President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Tell that to FDR

And Reagan.... 10.7% going into his third year of office.

Dont forget the right wings latest economic hero GEORGE W. BUSH's record

He ran a close second to poppa Bush who was just as dismal. The bright spot is that Jimmy Carter did better than both Bush's combined.

Obamas current record of job creation vs bush last 2 years

Why would voters vote against improvement after BUSH?

HERE IS THE BUSH RECORD BY YEAR...moreluck pay attention to the number in January 2009...IT AINT 6% !

Bush started his term with an awesome 4.0% unemployment rate, tax cuts for the rich, a housing bubble, two wars, 9/11, and he leaves office with the unemployment rate at : Drum Roll please.......


Obama 2012-"its in your best interests"



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

......."Of course, the inability to measure Mr. Obama's jobs formula is part of its attraction. Never mind that no one -- not the Labor Department, not the Treasury, not the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- actually measures "jobs saved." As the New York Times delicately reports, Mr. Obama's jobs claims are "based on macroeconomic estimates, not an actual counting of jobs." Nice work if you can get away with it."............



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics


.........."Under President Bush, job growth in this sub-sector averaged 465,000 jobs per year, even during the worst of the recession. So far under Obama, annual job growth in this sub-sector is averaging around 332,000. So although the industry has been virtually recession proof, the number of jobs created under Obama is on the decline.

Under President Bush a total of 3,720,000 jobs were added to this sub-sector during his eight-year term. And so far under Obama a total of 578,000 jobs have been created. In terms of percentages, during the Bush years the sub-sector grew at an average of 2.8% annually, while under Obama average job growth has cooled to 1.7%.
So does this look like anything remotely close to proof of the absurd statement that, “Obama created more jobs in 2010 than Bush did in eight years?” Not hardly."..........

.........."The other sub-sectors where we discovered job growth in 2010 were Employment Services, and more specifically Temporary Help Services. So far this year, we have recovered 228,000 jobs in Employment Services, and out of those, 218,000 were under the sub-category of Temporary Help Services (graphs and tables below). Add these to the 261,000 jobs created in the, recession proof, Education and Health Services sector, and together they account for 489,000 jobs "created" in the last nine months, or basically the whole enchilada.".........

>>>>"So there it is, Obama’s greatest feat to-date is that he has managed to slow job growth in the Education and Health Services sector, which has always been recession proof; and he has only managed to recover jobs in the Temporary Help Services sub-sector. And this, his cohorts call a great success? Those of us who are rationally-minded beg to differ. We wonder how long our economy can sustain itself through providing temporary job search services, especially when the type of jobs people want no longer exist. Meanwhile, our non-existent Goods-Producing sector has hemorrhaged 6,524,000 jobs over the last 10 years, and nothing is being done about it. Where are those jobs? In China............."


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

None of your links is based on actual numbers, and they are just opinions from right wing wierdos. Opinions are not facts, numbers are. I gave you charts from the official calibrator of employment, you gave us more talking points.

Learn the difference.



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Actual numbers............h'mmmmmmmmmm home foreclosures rate is still rising , returning war vets can' t find jobs , and health costs are triple .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Actual numbers............h'mmmmmmmmmm home foreclosures rate is still rising , returning war vets can' t find jobs , and health costs are triple .

again, blame bush. Homes that are foreclosing are interest only loans that were issued for 5 to 7 years (during bush) and are resetting to prime plus 2% at time of contract. With housing prices down, and most of those loans upside down by 200K plus, they have NO chance at refi.

For those loans that are not fannie or freddie backed, there is NO chance at mods or refi.

These foreclosing loans were nothing more than ticking time bombs ignited during the BUSH boom, and now they are going BOOM. People dont have any option but to walk away and file for bankruptcy. How do you attribute foreclosures to Obama? These loans after reset could be as high as 5500 dollars a month. Who can afford that? It was bad plan from the start and the blame rests solely on the creator of the problem.

Please learn to understand the housing crisis baba, your lack of knowledge on the subject is annoying.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Recently, John and Judy Dollarhite received a “Certified Mail Return Receipt” letter (dated April 19, 2011) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. By reading the letter, they learned that the USDA was fining them $90,463 and that the fine must be paid by Monday. What prompted the fine? According to APHIS official, they had sold more than $500 worth of bunnies in a single calendar year.


Did you miss this part of your right wing fantasy link???

