President Biden


Well-Known Member
Biden is a moderate. Your fears are misplaced. If the Democrats wanted a far left candidate they had plenty to choose from. When you start from a right wing propaganda viewpoint I doubt your legitimate desire for policy debate.
Why do you doubt me? I am no racist, no white nationalist zeonphite or whatever the silly word is. I believe in capitalism over socialism. My right to go out and choose my path to success or failure. (I’ve had both in my life so far.) But I’m open to debate. I get that Mr. Biden is a moderate but in order to win he latched on to most of the far left agenda in order to get their blessing.

Is it your belief (it certainly is my hope) that he will change some of his positions from what he campaigned on and be more centrist?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Biden is a crook in cognitive decline. He was forced to choose a far Left progressive as a running mate, and she couldn't get 2% support in the Democratic primaries. But will most likely be president soon if Trump can't win this in the courts.
Thanks for confirming that right wingers start from a delusional propaganda viewpoint.


Inordinately Right
I think there is a general belief that improvements are needed. Simple things like internet connectivity (the removal of) and paper backup can't seem to pass in a republican Senate. Thankfully after evidence of outside actor's breaching our election (got in the bank, no proof of stealing) in 2016 and with some money improvement were made. Why was any meaningful long lasting and smart policies not made law? Why are solutions put up by one side and only rejected by the other? This is not radical reform it's about securing one of america's most important assets.
Cool conspiracy theories bro.


Inordinately Right
Better than a million old angry white cuckservatives.🤣


Well-Known Member
Thanks for confirming that right wingers start from a delusional propaganda viewpoint.
What was delusional? Ms. Harris indeed never had double digit support in the polls. Or are you saying that Mr. Biden handing over Presidency mid term is beyond belief? Have you watched a clip of Mr. Biden today and Mr. Biden just four years ago?


Well-Known Member
I think there is a general belief that improvements are needed. Simple things like internet connectivity (the removal of) and paper backup can't seem to pass in a republican Senate. Thankfully after evidence of outside actor's breaching our election (got in the bank, no proof of stealing) in 2016 and with some money improvement were made. Why was any meaningful long lasting and smart policies not made law? Why are solutions put up by one side and only rejected by the other? This is not radical reform it's about securing one of america's most important assets.
I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.
You really said nothing.

That is a great question.

What body would enforce these new "meaningful long lasting policies" if "made" law?

No need on your part to use flowery "politispeak" e.g. "meaningful long lasting."


Well-Known Member
I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.
You really said nothing.

That is a great question.

What body would enforce these new "meaningful long lasting policies" if "made" law?

No need on your part to use flowery "politispeak" e.g. "meaningful long lasting."
Putting into law standards in voting equipment and verification. Meaningful long lasting, some would say necessary. The judicial system enforces law, Federal money helps with compliance. Pretty simple, yet some places still use inadequate paper less machines.