President Obama!


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

He's a chicken-sh...

Won't be seen in public, won't support the rep party, won't go on the media.
He knows he'll be pulled apart.

Yet, Tony Blair is seen and heard everywhere !
He was on the Piers show last night.
I have respect for that British man. He even had to face parlament twice, to defend his action , going to war against Iraq !
Yesterday , he spoke about the Egyptian (and middle-east) crises.
Very well and smart spoken man, indeed ! :)

Just too bad he was caught stupid enough, to fall for Bush's lies !

Did you totally miss Bush's book tour??? He was all over the media, all stations.


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

A good article on Bush's book from the New Yorker, by George Packer.

"Though Bush credits no collaborator, his memoirs read as if they were written by an admiring sidekick who is familiar with every story Bush ever told but never got to know the President well enough to convey his inner life. Very few of its four hundred and ninety-three pages are not self-serving."

Read more


Well-Known Member
If you dig really deep, like Greece had to, sure it will work.
Greece raised retirement age by a whole 5 years...are the American people ready for that hit ? (age 72) ?

67 1/2 really, as you can collect SS at 62 1/2. But before we even get to that, there are billions in savings in other areas that can be realized with cuts to grants that seem wholly ridiculous to many Americans. Me personally, I would cut the entitlements without hesitation. You want a gov't sponsored get what you put in plus or minus any changes in the market. I, repeat, I am responsible for what happens to me after I CHOOSE to stop working. You need healthcare? Who is responsible for making sure that YOU can pay YOUR bills? Me? No. I am responsible for MY bills, not yours.

You mention Greece, what is their tax burden as opposed to the US? Have you read about the common practice throughout Europe of giving college tuition for free? Would you have the US follow suit? We have a system that holds individuals largely accountable for their own costs. Why should we change to a system that has me paying for you? Should I not be responsible for paying my own way, if not can I have a few thousand dollars to pay my mortgage for the next few months? Oh wait, the gov't will give it to people who didn't bother to read their mortgages and understand that they were taking a mortgage that they couldn't afford. How is that sustainable?

If the US wants to be around for much longer we need to reign in our gov't. How much taxation is enough for you and those of your ilk? Can I assume that under your plan that I could stop working now, have unlimited unemployement benefits, as well as those for my wife, and ultimately collect SS without working another day in my life? Should I humble myself to the point of allowing someone else to pay my bills? Could I look myself in the mirror while taking handouts from someone else? No. I can't do that. Why? Its not the American way. My future is bound to my actions of today. I cannot accept other people's money for my responsiblities. It is my job to pay for my family, not yours, nor anyone elses.

My plan is to retire shortly after my 30th anniversary with UPS. Why? Because by then I will have amassed enough wealth to pay for my future. Thanks to my planning and the choice that I made to work for a company that offers industry leading retirement benefits. If I chose to work elswhere, I would work longer to afford the same. Whos choice should that be? It should be mine and mine alone.

I will stop here, because I am sure that we have ideological differences and no matter how much I argue based on common sense and logic, we will alway have different points of view. Even that is alright, given that in the United States of America, I can vote against people who share your tax and spend beliefs. I can urge all the people that I know to eschew the idea that I am respnsible for your debts. I can tell you that you are dead wrong telling me that I owe you money just because I work harder for my family that you do. What do you have to say to that?


golden ticket member
How about take all the $$$ we pay to other countries, like the 1.3 billion to Egypt, and pay it all on the deficit. Why do we need 500,000 (I think that's the #) troops in Germany? Are we at war with Germany? Bring them home and put them on our borders to secure them. Stop all welfare-type payments to illegal aliens. Make all welfare recipients pee in a cup.....drugs present? check!
I'm tired of the abusive free loaders weighing down the system. It's suppose to be a 'leg up', not a lifestyle.


Für Meno :)
Canada is actually much different Johnoutdoors guy !

No unlimited unemployment here, actually the limit is 26 weeks (not like socialized US with 99 weeks).
We don`t have food stamps, nor do we have section 8, in this socialized country !
Foodbank = Food stamps here ! And you actually get only food (not coupons that you can sell) !

Do we get free healthcare ?
Not at all - we pay more taxes then the US, we pay more for our gasoline and oil, that we ship to the US (as the largest oil supplier).
We pay more taxes on "Sinn items" like chocolate, chips, cigs, alcohol - do you wanna pay over $50 for a 24 pack of beer - then come here ! - half of that probably goes towards healthcare.

Do we have free tuition ? Not a fat chance ! Most students have students loans to keep them by, and that's not even enough - they work pt, just like in the US.
Wanna take a 1 way city bus-ride ? Well, $2.75 here in Edmonton, unlike the $1.00 fee in sunny Florida !

Want to do the same job at UPS and work here ? Take a $5.00 an hr pay cut !
Are you ready for a Vat tax. DS pays something like 15% on everything he buys.... From clothing, to a stay at a hotel. Or a fishing rod.

Do you want to keep a balanced budget and not let your kids and grandkids pay for your current "luxery" ? - Then pay as you go, and stop borrowing and asking for tax cuts !

WW1 income taxes got introduced or re-introduced to pay for the war.
Nowadays..... go to war, and pay later ! (US standard).

We don't go for that - we pay the bills !
No matter how it may hit our pocket books !

Does the average American worker live better then Canadians - Yes, - luxery wise, forsure.
Do they have personal financial freedom (from obligations such as healthcare, home prices tanken, currency going to crap.., SS , medicare, underfunded....) I doubt it.

Canada in the other hand, has seen the pension plan problem - guess what, we pay more since January into it. - And that's a damn good thing !

Besides all that, we have several parties we can vote for here. (currently 4 parties in Parlament)... green party as a 5th one, might join in, next election, if they get the votes...
We also have a marijuna party (true), and a liberty party to choose from, among many others.

You folks get to vote for red or blue or independent, that's all !

Trust me, if something isn't done soon, between the 2 of your parties..... you will end up like Greece. China can't give money forever !


Well-Known Member
Over and over they give small insignificant cuts around the edges, much like the narrator speaks of (earmarks for example) while leaving the real and significant cutting discussion for yet another day. And note, I did give Paul Ryan credit for being an exception to the rule. Now, how many or the Republican leadership is ready to sign on with him?

I know you keep saying it but still not true. Some of the proposals have included allowing opting out of SSI(which would be more than a large cut)(Pres. Bush), to elimination of foreign aid (Sen. Paul), closing foreign military bases(Con Paul), complete elimination of entire federal departments(energy and education)(many over the year), and elimination of the rural electrification act(multiple), or even federal funding for planned parenthood and the national endowment for the arts(many). Just today they forced a vote to repeal the federal health care act and that alone could have cut trillions of dollars of spending over our lifetimes(all).
Also many republicans want to slash not freeze as Obama wants domestic spending.