Sounds like PAS is painfull everywhere. The system is and could be great if used properly. Our center implemented it when they had no business doing so. EDD was not in order and management set the whole system up by using maps and not much driver input.
As soon as PAS was in, pkg volume went up on the belts and we went from 9 preloaders on our belt to 7. Less people and a heavier flow did not fare well. Start times were pushed back also.
Next, we leave the bldg with lots of misloads and our routes scattered in no particular order throughout the back of our cars. BTW- air is loaded wherever it may be sequenced, which is in no particular order either. Customers are furious because their normal driver is gone and they are getting their pkgs 3,4, and even 5 hrs later than normal. Few did get their pkgs within a reasonable timeframe. In some cases drivers were bringing back up to a dozen commercial stops a day.
It has been over two years now since EDD and PAS were activated in our center. There have been a lot of improvements HOWEVER ther are a lot of improvements still needed! Even today if you ran EDD in order on any given route in our center chances are you wouldn't get done. I love it when they compare our numbers of pkgs missed and not delivered to the previous year and remind us how much everything is improving. Sure after two years, it better! They fail to mention how many pkgs mngmt is shuttleing and delivering themselves which doesn't show up on their reports.
Want to fix PAS?
Only my opinion
1. Have your EDD in order before you implement the system. Using driver knowledge wouldn't hurt.
2. Don't cut preloaders and then speed belts up. This only brings misloads and bad loads. Which we all know a good load is key to a good day, for both drivers and sups!!!!
Thats it, two very simple things from where I sit. I don't know what to tell you about the hickups that happen on the computer end of PAS with bad PAL's and everything else you can think of. I'm just a driver.