President Biden


Just a turd
What policies did you disagree with , lower taxes , higher stock market , peace in the middle East , which is it ????
Separating kids from their parents, Environmental protection roll backs, the complete gutting of the State Department, the strained relationship with our allies, the beginnings of an isolationist foreign policy.

We differ in what we feel are important to each other. You care about monetary issues, I place greater importance on other things I want my federal government to do.
Doesn't mean there aren't some thing we agree on.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Man, this is just 2016 all over again, instead of Trump its Biden, and instead of Russia its China.
Why hasn't Trumps Justice Department investigated this ?
This is not an episode of 24, this is real life.
If any of this stuff was true...

Im not going down this rabbit hole with you dude.
Just take a couple of deep breaths ,
It's politics , crime runs deep in government and will always be there as long as the people allow it to happen which obviously they're OK with it !!!


Well-Known Member
Yes they did. If they allowed mail in votes to be counted as they came in results would have come out when the polls closed. Biden has a clear lead the entire time and there’s no opportunity for Trump to manufacture baseless claims of fraud. See Colorado for how it should have gone down.
Trump had a clear lead, then the Dems came up with enough bogus ballots to pass him. But you've got nothing to worry about in the recount so let's see how that shakes out.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Separating kids from their parents, Environmental protection roll backs, the complete gutting of the State Department, the strained relationship with our allies, the beginnings of an isolationist foreign policy.

We differ in what we feel are important to each other. You care about monetary issues, I place greater importance on other things I want my federal government to do.
Doesn't mean there aren't some thing we agree on.
You do realize that alot of kids that get dragged over the border have been sexually abused and the so called parents are not always the parents . Environmental issues are worldwide issues and until other countries pay their fair share and make attempts to make changes it's useless , in the meantime we are doing well environmentally in this country !!! And do I care about the economy , yes it takes money to eat and pay the bills !!!

The big package

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Call it whatever you want. It is a handout. You are a hypocrite for wanting more free stuff.

No, I don’t want any free stuff. My original post about “when does the free stuff come” was Sarcasm.

I’m a UPS package car driver.. I work for a living. I have never taken government handouts like food stamps, unemployment, subsidies for housing, etc. I have had periods in my life where my entire net worth was the small amount of cash in my wallet. But I worked my way back.

Do you own any stock? Does that stock pay you dividends? Are those “handouts”?

In our state we own the oil, so we get some cash for it. Most of it goes into the fund to create more wealth to both fund our state government and create future dividends.


Well-Known Member
Man, this is just 2016 all over again, instead of Trump its Biden, and instead of Russia its China.
Why hasn't Trumps Justice Department investigated this ?
This is not an episode of 24, this is real life.
If any of this stuff was true...

Im not going down this rabbit hole with you dude.
Just take a couple of deep breaths ,
Indeed, there are investigations going on. The left wing media was very successful in keeping the story well under the fold to get Mr. Biden across the finish line. Now if it all goes south for him, Ms. Harris (who did horrible in DNC primaries) becomes our President. Amazing.


Well-Known Member
Biden’s got a lot of work ahead of him to clean up this * show that was left.
Yes he does..

1. Raise taxes on rich (note “rich” is anyone who pays income taxes).
2. Raise unemployment rates especially for minorities to get back to pre Trump era levels.
3. Negate Trump era trade deals that brought jobs back, can’t have that.
4. Wipe out all student loans.. a big “friend You!” to anyone who responsibly paid their loan.
5. Kill the stock market so everyday Americans watch their 401k and IRAs tank. That way people are more beholden to Big Brother to provide our every need, just like in Cuba or North Korea.

Roll up your sleeves Mr. Biden


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
At the very least I thought Biden winning would make all the TDSers finally shut the :censored2: up about Trump but if anything it's only been worse lately.


Well-Known Member
Separating kids from their parents, Environmental protection roll backs, the complete gutting of the State Department, the strained relationship with our allies, the beginnings of an isolationist foreign policy.

We differ in what we feel are important to each other. You care about monetary issues, I place greater importance on other things I want my federal government to do.
Doesn't mean there aren't some thing we agree on.

But it is about money when your talking about taking my money to spend on someone else.

Take Paris Climate Accords.. we paid in the most but we already have done substantially more than other big industrialized nations to reduce carbon emissions. The biggest offenders are China and India, but they don’t foot the bill nor are they held accountable.

Many rolled back regulations are ones that simply went way past protecting the environmental and simply became a way for unelected officials to control individuals private property rights. Calling a runoff that a small stream of water runs in occasionally (only when it rains hard or snow melts) a “protected wetland”. Look hard enough and you can find a regulation to block almost anything.

I’m for protecting th environment, I live in one of the most amazing places. And despite decades of resource development and even after a major man made environmental disaster nature still flourishes.

Too many “environmental” policies are really meant to do something else under the feel good guise of “save the planet”. The entire Green New Deal is about wealth redistribution, and changing the economic system. One of Ms. Ocosio-Cortez’s senior staffers said so out loud.


nowhere special
But it is about money when your talking about taking my money to spend on someone else.

Take Paris Climate Accords.. we paid in the most but we already have done substantially more than other big industrialized nations to reduce carbon emissions. The biggest offenders are China and India, but they don’t foot the bill nor are they held accountable.

Many rolled back regulations are ones that simply went way past protecting the environmental and simply became a way for unelected officials to control individuals private property rights. Calling a runoff that a small stream of water runs in occasionally (only when it rains hard or snow melts) a “protected wetland”. Look hard enough and you can find a regulation to block almost anything.

I’m for protecting th environment, I live in one of the most amazing places. And despite decades of resource development and even after a major man made environmental disaster nature still flourishes.

Too many “environmental” policies are really meant to do something else under the feel good guise of “save the planet”. The entire Green New Deal is about wealth redistribution, and changing the economic system. One of Ms. Ocosio-Cortez’s senior staffers said so out loud.
Paris Accords is all about redistribution of wealth. Not protecting the environment.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Trump had a clear lead, then the Dems came up with enough bogus ballots to pass him. But you've got nothing to worry about in the recount so let's see how that shakes out.
Trump never had a lead. He was losing the entire time. The votes were cast, just not counted yet. Trump was a terrible candidate that got shellacked. The GOP should be embarrassed. He lost much worse than Hillary did.