President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Why do 3 supporters
own Obama home?

Listed as property tax payers
for family's Chicago mansion

Owner No. 1: Judge Jane L. Stuart
In the records of the Cook County Assessor's office, Chicago probate Judge Stuart shows up as an owner of the Obama property at 5046 S. Greenwood Ave. Cook County Clerk's tax records as having paid taxes on the property in 2009 totaling $5,175.53. The amount was paid in two installments of $3,069.22 and $2,106.31.

Owner No. 2: Obama accountant Howard Wineberg
Obama accountant Wineberg shows up in the records of the Cook County Assessor's office beginning in 2009: as an owner in the Cook County Clerk's tax records,paid taxes on the property totaling $25,742.31, paid in two installments of $12,351.04 and $13,391.27.
Owner No. 3, Obama law partner William Miceli
was involved since April 15, 2005, in purchasing 5046 S. Greenwood Ave.

The Cook County Recorder of Deeds website shows the property was purchased by the Northern Trust Company, with the mortgage recorded Dec. 19, 2005. The records suggest a Northern Trust Company trust, perhaps headed by Miceli, was the deed holder.
There are no Cook County records that show Barack or Michelle Obama own 5046 S. Greenwood Ave., although the likelihood is that the couple are the owners of the Northern Trust Company trust established to buy the property.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

I think the down-grade was a shot across the bow. It is the world telling the US not to play politics with the "debt ceiling". Any party that can be seen as not being serious about such negotiations could easily see themselves as the scape-goat for a 1200 point decline in the dow in a single day. That would be seen as political folly on the highest order. Geithner talked about it Sunday on Meet the Press. There are just some things that the "money people" just are not cool with.
Re: Obamanomics

I think the down-grade was a shot across the bow. It is the world telling the US not to play politics with the "debt ceiling". Any party that can be seen as not being serious about such negotiations could easily see themselves as the scape-goat for a 1200 point decline in the dow in a single day. That would be seen as political folly on the highest order. Geithner talked about it Sunday on Meet the Press. There are just some things that the "money people" just are not cool with.

Oh I think they are all taking this serious, the problem is they are serious about the wrong things. They are using the debt ceiling, S&P rating, tax cuts, tax increases and many other issues as political fodder. They all say this is serious, but none seem to be willing to listen to possible solutions and tweak plans that will actually work to the countries best advantage. All they consider are their own plans that they believe will make them(and their party) look the best in voters eyes.
Both sides are guilty of saying, lets compromise when what they really mean is "if you don't do it our way we will do everything we can to block you".


Für Meno :)
Well, Lucy, if I would have been the parent, I would have agreed with the Canadian decision to pull the plug.
That baby is suffering no matter what.

I guess the only benefit for the parents is that Baby Joseph gets to die at home now.
But, no matter what, it's a contraversal subject.

And, are you sure the American healthcare system is ready and has enough money, to extend lives by a few days or weeks, costing millions per person ?
If so, then every eldery should have that same right, and be put on lifesupport, near end death.

Not my way of dying though, sorry.


golden ticket member
OK, that would be you when Canada says....time to go, Klein. Be serious, you really don't get to pick the way you'll die unless you're suicidal.....and even that doesn't work sometimes.


Für Meno :)
Like I said, if the American Healthcare system wants to save Vegetables, so they can live for another few weeks, then that's your choice as a tax payer/insurance payee to spend another trillion on every year !

I guess that's 1 example why you spend double the amount on heathcare then we do.

Just think if you had a small co-op insurance fund of maybe 50-100 people it in.
Would you agree to extend life to someone in a vegetable, non curable, state, for a few more days, and pay double, tripple or more on your insurance premium ?


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

I'm not taking sides on this. I'm just saying that the world and a whole lot of outside money are letting everybody know that they have an interest in the outcome. Like it or not, we live in a world economy and that economy can throw a curve into our economy and affect the lives of everyday Americans almost overnight.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Well, the clock is ticking. They got 2 more years to comprimise and trim atleast 1 Trillion from the budget.
If not, kiss the AAA credit rating, good-bye which will lead to overnight changes and major concequences.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Well, Lucy, if I would have been the parent, I would have agreed with the Canadian decision to pull the plug. WTF!!!
That baby is suffering no matter what.Really? Looks like the relieved the suffering...did you read what the doctors said that treated him?

