President Obama!


Well-Known Member
MIAMI (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida has a message for women who want complete control over their reproductive health: Incorporate your uterus.
To help women who want to do this, the organization launched the website on Tuesday, which will issue a declaration of incorporation for women who would like one.
Head of ACLU of Florida Howard Simon says “The Florida Legislature – and extreme social conservatives across the country – are taking rules and regulation off of businesses and adding them to uteruses.”
Simon says that telling lawmakers that your body is a business “is really the best way to get them to leave it alone.”
The website will produce a printable document and shortly, men will be allowed to incorporate an honorary uterus.

If any human being has observed a sonic assisted abortion I believe this issue would disappear. They would witness the baby or if anyone prefers the "fetus" holding up their little hands and feet and trying to defend itself from the puncture that will cause it to die.
I do not deny a woman's womb is hers and that she has free choice--free to chose who she dates , who she allows to have sex with her etc.
In cases of rape,incest etc there is the morning after pill and as we all know a wide choice of what birth control products you can use.
In a civilized society where our technology not only shows the beating heart,the hands, the feet and now the will to KEEP LIVING , I cannot believe that after all the choices a woman has -she has the legal right to chose to end a life , many that have "wombs" of their own.
Unfortunately a fetus cannot vote.
Also while talking about a woman's right to privacy under the constitution -How about equal protection under the law for the male.
Notice when a woman finds out she is pregnant she says "were going to have a baby" In todays world she and she alone has the right to destroy what she willingly made the choice to accept from the male . Something to think about ?


Engorged Member
men will be allowed to incorporate an honorary uterus. How many takers ?

It's interesting how the Right is totally against Big Government, unless it involves abortion, religion, or tax subsidies for Big Business. If I recall correctly, most of you also supported The Patriot Act, a huge governmental intrusion into our rights. Please explain your lack of consistency and logic.


golden ticket member
People who kill us have to be found and punished. Government can intrude to find them.

Unborn babies just need to be born and given a chance.


Strength through joy
It's interesting how the Right is totally against Big Government, unless it involves abortion, religion, or tax subsidies for Big Business. If I recall correctly, most of you also supported The Patriot Act, a huge governmental intrusion into our rights. Please explain your lack of consistency and logic.

The reason you can not understand us is because you have a mental disorder.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

What did you think of Jones' contribution?
I think it is pathetically sad that something as tragic and devastating and serious an issue as abortion is reduced to a political ploy, a pun, or a cartoon. I wonder if and when and how a serious and informed discussion can be had on a subject that I think all sides would like to see reduced to a very small number. The last time I heard something close was Hillary Clinton's aim to make abortion a rare occurance. Personally, I hate abortion. I look back on my past and think of how easily it could have been to say, "kill it. I want nothing to do with it." And I look back at those times and I think 2 things: That decision would have haunted me. And that I am glad that I did not have children back then because I certainly was not ready to be an adult. I don't think that is a decision that comes easily or without consequence for women and I look toward the day when we can make such happenings a thing of the past. I just don't see it happening as long as our thoughts on the subject are aimed more at provoking the other side than to finding more suitable options (adoption) in every single case. And this is not to say that I would tell others to stop saying, posting, or commenting in whatever method they see appropriate. I would just rather see people working together to solve the problem. Babies and kids are just too incredibly cool.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

That's right. No reason seniors shouldn't be able to fill up on cat food...or cats.:happy-very: Go ahead. Embrace your mean-spiritedness. Wear it like a badge of honor. Wear you Hannity/Levin "I'm a great American" with pride!

Just following your lead...just replace Hannity/Levin with Mathews/Maddow.:peaceful:


Staff member
I've never listened to Rush because I don't do radio and I think you have a mental disorder also.

Diagnosing a mental disorder over the internet. Interesting. Kinda like determining whether or not a patient is in a vegetative state over a TV monitor. And before you bother to diagnose it, I'll help you out: I am certifiably, incurably insane as far as medical science has been able to achieve but have been "restored to sanity" through "a power greater than ourselves."


Well-Known Member
According to Rush, a Right Wing racist with a high school education and a drug problem, all Liberals have a "mental disorder". And you don't listen to him. Sure thing.

Of course Rush is a racist. Check out who his number one man of the Radio show is--Mr Sneardley !! A big black man -producer,director, screener and friend .
Race card is really pretty lame --almost as lame - a fed x person who is a UPS wannbe.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Of course Rush is a racist. Check out who his number one man of the Radio show is--Mr Sneardley !! A big black man -producer,director, screener and friend .
Race card is really pretty lame --almost as lame - a fed x person who is a UPS wannbe.

Dont forget that Mr. Sneardley must be a "Uncle Tom" if he is hanging with Rush.:funny:


Engorged Member
Of course Rush is a racist. Check out who his number one man of the Radio show is--Mr Sneardley !! A big black man -producer,director, screener and friend .
Race card is really pretty lame --almost as lame - a fed x person who is a UPS wannbe.

Hey, you're right. Rush IS a big, fat racist. There are plenty of tapes of him making highly racist statements, so it's pretty hard to deny it. Ever hear of a "token"? And, no, I'm not a UPS wannabe. I'm successful in my own right. Lame=Right Wing sychophant who can't do his own thinking.


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

How exactly has Planned Parenthood been maligned........considering they blatently lie about their services.

They were caught lying in a set-up. Again, you want Big Government to step-in. But you hate Big Government. You'd also like them to ban Gay Marriage and to keep Gays out of the military. That's even more Big Government. It seems that Big Government is fine as long as it suits your agenda.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to find a Planned Parenthood office that actually does mammograms at their place....the pres. of Planned P. says they do mammagrams and Harry Reid says they do mammagrams BUT try as I may, I can't ssem to actually get a mammogram at one of THEIR offices.

I'm not talking referrals as to where to get a mammogram. They stressed that they don't want the funding to stop because by stopping the funding Republicans would be denying women mammograms. Republicans would be killing women. The drama was pathetic and a cheap ploy which was an out & out lie.

Don't even get me started on the 6 million seniors who won't get their lunch according to Pelosi. Demented Drama queen.