EDITOR’S NOTE: Early this afternoon, I contacted the USDA in Washington, D.C. Just after 5 p.m. Central, I received a reply. I will share their take on this issue in my next update.


Its another one of those right wing fairy tales of over reaching govermental power. Stories that Loons run with, hook line and sinker.

take the hook out baba..

Obama 2012- "its in your best interests"



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

again, blame bush. Homes that are foreclosing are interest only loans that were issued for 5 to 7 years (during bush) and are resetting to prime plus 2% at time of contract. With housing prices down, and most of those loans upside down by 200K plus, they have NO chance at refi.

For those loans that are not fannie or freddie backed, there is NO chance at mods or refi.

These foreclosing loans were nothing more than ticking time bombs ignited during the BUSH boom, and now they are going BOOM. People dont have any option but to walk away and file for bankruptcy. How do you attribute foreclosures to Obama? These loans after reset could be as high as 5500 dollars a month. Who can afford that? It was bad plan from the start and the blame rests solely on the creator of the problem.

Please learn to understand the housing crisis baba, your lack of knowledge on the subject is annoying.

Minorities getting homes was Clinton's pet project......quit rehashing the same old stuff! An analyst said yesterday that any housing recovery will be more than 2 years off. No way around it.....during "o" 's reign, housing looks really bad.
Oh, and if you can blame Bush all the time, you should also give Bush credit for any programs he put in place that came to fruition during "o"'s reign including Bin Ladin being found. That feat was intelligence started in '03 that got him.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

What housing crisis ? Barney Frank (D) repeatly assured America that there was no housing bubble. And bhos has had a mortgage re-fi plan in place, so anyone who currently has a problem must really be dumb, not to drop into a fixed 30 yrs mortgage.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Minorities getting homes was Clinton's pet project......quit rehashing the same old stuff! An analyst said yesterday that any housing recovery will be more than 2 years off. No way around it.....during "o" 's reign, housing looks really bad.
Oh, and if you can blame Bush all the time, you should also give Bush credit for any programs he put in place that came to fruition during "o"'s reign including Bin Ladin being found. That feat was intelligence started in '03 that got him.

Moreluck, you would be a star in ABC's new hit sitcom "deperate republicans". It airs on Sundays at 7pm.

Blaming Clinton for low income housing busts is like blaming obama for pearl harbor.

Get a clue. I heard walmart had them on sale today.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

As a dumb Republican, I have another idea.....
Instead of sending $$$$ to all these countries and making people like Mubarek $40 billion rich and Moamar $30 billion dollars rich.........If a country needs tractors, why don't we have Deere or Caterpillar here build them some tractors and send them to the country. That would employ US workers and keep our $$$ here. If a country needs a couple jets, hire Boeing to make those jets, employing US workers and keeping the $$$$ here. If a country needs vehicles, have Ford make some trucks and we'll send them over......employing our US workers and keeping the $$$ inside our borders.

Quit sending $$$ to foreign countries. Send the goods instead. We have our own bills to pay.

It's like the beggar on the street with the sign that say's I'll work for food. Hand him a burger and see what he does. If he throws it away, he just wanted $$$ for drugs or booze.

Quit making leaders of countries doesn't help any of the people you wanted to help in the first place.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Moreluck, you would be a star in ABC's new hit sitcom "deperate republicans". It airs on Sundays at 7pm.

Blaming Clinton for low income housing busts is like blaming obama for pearl harbor.

Get a clue. I heard walmart had them on sale today.

I already provided the appropriate links supporting what I said long ago....why do you re-hash this stuff?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Moreluck, you would be a star in ABC's new hit sitcom "deperate republicans". It airs on Sundays at 7pm.

Blaming Clinton for low income housing busts is like blaming obama for pearl harbor.

Get a clue. I heard walmart had them on sale today.


Other side,
I'm not being disrespectful but I rememer Mr clinton speech, now people
blaming Mr. Bush. either way I still blame the banks, they should not loan
people money, that they know can not afford to pay it back.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Other side,
I'm not being disrespectful but I rememer Mr clinton speech, now people
blaming Mr. Bush. either way I still blame the banks, they should not loan
people money, that they know can not afford to pay it back.

Why would you blame the banks ?
Government regulation up north kept our banks secure, and no housing market disaster.
No bank bail outs here, either. They stood on solid ground.

Lack of regulation did that to the US, and the Banks, including Wall Street took advantage of that.
A problem of a free market.
Same like your healthcare costs.... no rules, they can charge whatever they want !