President Biden


Well-Known Member
Man, it was just pathetic when Jill had to go on stage at the end and rescue Joe.
That shouldn't have happened.
I’m always troubled by how these politicians hold onto power as long as they can, even with death chasing them, I feel it is very sad that Joe Biden doesn’t have anyone in his family who cares enough about him to tell him “it’s time Joe, let’s go enjoy the rest of your life. You did all you needed to do.” Not even his wife, who apparently wants to be first lady more than Joe Biden’s wife.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I’m always troubled by how these politicians hold onto power as long as they can, even with death chasing them, I feel it is very sad that Joe Biden doesn’t have anyone in his family who cares enough about him to tell him “it’s time Joe, let’s go enjoy the rest of your life.

It's such a betrayal of one of the most important things we'd expect our family members to do for us if we were in Joe's position.


Well-Known Member
No, he's an elderly man in decline.

CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump outperformed Biden | CNN Politics

June 28, 2024

"Debate watchers say, 67% to 33%, that Trump turned in a better performance Thursday. Prior to the debate, the same voters said, 55% to 45%, that they expected Trump to turn in a better performance than Biden. And in 2020, Biden was seen by debate watchers as outperforming Trump in both of their presidential debates."
Question is will it be enough for voters to turn against Biden? There's quite a few in recent polls who still say Biden would be better at handling the economy than Trump.


Staff member
Question is will it be enough for voters to turn against Biden? There's quite a few in recent polls who still say Biden would be better at handling the economy than Trump.
Trump didn't bring up food prices enough. He should HARP on it. Everyone feels that pain, and everyone knows food costed far less when Trump was President. There's simply no denying it.


Well-Known Member
We're going to get two more far-right Supreme Court justices. Europe is going to lose Ukraine forever. All of it. China will be emboldened and move on Taiwan because Trump is going to back out of NATO. Millions of immigrants, undocumented or not, will leave the country or not come here to work, stoking economic crisis. Trump will go scorched Earth on his political opponents and not listen to the better angels in his administration because there won't be any.

But remind me again how bad transgender Americas are or the $2.98 gasoline price.
NATO won't be fighting in Taiwan. Why would legal immigrants leave the country if Trump improves the economy? As for rounding them all up, have you any idea what it would take to round up 10-20 million people and deport them? Likely that genie is out of the bottle and can't be put back in. More than likely Trump will work on getting the wall built. Trump will probably put demands on states to turn over any illegals arrested for criminal acts. Get rid of that element. No more of this sanctuary nonsense where criminals are protected. And let me ask, why would Trump go "scorched earth" on his political opponents? Could it possibly be it's because they have been doing the same to him for eight years? Actively trying to thwart his re-election? What will most likely happen is Trump's AG will look for evidence of criminal wrongdoing in all of this lawfare. He'll probably look at the Biden family money situation. It's not scorched earth to hold anyone accountable for breaking the law. Or so we've been told about Trump many.times.


Well-Known Member
I don't think your average voter heard any answer to any question that was memorable or would change their opinion.

Biden's declined mental state really stole the show.
agreed. Most of these elites including trump dont really know how to speak to everyday issues though trump is a little better at it then most. He missed an opportunity to speak to a no tax on tips change when discussing taxes.

most of what biden had to say was a mish mash often incoherent jumble of rehearsed lines