President Obama!


Strength through joy
no let's get these money addicts away from their source.
Yes they are money addicts.
All they care about is where they are going to get their next "fix".
I say it's time for all of them to go cold turkey.


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

Fri, Apr 15, 2011

An interesting cartoon, especially when you consider how the GOP is more than willing to throw children under the bus by cutting education programs or any form of assistance that might allow them to succeed in the future.


Staff member
no let's get these money addicts away from their source.
Yes they are money addicts.
All they care about is where they are going to get their next "fix".
I say it's time for all of them to go cold turkey.

Call them what you will, but it's never gonna happen. But dig in your heals anyway with the Tea Party faithful and insist on fiscal purity of the republican party. Drive Boehner right back to minority leader where he belongs.


The Nim
Re: Obamanomics

And Boehner is the captain.

Not quite the captain, more like the skipper. He has some say, but things can still happen without him.

We are in serious trouble with our current economic path though. The debt won't vanish overnight, and neither will the deficit, but without solid steps that Obama doesn't seem interested in we'll never turn things around. We just don't need that much government spending.


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

Not quite the captain, more like the skipper. He has some say, but things can still happen without him.

We are in serious trouble with our current economic path though. The debt won't vanish overnight, and neither will the deficit, but without solid steps that Obama doesn't seem interested in we'll never turn things around. We just don't need that much government spending.

We can cut spending. How about defense? Boehner won't touch it, and neither will the GOP. Reaganomics never worked, and it won't work if we try it again. The Republicans who scream about creating jobs are the same ones who support businesses that outsource or offshore their production. Good for profits, but not so good for American workers or a middle class with decent discretionary spending capability. The rich do not pay the same proportion of their income in taxes that the rest of us do. Why should I be in the 29% bracket, when a billionaire pays 12%? And the argument that the rich are "job creators' is fallacious. Most save their money or invest it in forms other than a business that would provide jobs.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Your own president is offering money to Brazil to drill for oil for us to buy while he prevents it here.....lots of new jobs, just not for Americans.....there's your outsourcing!


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

Your own president is offering money to Brazil to drill for oil for us to buy while he prevents it here.....lots of new jobs, just not for Americans.....there's your outsourcing!

Outsourcing to China, Vietnam, India, and Mexico has been rampant, and fully supported by Republican policies. The rich get richer, and the middle class disappears.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

We can cut spending. How about defense? Boehner won't touch it, and neither will the GOP. Reaganomics never worked, and it won't work if we try it again. The Republicans who scream about creating jobs are the same ones who support businesses that outsource or offshore their production. Good for profits, but not so good for American workers or a middle class with decent discretionary spending capability. The rich do not pay the same proportion of their income in taxes that the rest of us do. Why should I be in the 29% bracket, when a billionaire pays 12%? And the argument that the rich are "job creators' is fallacious. Most save their money or invest it in forms other than a business that would provide jobs.

You may be in the 29% tax bracket but I would bet that your effective tax rate is closer to 10-15%. Mine was just under 10% this year.

BTW, they can mess with all of the tax deductions they want as long as they leave the mortgage interest deduction alone.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

We can cut spending. How about defense? Boehner won't touch it, and neither will the GOP. Wrong...prove it!!!Reaganomics never worked, and it won't work if we try it again. Wrong...Prove it!!! The Republicans (and Democrats) who scream about creating jobs are the same ones who support businesses that outsource or offshore their production. Ask your Messiah about that...Jeffery Immelt of GE is his buddy...i guess thats OK right? Too bad that your Democrat buddy in NY would not close the loophole so GE could keep not paying taxes.:wink2: Good for profits, but not so good for American workers or a middle class with decent discretionary spending capability. The rich do not pay the same proportion of their income in taxes that the rest of us do. Really...Prove it!!!Why should I be in the 29% bracket, (Wow!!! i make over 100k a year and im in the 25% tax pay more than me...LOL) when a billionaire pays 12%? And the argument that the rich are "job creators' is fallacious. Most save their money or invest it in forms other than a business that would provide jobs. Really...Prove it.[/QUOTE]

Hey this is fun...if i dont agree with anything you say then i just ask you to "Prove it" where have i heard that before?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

You may be in the 29% tax bracket but I would bet that your effective tax rate is closer to 10-15%. Mine was just under 10% this year.

BTW, they can mess with all of the tax deductions they want as long as they leave the mortgage interest deduction alone.
Well, Obama wants the mortgage int. deduction and the charitable deductions GONE !!


Well-Known Member
This best sums up the disparity in effective tax rates. As Obama says in this article, "the amount of taxes you pay isn't determined by what kind of accountant you can afford."
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Re: Obamanomics

The mortgage deduction does me no good anymore, but it does help many people. I would hate to see the charitable deduction go away, even though I have never used it(for purely personal reasons), However, some of the richest people in the USA either have set up charity organizations or contributed heavily to them, Remove that deduction and the amount they donate will probably decrease. I have much more faith in the organizations to get that money distributed where it is most needed than I do the federal government.