President Obama!

Re: Obamanomics

Well, Moreluck, thank mostly Bush for that.
He's the 1 that handed out tax cuts, implemented Medicare part B (with no funding).
Now, all that needs to be reversed, just to get somewhat back in track, plus more cuts, and maybe even more tax hikes.

Bush handed out money that just wasn't there.
Now the republicans want a 2 Trillion budget cut in August. That's more then the entire cost of medicare.
So, I guess get rid of it a.s.a.p, plus cut SS for the wealthy, and raise taxes.
Time to pay up !
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH......At this point what difference does it make how, why and who???? What matters the very most right now is what we do next.

go peddle your hot dogs to someone else, we aint buying.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Well, when this big recession hit, and of course it was on the news here, too (we got hit as well), one thing was said over and over again.
And that was Canada is lucky, we can spend on stimulus, then go back to our previous budget surpluses.

Unlike the US, you need to go back to pre-Bush years to get a budget surplus.

As far as I'm concerned, I even think Kahn (head of the IMF) has been maybe set up, in a conspirencey to decredit the IMF.
Makes perfectly sense to me, since the IMF has the power to downgrade the trippe A credit rating the US (still) has.

And if all you can say is Blah, Blah, Blah, then you are no better off then any other person that doesn't care about the national debt.
Take the freebies as long as you can, right ?, and let the next generation pay up !
Re: Obamanomics

Well, when this big recession hit, and of course it was on the news here, too (we got hit as well), one thing was said over and over again.
And that was Canada is lucky, we can spend on stimulus, then go back to our previous budget surpluses.

Unlike the US, you need to go back to pre-Bush years to get a budget surplus.

As far as I'm concerned, I even think Kahn (head of the IMF) has been maybe set up, in a conspirencey to decredit the IMF.
Makes perfectly sense to me, since the IMF has the power to downgrade the trippe A credit rating the US (still) has.

And if all you can say is Blah, Blah, Blah, then you are no better off then any other person that doesn't care about the national debt.
Take the freebies as long as you can, right ?, and let the next generation pay up !
Can you read ? If you can then you intentionally missed where I said At this point what difference does it make how, why and who???? What matters the very most right now is what we do next.
This is why some people on here thinks of you as a maroon.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

The morons are the ones that think under Bush it was all great and perfect, and don't realize how he ran the country downhill !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

People who live in the present prefer to talk about the present or plans for the future! The past is already set. Obama is the current president!! Is he the problem solver he claimed to be when he was begging for this job???????


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

People who live in the present prefer to talk about the present or plans for the future! The past is already set. Obama is the current president!! Is he the problem solver he claimed to be when he was begging for this job???????

Yeah, Greece elected a new president, too. It's him to blame, not the past one.
Remember and eat your words in 5 years, when Obama leaves !
Re: Obamanomics

The morons are the ones that think under Bush it was all great and perfect, and don't realize how he ran the country downhill !
You're showing your ass again Klein, where has anyone on here said "all was great and perfect" under Bush's administration?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Yeah, Greece elected a new president, too. It's him to blame, not the past one.
Remember and eat your words in 5 years, when Obama leaves !
What makes you think he going to get re-elected ? Most new college grads are going to be to busy looking for a job to care to vote. The Democratic party is losing voters big time, bhos is constantly insulting everyone but his shrinking base, he has not gotten the economy under control, we are now fighting in 4 wars, half the country is being flooded, he refuses to send to Texas help to stop the wild fires, but does send help to Mexico , He claims that our southern border is secure , but the smugglers are bring them in by the truck load daily, he demands that Israel turns itself into a WWII ghetto just like Hilter did to Warsaw Poland and he expect the American Jews to vote for him ?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Just read what world newspapers write now and then.
Just last week the Toronto Star had an article about Obama being on easy street to win the next election.

I'm sure the London Times, The German Spiegel, and others write the same - just not Fox News !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

If I wanted to know about the U.S. president and his election chances, I sure as hell wouldn't read "world" papers. I would go directly to the American papers. Who would know better?

Otherwise it would be like checking Colombian newspapers for the latest Mountie news.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

bhos like Carter will lose unless the economy improves greatly.
That is the bottom line.
So its now May and where is that jobs bill that bhos keeps claiming is his #1 priority ?
I'm sure he is finishing the most minor details of it as he plays his golf game today.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Presidents don't get re-elected with high unemployment rates....Obama will have to figure out how to fudge the numbers Chicago style.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

Job creation limps along after recession

Nearly two years after the economic recovery officially began, job creation continues to stagger at the slowest post-recession rate since the Great Depression.

The nation has 5% fewer jobs today — a loss of 7 million — than it did when the recession began in December 2007. That is by far the worst performance of job generation following any of the dozen recessions since the 1930s.

In the past, the economy recovered lost jobs 13 months on average after a recession. If this were a typical recovery, nearly 10 million more people would be working today than when the recession officially ended in June 2009.

"There's still a lot of uncertainty about the economic recovery, and many companies that would like to hire are reluctant to do so because they're not confident sales will pick up and remain strong," says Jerry Conover, director of the Indiana Business Research Center.

This unique recession has been particularly unfriendly to job-seekers, experts say. "There was too much employment in housing, and that isn't coming back — and frankly shouldn't come back," says Amar Bhide, a Tufts University professor.
The housing collapse and productivity gains on the factory floor have made it hard for the economy to absorb workers without a college degree and young people generally, says Carl Camden, president of Kelly Services, a global staffing firm. Manufacturers are producing more value than ever in the USA with a fraction of the workers needed before, he says.

How the recovery is reshaping employment:

Winners. Health care added 449,000 jobs during the 18-month downturn and 483,000 jobs in the 22 months since.
Losers. Construction lost 2 million jobs — 1.6 million during the recession and 400,000 during the recovery.
Biggest swing. Auto manufacturing, saved by a government bailout, had the biggest turnaround, from a 35% job loss in the recession to a 6% gain after it ended. That means 332,000 jobs lost, followed by 42,000 recovered.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Recently, John and Judy Dollarhite received a “Certified Mail Return Receipt” letter (dated April 19, 2011) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. By reading the letter, they learned that the USDA was fining them $90,463 and that the fine must be paid by Monday. What prompted the fine? According to APHIS official, they had sold more than $500 worth of bunnies in a single calendar year.