President Biden

President Biden’s first job should be to deport Melania and her parents for illegally entering this country. Of course we all know Melania worked illegally in US when she illegally crossed.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Insult the dudes manhood over politics.
I appreciate it, it's having fun.
You need to learn how to laugh.
I wasn't insulted, I'm fully aware I'm not what I was, it's part of aging.
I can say I'd rather be a has been than a never was.

You might find it helpful to look inside yourself with a critical eye, you may be on a crash and burn path.


Well-Known Member
See, gentlemen, this is the problem. We don’t have a meaningful discussion just throw stupid insults at eash other. Tiring, and senseless.
You're obviously new here. There's no discussing anything seriously here because the local Dems think they're intellectually superior to anyone who supports Trump. If you want Marques de Queensbury rules you're in the wrong forum.


Inordinately Right
Keep in mind something here. The Georgia run off is 1-2. Now if between now and then the Trump dominated SCOTUS crap cans the ACA Georgia might just go blue.
Failed to take the Senate.
Lost seats in the house.
Lost state legislatures in a redistricting year.

Prediction... You're going to be crying like a little girl about gerrymandering for years.



Well-Known Member
I appreciate it, it's having fun.
You need to learn how to laugh.
I wasn't insulted, I'm fully aware I'm not what I was, it's part of aging.
I can say I'd rather be a has been than a never was.

You might find it helpful to look inside yourself with a critical eye, you may be on a crash and burn path.
Thanks brother but no, that was about two decades back.

I don’t mind humor and playing. I’ve watched too much of the far left talking over, shouting down, and violently attacking those that would dare to speak against them. This divide between us is IMO much greater threat than who is winning the election.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You're obviously new here. There's no discussing anything seriously here because the local Dems think they're intellectually superior to anyone who supports Trump. If you want Marques de Queensbury rules you're in the wrong forum.
It probably has something to do with the fact that Trumpists don’t believe in policy. They only believe in owning the libs. Hard to debate policy if the only goal is pooping on the majority of Americans.


Well-Known Member
Thanks brother but no, that was about two decades back.

I don’t mind humor and playing. I’ve watched too much of the far left talking over, shouting down, and violently attacking those that would dare to speak against them. This divide between us is IMO much greater threat than who is winning the election.

Post something original that is funny.