President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

So, no chance of moving to the US? :anxious:

I visit the US all the time, like many of Canadians do.
We have tons of so called "snowbirds", that buy vacation property in the US.

I'm gonna be one of them, in the future.
Unless, properties get cheaper in our warmer climate zones.


From the promised LAND
Re: Obamanation here today

From a few hundred war resisters that came to Canada.
You can see what they think of Bush, too.

Pst Klein, are you really that stupid to follow your line of thinking on this?

First, understand our military. It is a volunteer force. You VOLUNTEER for service. Get it? No draft.

Now, as part of your volunteering, you sign a contract. Just like any other person that willingly goes into a deal with any company. You owe them the time that you volunteered for. Plain and simple.

Serve your time, and the contract is over.

But some people take the money and run. They use the excuse that they are anti war protesters that are fleeing the war hungry USA. Much like the Vietnam war protesters during the draft.

Problem is, there is no draft. They volunteered to serve, knowing full well they might have to go. They took the money that was offered for them to sign on, then skipped town. So yes, our country is interested in putting these people on trial for desertion among other things.

As for your flag burning crap, the flag is that of the USA, not the president. They burn the flag out of hatred for the USA, not the president. So unless they all of a sudden have fallen in love with the USA, I would suggest that the flag burning still goes on, it is just not covered by the pro Obama news media.

So please, give us a break with your all knowing love of liberalism.



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Pst Klein, are you really that stupid to follow your line of thinking on this?

First, understand our military. It is a volunteer force. You VOLUNTEER for service. Get it? No draft.

Now, as part of your volunteering, you sign a contract. Just like any other person that willingly goes into a deal with any company. You owe them the time that you volunteered for. Plain and simple.

Serve your time, and the contract is over.

But some people take the money and run. They use the excuse that they are anti war protesters that are fleeing the war hungry USA. Much like the Vietnam war protesters during the draft.

Problem is, there is no draft. They volunteered to serve, knowing full well they might have to go. They took the money that was offered for them to sign on, then skipped town. So yes, our country is interested in putting these people on trial for desertion among other things.

As for your flag burning crap, the flag is that of the USA, not the president. They burn the flag out of hatred for the USA, not the president. So unless they all of a sudden have fallen in love with the USA, I would suggest that the flag burning still goes on, it is just not covered by the pro Obama news media.

So please, give us a break with your all knowing love of liberalism.


Sorry, didn't know American Soldiers got paid a few hundred grand in advance to serve the military.
Yes, by all means, they should atleast pay that money back.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Sorry, didn't know American Soldiers got paid a few hundred grand in advance to serve the military.
Yes, by all means, they should atleast pay that money back.

I don't know about Canada but in the US if you sign a contract you are obligated by the terms within it.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I don't know about Canada but in the US if you sign a contract you are obligated by the terms within it.

A job is a job... you should be able to quit it, if they ask you to do something, that you disagree with.
Why shouldn't a soldier have that same right ?
Yes, war is war.... , but going to a war, that even other countries disageed upon (like Canada)...thats debatable.
And, actually most of these US soldiers seeking refugee here, have already served 1 or 2 terms in Iraq - they had enough of it.

Ours are on contract, too.
But, it's NOT a MUST to go to Afghanistan. They sign up for that extra.
Edmonton (my city), is deploring another 1000 or so, this week, to southern Afghanistan (Kabul and Khandahar). Kinda working side by side with Americans now, since Americans recently returned.

(We took over most of that region, to free up American troops for Iraq).
But, 2011, we are pulling out. - So, your getting it back.
Canada will have been in Afghanistan for 10 years then. Twice the amount of WW2 !
Way too long.

In his honour:
Pte. Patrick Lormand, 21, of the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment, was killed and four others were wounded in the roadside IED blast about 13 kilometres southwest of Kandahar city on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

A job is a job... you should be able to quit it, if they ask you to do something, that you disagree with.
Why shouldn't a soldier have that same right ?

