part time sups becoming union


Does anyone spend more than 50% of their time hiring, firing, and disciplining?

Especially if hiring is done by the Human Relations Department, and firing/discipline is done by the operations manager/supervisor, then I doubt anyone spends any where near 50% of their time on these tasks.

But let's say a specific individual does all three tasks and has ten people working under him. Let's say it takes a full week to hire or fire someone. If such an individual hired a person every other week, and later fired a person every other week, he would have hired and fired his entire workforce in 40 weeks. He'd have to squeeze in over six weeks of progressive discipline somewhere to be over 50% for the year. And remember he's entitled to sick days, holidays, personal days, and several weeks vacation. Not to mention doing his other work.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone spend more than 50% of their time hiring, firing, and disciplining?

Especially if hiring is done by the Human Relations Department, and firing/discipline is done by the operations manager/supervisor, then I doubt anyone spends any where near 50% of their time on these tasks.

But let's say a specific individual does all three tasks and has ten people working under him. Let's say it takes a full week to hire or fire someone. If such an individual hired a person every other week, and later fired a person every other week, he would have hired and fired his entire workforce in 40 weeks. He'd have to squeeze in over six weeks of progressive discipline somewhere to be over 50% for the year. And remember he's entitled to sick days, holidays, personal days, and several weeks vacation. Not to mention doing his other work.
Exactly!! This is the reason why a lot of people are not for the respest act. If this goes thru, we will see a huge surgence in unions. Take in todays economic climate and you can double any projected increase.

Anyone else notice how much money the teamsters spent backing Obama?? Pay back time!!


it is true that pt sup are now hourly ..and yes there was a conf call about 2 wks ago talking about the concern of pt sup joinin together to go union. But i also heard that there were gonna be some layoffs of pt sup as well as buyouts. Anyone heard anything on this???


We got a "Training PCM" today regarding PT Sups going Union. It appears that this will soon become a great issue. It is obvious that if this goes through, there will be many changes in the company.

With this in mind, what are ppls opinions on which way to go? Should Pt Sups go Union, or not? pls support/ elaborate on your decision.

Does anyone wish to elaborate on the Pros and Cons on PT Sups going Union? Let us pretend that the measure is passed and UPS PT Sups are now Union...what should be expected and what should we look out for?


Browncafe Steward
If you enjoy fudging numbers, treating your people like crap, lying cheating and stealing to live up to the numbers only to get disciplined when caught, stay non union.

Now if you want to do the job the right way, treat your people right and not worry about discipline because its impossible to live up to those numbers, then join the union.

The union can protect you! Being in a union means you are now a just cause employee, as it is now you are a at will employee with no protection.

I have talked with several part time sups who would love to vote in the union.

Someone here has a signature, you cant beat your wife everyday and expect love back in return. something along those lines.

chester farmer

Active Member
If you enjoy fudging numbers, treating your people like crap, lying cheating and stealing to live up to the numbers only to get disciplined when caught, stay non union.

Now if you want to do the job the right way, treat your people right and not worry about discipline because its impossible to live up to those numbers, then join the union.

The union can protect you! Being in a union means you are now a just cause employee, as it is now you are a at will employee with no protection.

I have talked with several part time sups who would love to vote in the union.

Someone here has a signature, you cant beat your wife everyday and expect love back in return. something along those lines.

good gravy that is a load of union bull. Granted management is a morally corrupt vacuum that tries to suck the honesty from the very core of all who join there ranks. Most will burn in hell while the others attempt to hold hearings against the devil himself. They are experts in smoke and mirror tactics and use non communication to lie cheat and steal there way to the top. Most have zero actual management skills. Rather then produce actual results they bs reports to make themselves look better. Most pt sups are whiny babies who wish only to get a check and more college money. On the other hand most of the labor force they are working with are not worth $9.00 an hour outside UPS. That is the union at work. Watch one of these guys get fired and lose everything because with out the union their true skills and talents show. Obviously not talking mechanics or drivers. As far as hourly I am a pt sup who regrets very much becoming one. I am salaried and have heard nothing of unionizing sups.


Browncafe Steward
good gravy that is a load of union bull.
Really? Than why did you post below? You made my argument for me!
Granted management is a morally corrupt vacuum that tries to suck the honesty from the very core of all who join there ranks. Most will burn in hell while the others attempt to hold hearings against the devil himself. They are experts in smoke and mirror tactics and use non communication to lie cheat and steal there way to the top. Most have zero actual management skills. Rather then produce actual results they bs reports to make themselves look better. Most pt sups are whiny babies who wish only to get a check and more college money.

These whiny little cry babies are the next full time sups! More money, more crying!

On the other hand most of the labor force they are working with are not worth $9.00 an hour outside UPS. That is the union at work. Watch one of these guys get fired and lose everything because with out the union their true skills and talents show. Obviously not talking mechanics or drivers. As far as hourly I am a pt sup who regrets very much becoming one. I am salaried and have heard nothing of unionizing sups.
You as a sup have a probationary period to train an employee. If you keep him/her past this time they are now union. Get rid of the dead weight during this time!


If for some reason PT Sups became union in the future, technically wouldn't they be to perform union jobs? Loading, unloading, sorting, etc.


No theyd be under a different classification, and very well could be a differnt union, the sups would have their job duties outlined in their contract and the hourlies would have theirs


Browncafe Steward
How is that different from what they do now?
Maybe you might turn a blind eye to sups working where you are, but it doesn't mean that everyone does! And here in Chicago we file more sups working grievances then any other. Ups here is just starting to figure out that we will not give up on this and the sups working has been dramatically decreased! We are down to a handful of grievances a week from dozens per week in my building alone.

Nothing is easy and it does take time but it can be done with a little hard work and a no non sense approach.