen firsthand exactly what you guys do. I helped out with driver helper last year. Tough job? You bet. But I would feel I was fairly compensated if I got $50 to do it. 60 to 70 is more than fair. Sure, long hours, wear on the body, etc. But the fact remains, anybody who can drive a truck could do it. Not saying they could do it as well as some of you guys, but the fact remains, anybody could do it.

Most jobs that pay $70K require some sort of special skill, education or experience. That's all I am saying. I absolutely will not take seriously any driver who thinks they are underpaid. The argument can be made that the rate is either fair or slightly high.

I wonder if you've even considered the amount of money drivers "earn" for UPS. I guess expecting a piece of OUR pie is laughable at best. Special skills you say? We got 'em, in SPADES. We do a job (quite well I might add) that 9 out of 10 people can't. I'd love to check out your sources because the FACT is, not just anyone can do it. I watch them come and go everyday. Just like the bigshot "I have an associate's degree in management from DeVry, so I'm automatically superior" managers They come and they go and we just chuckle.

Might I make a suggestion? How's about you focus on getting your preloaders' misload counts down and leave the important stuff to us.


Staff member
"I helped out with driver helper last year."

Well, I guess that DOES make you an expert!



Well-Known Member
This board has a pretty wide variety of UPS employees, drivers are just the most outspoken group here. The "point" of this thread/poll it's to dispel myths perpetuated by people like you, blue efficacy. Some of the things you posted are exactly why people consider us overpaid and they are lies.

Any driver approaching or breaking the 70k marker is putting in a lot of overtime, we aren't salaried employees.

The "anyone can do this job" myth continues to be dispelled in buildings all across the country on a daily basis. While the education requirements are low; willpower, stamina, common sense, pain endurance and strength requirements are high. Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone has those things and believe me you need all of them everyday.

Comparing your time as a helper is highly ignorant. As a general rule, helpers are seasonal and do not work full-time hours. Add to this the fact you're doing housestops, which are the easiest part of a drivers job. Do the job 10+ hours a day for years on end, then come back and tell me how you and the chimp are feeling. Anybody can do this job for a day, it takes a certain breed to do this as a career.

P.S. -- There is a 2.5 year wage progression for drivers. Anyone breaking 50-55k a year as a UPS driver is experienced and/or a veteran.


Well-Known Member
I hope you had your tongue in your cheek when you made that comment.

I ain't paid enough. I take their $5.00 turkey. I take their wallets. I take all their little cheap cookouts. I take all their little handouts.

Race, I thought those were Cornish hens they've been giving us for the last decade!!:sad:

You drivers are paid to get as far as you can as fast as you can. Safely. Nobody can tell me you’re making too much $ for doing that.

While I worked in safety I remember hearing (from OSHA maybe) that employees in the trucking industry experience the most fatalities and suffer the most injuries of any occupation. Hmmm..Must be dangerous work… Once more, nobody can tell me you’re making too much $ for accomplishing that.

Feeders in particular have to deal with moronic drivers every day and I wish there was a way to educate Joe Public about sharing the road with a 50,000 lb tractor trailer. Jumping out in front of a big rig at the last second in order to do something stupid like make it to the exit ramp first just isn’t a brilliant move.

So for those who think Feeders is cake, be there when one of those big boys flips over in the middle of a turn or when the wind is heavy. Pry your arse off the seat as you keep that big rig straight over miles of ice, or when you’re nearly crushed to death between the tractor and the trailer while trying to disengage one from the other…

Congrat on your 29 years Race, that's awesome!!:thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
i met a guy on my old route told me for the free benefits ups offers he would work for ups for 35,000.00 a year.here is the what i told him.it's demanding at times never no for sure when you will get done,etc.you work in all kinds of wheather work till you get job done.he said tuesday was his bowling nite at 6:30.somenights the kids have a ball game.i take off when they have something going.he would bring his truck back at 6:00 if he didn't get all done there is tomorrow.how long would he last?2 out of 10 make it.


Well-Known Member
The toughest part of being in feeder is finding where to find a restroom, and where to eat.

Actually, making sure your set (the trailers, not private parts) stay in a straight line when driving on poor roads. Here, there are ruts that are about 2 feet deep. I'm not exaggerating. Last night I had to stop on the side of the road for a safety check. There was no traffic, so I checked how deep they were. Sure enough, they were about 2 feet deep. That will wake you up when pulling two 45's


Browncafe Steward
I cant believe that seven fellow upsers think that we the drivers are overpaid! We barely get to see our kids during the week, we leave it up to our spouses to care for the kids. The spouses want some of our time when we get home and all we want is to lie on the couch have a beer and watch some sports in piece and quite. We the drivers sacrifice our family time, our bodies to please not only our boses but more importantly our customers.

As to you blue i cant wait for you to get a little taste of driving and see how quick your opinion changes!

If anything ups spends way to much money on non important personnel, way to many p-time sups, ie, now here we even have p-time on car supervisors. Just put in the routes were we the drivers can service the customers the way the customer wants it. We dont make money at the hubs unloading the trucks we make money on the street loading the customers good onto our trucks!