No soldier is being asked to do anything that is not within their contract. If there is something in your contract you disagree with, you either take it out or don't sign it.

Yes, war is war.... , but going to a war, that even other countries disageed upon (like Canada)...thats debatable.
And, actually most of these US soldiers seeking refugee here, have already served 1 or 2 terms in Iraq - they had enough of it.

I wonder why we don't ask Canada when we should go to war?

Ours are on contract, too.
But, it's NOT a MUST to go to Afghanistan. They sign up for that extra.
Edmonton (my city), is deploring another 1000 or so, this week, to southern Afghanistan (Kabul and Khandahar). Kinda working side by side with Americans now, since Americans recently returned.

(We took over most of that region, to free up American troops for Iraq).
But, 2011, we are pulling out. - So, your getting it back.
Canada will have been in Afghanistan for 10 years then. Twice the amount of WW2 !
Way too long.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I wonder why we don't ask Canada when we should go to war?

You did ask, and we said no. You asked UN too, they said no.
So, now pay for the mess you made, in Iraq.

UN however is involved in Aghanistan, and so is Canada, ofcourse.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe Obama, instead of taking valuable time to comment on the Kanye West fiasco, should run the country.

Our 'rock star' prez. has his priorities all crooked. :sick:


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe Obama, instead of taking valuable time to comment on the Kanye West fiasco, should run the country.

Our 'rock star' prez. has his priorities all crooked. :sick:
Aww, come on now. He basically got overheard making that comment while he was backstage waiting to give an interview on CNBC about healthcare reform.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

No, you're not. I am also sick of seeing his ugly mug daily on TV. When does he work?

"You can't be me i'm a rock star.."


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

B.O. is in major rock star exposure mode. He is scheduled for 5 Sunday morning talk shows (using clones?) and then it's on to the David Letterman's show.

Maybe he should go on KISS's 35th anniversary tour for more exposure !!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

B.O. is in major rock star exposure mode. He is scheduled for 5 Sunday morning talk shows.....

Not Fox though..... COWARD!!! I can just imagine all the fluff questions he'll be getting!

You know, I hate Barney Frank. I hate his politics, his voice, his face. But Barney will get into it with anybody. He goes on Fox, he's not afraid. I respect that!
Unlike Obama and Pelosi......


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Not Fox though..... COWARD!!! I can just imagine all the fluff questions he'll be getting!

You know, I hate Barney Frank. I hate his politics, his voice, his face. But Barney will get into it with anybody. He goes on Fox, he's not afraid. I respect that!
Unlike Obama and Pelosi......
Where did Cheney go for his last interview? FOX with Chris Wallace. Someone said it was like watching a teenage girl interview one of the Jonas Brothers. They all do it, and I agree it's pathetic, but I blame the press more than the politicians. If all the networks would do their jobs and hold both sides accountable, then they would have no where to turn. I remember back during the campaign I watched O'reilly's interview with Hillary Clinton, and I was impressed. He was respectful, but he did his job and challenged her on her policy positions with some tough questions. I don't care for Bill in general because he's a shouter and a bloviator, but he did it right that night. It's a shame we don't see more of that.


Re: Obamanation here today

Where did Cheney go for his last interview? FOX with Chris Wallace. Someone said it was like watching a teenage girl interview one of the Jonas Brothers. They all do it, and I agree it's pathetic, but I blame the press more than the politicians. If all the networks would do their jobs and hold both sides accountable, then they would have no where to turn. .

cheney is not in a position requiring accountability. He is a distraction now nothing else.

No sense in beating on them when they have left office. Clinton gets the same lovey dovey fluff interviews.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – "ObamaVision" -- the term coined by the media to sum up President Barack Obama's pledge to bring hope and change to America -- was on Wednesday deemed the most influential English word from television in 2009.

Oh gee, and I thought it was going to be "Obamaglow".