President Biden

The big package

Well-Known Member
Keep in mind something here. The Georgia run off is 1-2. Now if between now and then the Trump dominated SCOTUS crap cans the ACA Georgia might just go blue.
They're not going to can ACA they just got rid of the mandates and that made it better !!! There's no room for mandates in a country based on freedom !!!!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I don't what a P.P.H. is even as I was/am one.

Whoops! Was actually "P.H."

Noticed it in the BC Terms and rules shortly after I was told to cut it out. LOL



Well-Known Member
President Biden’s first job should be to deport Melania and her parents for illegally entering this country. Of course we all know Melania worked illegally in US when she illegally crossed.
His first job will be cleaning his shorts each morning.
To be honest, I believe DJT would go along with you if every illegal entry had the same edict.
They believe in personal sacrifice i it makes this country better.
They are builders for a better country, not destroyers, like your mindset or your type is to get their will.


Well-Known Member
They're not going to can ACA they just got rid of the mandates and that made it better !!! There's no room for mandates in a country based on freedom !!!!
Including the freedom of hospitals to sue to collect payment from people who have the means to pay their hospital bills but stubbornly refuse to buy insurance to cover the bill or pay it out of their own pocket?


Well-Known Member

It probably has something to do with the fact that Trumpists don’t believe in policy. They only believe in owning the libs. Hard to debate policy if the only goal is pooping on the majority of Americans.
Reducing taxes, reducing redundant regulatory burdens, building up the military, forcing allies to pay their fair share, signing peace accords in the Middle East, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, forcing China to buy more American goods, criminal sentencing reform, enterprise zones in minority communities, building a wall to control illegal entry. And a lot of that goes away with Democrats who are beholden to foreign governments and Wall Street to rig things for their enrichment and money in Dem campaign coffers. It's no wonder the Swamp rose up to fraudulently remove the one guy who cares about this country and its working citizens.
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Well-Known Member
Begin, you're on the clock.
I think there is a general belief that improvements are needed. Simple things like internet connectivity (the removal of) and paper backup can't seem to pass in a republican Senate. Thankfully after evidence of outside actor's breaching our election (got in the bank, no proof of stealing) in 2016 and with some money improvement were made. Why was any meaningful long lasting and smart policies not made law? Why are solutions put up by one side and only rejected by the other? This is not radical reform it's about securing one of america's most important assets.
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Retired 23 years

1984 Election Results​

CandidatePartyElectoral VotesPopular Votes
Ronald Reagan (I)Republican52554,455,000
Walter friend. MondaleDemocratic1337,577,000

View attachment 316587

@Jumpin Jack Flash, for your edification.
I realize you think nothing transpired before your date of birth.
For the most part Mn. has always backed losers. What did it get us? Now we have what seems like a million Samalies living in the lower third of the state.


Well-Known Member
You're obviously new here. There's no discussing anything seriously here because the local Dems think they're intellectually superior to anyone who supports Trump. If you want Marques de Queensbury rules you're in the wrong forum.
I suppose but I feel compelled to try. At least here you can state your point without them screaming!


Well-Known Member
It probably has something to do with the fact that Trumpists don’t believe in policy. They only believe in owning the libs. Hard to debate policy if the only goal is pooping on the majority of Americans.
No. I have no desire to “own” anyone. My main concern with Biden is he will follow the far left mandate and push a socialist agenda on America. And that threat is at least doubled if Mr. Biden leaves office and turns the keys over to Ms. Harris which seems like a very viable possibly. No pooping! Let’s debate policy!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No. I have no desire to “own” anyone. My main concern with Biden is he will follow the far left mandate and push a socialist agenda on America. And that threat is at least doubled if Mr. Biden leaves office and turns the keys over to Ms. Harris which seems like a very viable possibly. No pooping! Let’s debate policy!
Biden is a moderate. Your fears are misplaced. If the Democrats wanted a far left candidate they had plenty to choose from. When you start from a right wing propaganda viewpoint I doubt your legitimate desire for policy debate.


Well-Known Member
Biden is a moderate. Your fears are misplaced. If the Democrats wanted a far left candidate they had plenty to choose from. When you start from a right wing propaganda viewpoint I doubt your legitimate desire for policy debate.
Biden is a crook in cognitive decline. He was forced to choose a far Left progressive as a running mate, and she couldn't get 2% support in the Democratic primaries. But will most likely be president soon if Trump can't win this in the courts.