Browncafe Steward
My understanding of 22.3 jobs is one half should be hard work and the other half should be considered soft. No one should do 4 hours package and 4 hours unload. I will agree with you 100%.I'm not happy with their representation. As for anyone else, that's their opinion/business. For all I know they could be the best there is and even will be, in others eyes...
We had 5 22.3 jobs that were changed after our annual bid in 2008. The jobs were reworked so they have to hump packages for 8 hours, 4 in package and 4 in the hub. Previously they were 4 hours doing clerical work and 4 hours hub. That is what we all bid on and within the weeks all of the moves were made in the Local from bids, the jobs were changed.
The union did not help at all, they said tough *****, work slower if it's too much. Almost as though the union had a hand in it, and thats the treatment we get
This is one example of Local 25 representation. I'm sure other locals would have addressed the issue and pushed for at least a rebid.
I would still shoot a call to Sean.