President Biden


Full Service
He doesn't have time to think about what some old guy does.

Except he had time to watch the video.
And he has time to go seek out another video from a different angle to make himself feel better about our president being mentally diminished.

But he doesn't have time for it....
Calm down, it's called he watches the news and saw both clips and the narratives pushed. You guys DO entertain me though. Enjoy your day bud.


nowhere special
Calm down, it's called he watches the news and saw both clips and the narratives pushed. You guys DO entertain me though. Enjoy your day bud.
Watch both clips and decide for yourself. The longer one does nothing to contradict the shorter one. It does show Biden wandering off kind of towards a parachutist but has nothing about him talking to one.


Full Service
Watch both clips and decide for yourself. The longer one does nothing to contradict the shorter one. It does show Biden wandering off kind of towards a parachutist but has nothing about him talking to one.
Probably so. They guy is old, should be retired. Trump too. I find it sad that this is the best the greatest nation can come up with and that this is where we are, trading video clip jabs at each other. Yes we look like fools to others.

But none of that effects me getting ready to endure 100 plus degrees in the back of my truck today at work. But I'll walk away with like $450. That pays for my new truck waiting for me in the parking lot, cooled paid home. Life is good. Who cares what the president is doing, seriously. He's a figurehead. That's been proven on both sides.


Well-Known Member
Probably so. They guy is old, should be retired. Trump too. I find it sad that this is the best the greatest nation can come up with and that this is where we are, trading video clip jabs at each other. Yes we look like fools to others.

But none of that effects me getting ready to endure 100 plus degrees in the back of my truck today at work. But I'll walk away with like $450. That pays for my new truck waiting for me in the parking lot, cooled paid home. Life is good. Who cares what the president is doing, seriously. He's a figurehead. That's been proven on both sides.
Biden versus Trump

Hopefully, one of them throws a fish in the backseat of the others car!


Well-Known Member
The difference between Biden and Trump is clear.
Perhaps, but that clear choice almost cost us our second amendment because he doesn’t understand anything about the constitution. He can’t. rule by executive order and take away our rights

Is he the better choice? I guess, but he sure does lose his mind under pressure. He turns into a tyrant, liberal taking rights and spending money like a drunken sailor. Thankfully, the Supreme Court said he does not have the right to ban anything He wants by executive order, and using the ATF to enforce it turning ordinary citizens into felons overnight, even talking about arresting them after 90 days if they don’t comply. It must be a lot harder to get New York liberal out of your system then We thought.



Well-Known Member
The bump stock ban was never going to cost us the second amendment. Come on dude , such exaggeration.
Sure it didn’t cost us anything, except Biden pushed banning triggers and pistol braces, and he was not going to stop, Trump open the door for him. Again, our preferred pic was willing to put law abiding citizens in jail in 90 days if they did not comply using the ATF to bust down their doors that does not sound very conservative to me.
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Well-Known Member
This is kind of a silly argument.
Obama taught constitutional law.

I'll take Trump's limited understanding combined with the checks and balances of our system over Democrats.
He makes really dumb mistakes and to pretend he doesn’t is being blind to it. I’m not gonna worship a guy when he makes so many bad choices, including agreeing with locking down the country that’s on him. If he’s so smart, why did he go along with all this? I noticed he never once apologized for any of that nor does he think he’s wrong, he blamed everyone else around him. He did things I expected the other guy to do, not him.


Well-Known Member
So no part at all.
Lol I still have the sheet of paper. UPS gave us signed by Donald Trump saying I was free to go to work because I was an “essential worker” your papers, please.

You sound like a liberal Democrat defending your unaccountable leader who made huge mistakes and never once apologized, that’s up to you, but I won’t do that.

Donald Trump lost his mind in 2020 because he completely crippled under pressure. As a normal human being I can understand that, what I don’t understand is not saying mistakes were made. They won’t happen again.

Trump supporters don’t even like his vaccine, but he still loves it. It’s almost like some sort of mind manipulation. I would expect from the other side.

My criticism isn’t an endorsement of how the other side does it either.