President Obama!

You did what satan just did. That is an attack in my book. You just keep liking what he says because neither one of you has any credibility left from where I stand.
Is this what you mean?
What??? Are you serious? Should i go back to your previous posts as evidence again? And what do you consider attacks towards you? Is it when someone bashes Barry or his agendas, posts a political cartoon? Do you consider that an attack on you personally?
Sorry, I do not see an attack on you. I do see several questions in attempt to decipher what you are claiming. If that is what you are talking about, yea I did the same thing. However it was not an attack in my book.

Show me where I said President Obama had exemplary integrity. If I did I was mistaken, because I have seen proof positive neither way. Show me definitively where he went outta his way to hide all his personal info. Then change my statements around some more and moreluck can say boo again and you can continue to like the b.s. that Satan spews about messiah.
You said.....
His biggest fault is coming in naively thinking he could do the job and keep ALL of his integrity. At least he HAD some when he started. His 2nd biggest was thinking all American people would want their leader to succeed. I was never a Dublya fan BUT I CERTAINLY DIDN'T WANT HIM TO FAIL. IMO any one who wants him to fail not only has an integrity problem, but may well be at least slightly intellectually challenged and is just plain mean. I wound even give Dublya more credit than that.
OK, you didn't use the word exemplary, I did. You did however say the he had integrity to start with and was merely naive. I'm, pretty sure several examples have been shown where the man out right lied, both before and after the election. This all points to the lack of exemplary integrity. For the record, I never said I wanted the President to fail, I just wanted some of his policies to fail and I still want the fiasco of the healthcare bill to be overturned.
I do want to know how you feel saying anyone that wants 0 to fail is slightly intellectually challenged is not meant to demean. You know it is so and saying otherwise is not quite honest.
In my opinion, 0bamacare is a disastrous bomb on a short fuse and will explode this country. So yes, I do what that part of 0 to fail. I can honestly say my integrity is in tact, can you honestly say the same?

Show you where he went out of his way to hide hide personal info??? Well, let's soon as the question came up about his true birth place, all of a sudden the records were sealed, along with his school records. That doesn't happen automatically, it has to be done intentionally. That is proof enough for me to doubt his honesty.
I have never changed any of your statements
. The words of your that I have posted here have been done as a C&P, they were your words that are self explanatory.
Oh and by the way, I will continue to like any statement I please, don't need your approval.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

So it's meaningless when you do it, but I an being hateful?
I was making fun of was irony...did you not see the :surprised: at the end of that sentence? Ya see, you accused me of being hateful for using a different font, color etc. Then you do it yourself. It is either ironic or hypocritical, I'll let you decide which.

Now you're gonna make fun of my accent? Who's the hateful one here? Not me!
If you would care to look back at a few of my posts, I use Y'all quite often heck I have been know to use the slang "prolly", I am a redneck Texan after all. Actually, when I saw the "Y'all" in your post I though you were making fun of me.
I'm confused. Who's making fun of who?

And don't stahht on accents. Up here in Bahstin is where people tahhk normal.
Well, I was making fun of Hubrat, but not for his accent. Then I just thought he was making fun of MY accent.
It's OK Over, you are not the only one confused.


Squeaky Wheel
trplnkl said:
I was making fun of was irony...did you not see the at the end of that sentence? Ya see, you accused me of being hateful for using a different font, color etc. Then you do it yourself. It is either ironic or hypocritical, I'll let you decide which.

Unless I'm mistaken, I said the writing sounded hateful. I didn't say you were hateful. There is a difference. The first communicates my experience. The latter is accusatory. An attack. The only hate that I feel is I hate coming to the BC any more. If I made anyone, especially Joyce, feel this badly I am truly sorry.


Strength through joy
Of the 858 U.S. deaths since Obama's inauguration, 791 have been combat-related. This means that for the 1,241 combat-related deaths that occurred since the Afghanistan war began in October 2001, about 64 percent happened in the two years since Obama took office.​
Last year was the deadliest for U.S. forces in Afghanistan, with 497 combat and non-combat fatalities. Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), or homemade bombs, continue to be the number one killer of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan.