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone at ups is overpaid! all hub employees work very hard for there money. i have been at ups for 9 years. i preloaded for the majority of the time. i knew that i would not be able to do the job the drivers do after being a driver helper at peak. these guys work there butts off. we are all underpaid.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I remember jumping at peak for a bonus driver. I thought to myself, there is no way I could do this all day, no wonder they make so much. Now that Im a driver, I know how badly he abused me, but its all Ok, I needed it.
Difference is Im not jumping out before the truck stops, Im not running to every stop, and Im thinking and driving, not just running pkgs.
Its hard, I dont think we are overpaid, but I know there are people who would do it for less. I dont know how long I would do it for less. I am happy with my pay, and Im not expecting a big increase, especially if we lose nothing. Over paid is an example of the car companies, with job banks who pay their people to do nothing. For all the complaining we do about heavy dispatch, we dont have a bunch of people getting paid for doing nothing, (well we do have some fat that could be cut, I think but...)Thats why we are working and not going under like the big 3. No one at UPS gets paid to do nothing.

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
If anybody can name me a similar job with an equivalent pay rate, I'll back down on my stance that drivers are overpaid.

And every time you have a poorly loaded truck that makes your workday that much tougher, remember that you and your union decided to pay your preloaders (and other inside employees) far less so you can make more. :thumbup1:

blue efficacy

Well-Known Member
Alright fine, I'll come clean. I don't really think you guys are overpaid. I was simply playing devil's advocate, trolling if you will. Didn't feel like preaching to the choir, wanted to stir the pot.

It's a job that's tough as hell from what I've seen. No education required, but obviously requires full use of both mental and physical faculties.

Apologies if anybody took anything I said personally. I just wanted to see a spirited debate. You all made your points very well.


New Member
Hi couldn't find the right place to ask this question. Sorry
I got my employee # and I tried to sign on to upsusers.com
Anyway it isn't taking. How many # should it be?
thank you


Active Member
Many at UPS complain about their jobs and the things they don't like about them, however, I have to be honest with myself, the reason I complain instead of leaving and doing something else I might like is because I can't go somewhere else and do something that doesn't involve the things I complain about for the same money I make here. No one is forced to stay and I don't see it getting anything but harder because UPS has to keep up with the competition and make a profit, you never want to work for a company that doesn't make a good profit (Enron, Worldcom, etc...). Everyone knows that UPS drivers and Feeder drivers are the hardest working and best in the industry but put yourself in UPS's shoes, what would you do different if you were running the show? If those things were done would UPS be in business 20 years from now? Would you have a pension in 20 years? I seem to disagree with the things that are done and how they are done more and more each day, but I am not sure I could do any better or would want the responsibility, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone at ups is overpaid! all hub employees work very hard for there money. i have been at ups for 9 years. i preloaded for the majority of the time. i knew that i would not be able to do the job the drivers do after being a driver helper at peak. these guys work there butts off. we are all underpaid.

Working at UPS is like eating a crap sandwich money wise.. You got you your bread on the outside (Feeders and Package car drivers) and on the inside (twilight and preload PT workers) the crap.( pay wise). Package car and feeder drivers had to go through the crap sandwich for years to get to the bread...$$$. So you can say they are getting rewarded and compensated for thier years of hard work in the crap as well as the job they do now. I'm only here 4 months so I have ways to go until I get the bread. Now I only get the crumbs.


Industrial Slob
I have over 20 years with UPS, pt hourly, pt sup, driver, friend/t sup all ops, manager.

p/t hourly = underpaid
p/t sup = underpaid
driver = overpaid by $2 to 3$ per hour
feeder driver = overpaid by same amount
friend/t sup = slightly underpaid
manager = slightly overpaid
division manager and above = slightly overpaid

When considering how you are compensated you must answer the following questions.

How easily could I go somewhere else and make this kind of money with these kind of benifts (what do people make for the competition)?

How easily could I be replaced by the company for the same or even lower compensation package (assuming no union rules)?

I have poured concrete and roofed houses in the deep south in July for a lot less than I make at UPS, while there are no easy jobs at UPS there are much harder jobs that pay much less.

I do not like my job, I have a BBA and have looked for other employment, I can get another job, just not one for as much as I make here right off the bat, so as much as I don't like this job and would give almost anything to be able to leave I can't say I am overpaid based on the criteria above.

My biggest concern is UPS will price itself out of the market because we all think we should get more more more despite the fact UPS already has the highest wages and benifits in the industry.
I can tell you for certain that top level management earns whatever wage they earn. They have no union protection, they got there not by seniority but by hard work, and the amount of crap they had/have to deal with is more than worthy of a 6 figure income. I'm not very pro management, but I can definitely sympathize with the crap they have to deal with.

trouble maker

Well-Known Member
I don't think any of you guys would admit to being overpaid even if you really thought you were! It's simply not human nature to admit to oneself that they are overcompensated.

You make ~$70,000 a year to drive a truck and pick up/deliver packages. Sure, there is a lot of pressure put on you guys by management, but that's how it goes. It isn't management's job to let an uneducated blue collar workforce skate by without driving them for results.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think you guys are overpaid by much. It's not an easy job, but in the end it is still a job you could train a chimp to do. Not as well as you guys, to be sure, but a chimp could do it nonetheless.

In summary: Drivers are more than adequately paid, and it is their high wage that takes the sole blame for all the ridiculous demands management places on them. Next contract I don't think raises in the dollar range are necessary for full time employees.

I don't see the point of this poll, as a large chunk of people here are UPS drivers, are any of them really going to say, "yeah, i'm overpaid!"? But I am sure Hoffa wants to make sure you guys are well paid now so you pay less attention to the REAMSTERS and CS letting your pension fund disappear :thumbup1:
Hey Blue,
You must be UPS management. If that's the case, well, you can go %$#@ yourself!!!!:w00t: