President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

It's a day of remembrance for the families & friends lost in the bombing. Geez !!!

To celebrate those persons' lives so someone knows they were once on this earth and taken too soon!

What I don't like is barry's attempt to lessen the impact of the day, by moving it to somewhere else. And renaming it something different, hence the dropping of part of the day's name. Makes one think that it's now something to honor ACCORN.


Re: Obamanation here today

"If George W. Bush had made a joke at the expense of the Special Olympics, would you have approved?"

Bush served for eight years as president without making such a thoughtless joke therefore we can argue that he is not stupid enough to do so.

"If George W. Bush had given Tony Blair a set of inexpensive and useless (to Tony Blair's UK video formatting) DVDs, when Tony Blair had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift, would you have approved?"

Bushs actions were always appropriate in such cases therefore its safe to say that Bush would not have been stupid enough to make such a thoughtless mistake.

"If George W. Bush had given the Queen of England an iPod containing videos of his speeches, would you have approved?"

Bush never did anything so egotistical therefore the question is mute.

"If George W. Bush had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, would you have approved?"

Bush served for eight years and never made such an awkward mistake.It takes a real clutz to do something so stupid.

"If George W. Bush had visited Austria and made reference to the non-existent "Austrian language," would you have brushed it off as a minor slip?"

that was pretty stupid.

"If George W. Bush had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people who cannot seem to keep current on their income taxes, would you have approved?

You're right liars, thieves and wack jobs comprise Obama core of advisors.

"If George W. Bush had proposed to double the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?"

You're right Obma is out of control. glad we agree.

"If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?"

You're right Obama is out of control

"So, tell me again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Nothing. the man is an idiot.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Why does Michelle Obama hate farmers?

White House plans for a "farmer's market" lead to accusations of socialist mayhem
Andrew Leonard
Sep. 08, 2009

The White House's relentless assault on free market capitalism continued on Tuesday: Multiple news outlets are reporting that the Office of the First Lady is "supporting" a permit application for a White House Farmer's Market on Vermont Avenue.

Most early analysis focused on potential gridlock in the region, or the security drawbacks destined to result from attracting hordes of pesticide-fearing foodies so close to the White House. But as the day wore on, more perceptive critics began to the understand the real implications of the announcement.

Republican politicians warned of a socialist re-engineering of the nation's food sector. Calling the "farmer's market" nothing more than a "sham," they accused the White House of intending to undercut the profit margins of established grocery stores with underpriced fruits and vegetables grown on the White House organic farm.

"Not content with destroying our private sector healthcare system," said one legislator, "the White House now intends to annihilate our nation's farmers and food sector with artificially low-priced vegetables produced on the White House lawn at taxpayer expense, and picked, no doubt, by illegal immigrants shamelessly enjoying the benefits of Obamacare."

Another legislator noted that page 432 of the 1700-page permit application included a stipulation that white residents of Washington, D.C. would henceforth be required to buy all their produce from the White House Farmer's Market, thus ensuring long lines for "bug-bitten, bizarrely-shaped heirloom tomatoes.... Even during the worst excesses of Stalin, Russians had more freedom to choose the turnips and rutabagas of their desire than will Americans forced to trudge their way to Michelle Obama's Socialist Farmer's Market."

Fiscal conservatives warned that in the unlikely event the White House Farmer's Market turned out to be a popular success, demand for White House produce would skyrocket, leading to devastating commodity price hikes, hyperinflation, and rising yields on U.S. Treasuries.

"The federal deficit will only become more unsustainable as a result of this unthinking application of Keynesian fiscal stimulus to local food markets," said an economist. "Furthermore, if people wanted to eat misshapen carrots and arugula they would grow it themselves -- they don't need the White House to tell them what to buy."

A spokesperson for Birthers United observed that the White House obsession with "fresh" food was just one more item of evidence proving that Barack Obama could not have been born in the United States.

"Real Americans like fast food and grease, and, if they ever find themselves eye-to-eye with a vegetable, they want it to be flash-frozen or at the very least plasti-wrapped. No one who was actually born in the United States could countenance such disregard for this country's traditions."

Liberals scoffed at the outbreak of right-wing nativist conspiracy-theorizing.

"The idea that the White House Farmer's Market poses any threat to capitalism is ludicrous," said one California Congresswoman. "I personally have witnessed black helicopters delivering genetically-modified corn and soybeans to the White House, direct from Archer-Daniels-Midland and Cargill warehouses. Have you or anyone else actually seen Michelle Obama get her hands dirty in her "garden" since the first day it was announced? I call, once again, for the public genetic testing of the White House lettuce that will prove that, as I suspect, we have been made the unwitting dupes of Monsanto. Even worse, by diverting us with their Potemkin garden, the Obama administration is once again distracting us from the real crime -- the destruction of our planet's ecology by rampaging agribusinesses."

The White House had no comment, encouraging both left and right critics to accuse it of "spinelessness."
-- Andrew Leonard​


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

National Day of Service and Remembrance.
Seems like someone forgot to include part of the tittle , and shifted the remembrance away.

The title of the proclamation was "NATIONAL DAYS OF PRAYER AND REMEMBRANCE, 2009"

And his proclamation was explicit in that it was in remembrance of the 9/11 victims, and our troops. I still don't get your point here. Who are you upset with?


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

What I don't like is barry's attempt to lessen the impact of the day, by moving it to somewhere else. And renaming it something different, hence the dropping of part of the day's name. Makes one think that it's now something to honor ACCORN.

How on earth do you get that from a title that is explicit:

Not only did he declare these days of remembrance, he also made 9/11 a national day of service, so I would consider this a double pump-up for the nation to remember, pray, and help their neighbors in honor of those who died.


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

Originally Posted by JONES

Why does Michelle Obama hate farmers?

You know, Jonesey, some folks don't get satire or irony. Michelle Malkin or Michelle Bachman or some other Michelle or Sarah may actually believe this!!!!! It makes about as much sense as the belief that telling kids to stay in school, work hard, and not get discouraged is a socialist plot! :happy-very:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Two Presidents Meet the Marines *** View ASAP... May be pulled!

Is this ever telling!!!
There's a 'message' in this video.
You might want to view it ASAP as it's not likely to last very long on YouTube.



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Two Presidents Meet the Marines *** View ASAP... May be pulled!

Is this ever telling!!!
There's a 'message' in this video.
You might want to view it ASAP as it's not likely to last very long on YouTube.

Well, why don't you show vids of Bush visiting other countries compared to Obama ?
How the ordinary people react. They actually cheer on Obama.
Darn Bush was here (180 miles away in Calgary 3 months ago, still huge demos against him, and now this city has to deal with him next month)!

Try looking up Bush in Ottawa, last time, compared to Obama on his visit.
Next you can try Berlin, France, England, and the rest of the world, with all the same result.

Marines ? Kinda makes sense, Obama wants to get out, and those young soldiers don't, eh ? What a fake vid that was.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

NO's not fake. It's people's reactions caught on film.

You're fake !!

And who gets to go into that tent ? It's up to the top commanders.

Next month, I'll place a link here from Bush visiting us, will be the same as in Calgary. (demos).

Even though, we are the most conservative province in Canada. It's our Texas , so to speak.

Haven't seen an American Flag burning yet, overseas, since obama.

Something, you should even be proud of moreluck.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Bush in Calgary in March 2009 (non president).

Obama in Canada this year as President:

Bush as President in Ottawa (ugly)

Last edited:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Like I really could give a holy hell what CANADA thinks of Obama or Bush......they don't and didn't govern CANADA. It's the U.S.A. baby !!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Like I really could give a holy hell what CANADA thinks of Obama or Bush......they don't and didn't govern CANADA. It's the U.S.A. baby !!!

Care to see the same camparisons around the world, in every other country ?
No, didn't think so.
It's not what the WORLD thinks. It's more important what YOU think.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

You're right...I don't care what the world thinks. It only matters what I think. I'm only in control of my thinking. I can't control other's thinking.....which is why you & I will never agree on anything.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

You're right...I don't care what the world thinks. It only matters what I think. I'm only in control of my thinking. I can't control other's thinking.....which is why you & I will never agree on anything.

And if you stick by your army vids, then I got one for you, too.
From a few hundred war resisters that came to Canada.
You can see what they think of Bush, too.



Re: Obamanation here today

You know, Jonesey, some folks don't get satire or irony. Michelle Malkin or Michelle Bachman or some other Michelle or Sarah may actually believe this!!!!! It makes about as much sense as the belief that telling kids to stay in school, work hard, and not get discouraged is a socialist plot! :happy-very:

I shall pray that you have the courage to come out of the closet and reveal yourself to be the liberal Obama lover you really are.:happy-very:

Until then there a lot of parents who feel uneasy when a liberal president who has his records from his college years sealed wants to speak to their kids.

With that said once the president released a copy of his speech I was fine with what he wrote. But your comment that this was some type of hysterical response again is another liberal effort to make conservatives sound like a bunch of wack jobs.

For some reason liberals in todays world are having a difficult time standing up for their beliefs they instead choose to attack anyone with a dissenting opinion as either being a nazi lover or a racist.

Your continued efforts along this line in conjunction with your alleged foundation as a conservative / libertarian continues to amaze me.


Re: Obamanation here today

Well, why don't you show vids of Bush visiting other countries compared to Obama ?
How the ordinary people react. They actually cheer on Obama.
Darn Bush was here (180 miles away in Calgary 3 months ago, still huge demos against him, and now this city has to deal with him next month)!

I would think I would also cheer if the leader of the free world came over and kissed my leaders rear or bowed to him.

If thats all it takes then maybe we should hire a male prostitute as president and have him kiss every rear in the world.


Re: Obamanation here today

And who gets to go into that tent ? It's up to the top commanders.

Next month, I'll place a link here from Bush visiting us, will be the same as in Calgary. (demos).

Even though, we are the most conservative province in Canada. It's our Texas , so to speak.

Haven't seen an American Flag burning yet, overseas, since obama.

Something, you should even be proud of moreluck.

conservative candian? an oxymoron if ever I heard one.


Re: Obamanation here today

Like I really could give a holy hell what CANADA thinks of Obama or Bush......they don't and didn't govern CANADA. It's the U.S.A. baby !!!

Ditto that. I'm not sure if Kliens outlook is representative of how the world thinks. And I don't say this to slam Klien, but if he is representative of the worlds outlook then we may need to find a way to educate the world on the complexities involved. There is a simplistic perspective displayed in Kliens post that makes me wonder if the citizens of the world are somehow being sheltered from the realities of the world and politics in general.


Re: Obamanation here today

And if you stick by your army vids, then I got one for you, too.
From a few hundred war resisters that came to Canada.
You can see what they think of Bush, too.

YouTube - U.S. War Resisters speak out at Ottawa Bush/SPP Demo

no vids of the hundreds of thousands that proudly served? just a few hundred traitors that thought they would bad mouth their country while on a foreign soil?

every one of them should be shot as traitors performing treason. If you're going to protest then have the guts to do so on american soil.