Since your not a parent then you have no idea. If you had a child i would hope you would think different. I am a parent and would have done anything to save my child even if it meant for him or her to live awhile longer and to not suffer. You keep defending your healthcare system, and because of cost, maybe someday you will be put out of your taxpayers misery when you get old and sick or a terminal illness. I guess if you get a terminal illness in Canada they just pull the plug early to save money even though you might have a few years to live longer with drugs an medical procedures.

Seems like the child was going to suffer and now the American doctors have extended his life and relieved the suffering and he will actually get to go home instead of dying/suffering in a hospitol.


Für Meno :)
Joseph’s parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, have been fighting to bring the baby home to die ever since doctors at London Health Sciences Centre determined he was in a persistent vegetative state and recommended he be taken off life support. LHSC refused to perform a tracheotomy on Joseph, saying it would be invasive and futile, with too many complication risks.

Eventually, American organization Priests for Life arranged for Joseph to be airlifted out of London to the faith-based SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis.
There, doctors performed a tracheotomy — cutting a hole in the throat to open a direct airway — to allow Joseph, (the vegetable), to spend his remaining days at home with family.

That procedure could have been done here, but it just wasn't worth it.
And, I agree !
So be it !

It's not like the US doctors performed a miracle surgery as you seem to kind of put it.
This whole story has ethical meanings, that aren't even clear in the States either, (Rights to live or die in vegetation state or near death).

If that would have been me, and not the baby, I sure wouldn't want to be flown half across the continent, undergo a surgery, be returned to the original hospital, then with maybe some luck, be able to die at home !

NOT FOR ME, or anyone that I like.
Might consider helping you, Lucy, to end your life that way !:smart:



golden ticket member
Here, we can sign DNR's (do not resuscitate) so there are no heroic methods to save you....just keep you comfortable.....but we never, ever refer to another human as a vegetable and you did it again in your last post too.


Für Meno :)
And I even need to wonder if that would have been covererd by any insurance plan in the US, anyways.
I'm sure such a procedure needs insurance approval first, and with disrecommadation from the doctors, and the same outcome for Baby Veg. I highly doubt it would have been funded.
And what if the baby's parents didn't have insurance at all ?

(is that better More ) ?
Well, Lucy, if I would have been the parent, I would have agreed with the Canadian decision to pull the plug.
That baby is suffering no matter what.

I guess the only benefit for the parents is that Baby Joseph gets to die at home now.
But, no matter what, it's a contraversal subject.

And, are you sure the American healthcare system is ready and has enough money, to extend lives by a few days or weeks, costing millions per person ?
If so, then every eldery should have that same right, and be put on lifesupport, near end death.

But you are not the parent. Neither am I. Do you have any children ?
Don't know where you are getting your informa...oh yea, you like to make crap up...sorry I forgot.
In the USA an elderly person must sign, or have signed by their guardian/Power of Attorney holder, a paper forbidding the Doctors from putting them ON life support. I had to sign to have support removed from my Dad as he laid suffering from liver cancer, thus allowing him to die. My Mom had signed a Living Will to be kept off life support when the prognosis was without hope of a life of quality. Every person in a US hospital will automatically be put on life support without those signed documents. It's not the Doctor's decision to pull the plug and damn sure not the government's....yet anyway.


Für Meno :)
It wasn't the Canadian Doctors pulling the plug ! Read the story !
But, they did recommend it !

Maybe, US doctors don't make recommadations like those ? But, someone should tell the loved ones the reality.

Gee, we bring JW's to court over their decision not to treat a child for surgery that requires blood or organ transplants.
We don't let little babies die here for no reason and that are curable !
And I even need to wonder if that would have been covererd by any insurance plan in the US, anyways.
I'm sure such a procedure needs insurance approval first, and with disrecommadation from the doctors, and the same outcome for Baby Veg. I highly doubt it would have been funded.
And what if the baby's parents didn't have insurance at all ?

(is that better More ) ?
Wow, I know now why you're not married.
Is it all about money? Not for anyone that has a heart. FYI, a trach isn't all that expensive. That procedure allowed the baby to breath on his own, vegetables never take a breath.
And it didn't cost your precious deathcare system a canadian dime.