President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Wow, I know now why you're not married.
Is it all about money? Not for anyone that has a heart. FYI, a trach isn't all that expensive. That procedure allowed the baby to breath on his own, vegetables never take a breath.
And it didn't cost your precious deathcare system a canadian dime.

Well, then they should have paid, just like an American would need to, for an unnessecary operation.
They could have sold or re-mortgaged their home, if it's that important to them, that the baby dies at home.

I'ld really like to know if any US insurance plan would have paid for a surgery that wasn't recommened by doctors, and doesn't differ the outcome.
Well, then they should have paid, just like an American would need to, for an unnessecary operation.
They could have sold or re-mortgaged their home, if it's that important to them, that the baby dies at home.

I'ld really like to know if any US insurance plan would have paid for a surgery that wasn't recommened by doctors, and doesn't differ the outcome.
Hell if I know.


golden ticket member
A tracheotomy is one of the oldest surgeries known to man. If you had watched MASH, you'd know how to perform it yourself if you have a ball point pen or a straw. I don't imagine it's an expensive procedure at all. Since you don't see human life as very valuable, it's a good thing this group of priests were sympathetic to this family's wishes.

They knew their child was going to die and they just wanted him to be breathing tube and to die at home in familiar surroundings. And then you repeatedly call their son a vegetable. "Vegetative" was the word to describe the state he was in, not what he is. You making fun of him in your 3 posts is horrid and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Für Meno :)
Here, a happy baby veg :

A red pepper :)


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

Who created most of that debt? Why, that would be Mr. Bush, wouldn't it? And who started the tradition of deficit-spending? That would be Mr. Reagan, who spent us blind pumping-up the military when it didn't need it. Star Wars, retrofitting battleships, etc. A lot of wasted money that went straight into defense industry pockets. Mr. Clinton left office with a large surplus.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

When you retire are you gonna want people who didn't get their fedEx packages running to your door ???? I think not....Bush is longer longer in longer in public you get it yet?


Engorged Member
Re: Obamanomics

When you retire are you gonna want people who didn't get their fedEx packages running to your door ???? I think not....Bush is longer longer in longer in public you get it yet?

Bush crapped in a sack and left it flaming on Obama's doorstep. Do you get it yet?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I actually heard a Dem. on TV say that you can't expect Obama to be held responsible for anything prior to him taking, that means that he CAN be held responsible for stuff since he's been sworn in.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

U.S. Effort to Remove Drug CEO Jolts Firms

The Department of Health and Human Services this month notified Howard Solomon of Forest Laboratories Inc. that it intends to exclude him from doing business with the federal government.
The campaign against drug-company CEOs is part of a larger Obama administration effort to pursue individual executives blamed for wrongdoing rather than simply punishing companies.
The Health and Human Services department startled drug makers last year when the agency said it would start invoking a little-used administrative policy under the Social Security Act against pharmaceutical executives. This policy allows officials to bar corporate leaders from health-industry companies doing business with the government, if a drug company is guilty of criminal misconduct. The agency said a chief executive or other leader can be banned even if he or she had no knowledge of a company's criminal actions. Retaining a banned executive can trigger a company's exclusion from government business.
The Forest case has its origins in an investigation into the company's marketing of its big-selling antidepressants Celexa and Lexapro. Last September, Forest made a plea agreement with the government, under which it is paying $313 million in criminal and civil penalties over sales-related misconduct.
A federal court made the deal final in March. Forest Labs representatives said they were shocked when the intent-to-ban notice was received a few weeks later, because Mr. Solomon wasn't accused by the government of misconduct.
Forest is sticking by its chief. "No one has ever alleged that Mr. Solomon did anything wrong, and excluding him [from the industry] is unjustified," said general counsel Herschel Weinstein. "It would also set an extremely troubling precedent that would create uncertainty throughout the industry and discourage regulatory settlements."


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Bush crapped in a sack and left it flaming on Obama's doorstep. Do you get it yet?

So what you are saying is that: if Barry fixes everything he will be 3rd in your eyes behind God and his Son, and if he doesn't fix it, or makes it worse it will be someone elses fault? Obama can't do wrong in your eyes and has an alibi for every situation. Is the reason you are not in the White House because your father held you back? Do you blame your older brother for your parents being more strict with you?

When you are elected President, I'm pretty sure you know what you are inheriting from the previous tennant. If Obama would even show signs of improvement, I could work with that, but he hasn't.