New Member
I hope you had your tongue in your cheek when you made that comment.
Yeah, I think about overpaid everytime I gotta drive thru Chicago rush hour, St Louis, Dallas, etc with a set of doubles.
I think about overpaid everytime I am trying to keep doubles straight when it's snowing 6 inches an hour.
I think about overpaid when temp is hovering around 32-30 and it's raining and you can't tell if it's freezing or not.
I think about overpaid when I'm hauling a few million dollars worth of equipment and cargo to it's destination.
I think about overpaid when I haven't crashed anything here in 29 yrs, saving the company claims.
I think about overpaid when a tire blows and the company has an epiphany and says, "Well, it's only 200 more miles, can't you take it in?"
I ain't paid enough. I take their $5.00 turkey. I take their wallets. I take all their little cheap cookouts. I take all their little handouts.
Quite defensive post. Imho, the drivers aren't paid enough and the feeders are paid too much. Of course, the feeder drivers usually worked pretty hard to get where they're at. Some feeder drivers tend to look down on delivery drivers and that just pisses me off.
Who is really overpaid? Pilots and the upper management people getting 50-250% bonuses every year.