President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Ditto that. I'm not sure if Kliens outlook is representative of how the world thinks. And I don't say this to slam Klien, but if he is representative of the worlds outlook then we may need to find a way to educate the world on the complexities involved. There is a simplistic perspective displayed in Kliens post that makes me wonder if the citizens of the world are somehow being sheltered from the realities of the world and politics in general.

Go ahead, and try to find me a vid or a news report of Bush going anywhere in the world without a demostration !
And find me a vid or a newsreport, about a demostration outside the USA where Obama gets slammed or demostrated against.

Not my opinion.. it,s a fact !


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

:happy-very:I find it a joke to have a discussion about how the world cares about or how they view Bush or Obama -------WHO CARES !!!!
Daily the U.S. is suffering deaths of our young people in the south of Afganistan fighting the GLOBAL war on terror-----Yeah Klein they cheer Obama around the world -----but give him nothing --as the U.S. prepares to send thousands more to Afganistan ------a few countries with a very small number of troops cower in the North of Afganistan !!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

:happy-very:I find it a joke to have a discussion about how the world cares about or how they view Bush or Obama -------WHO CARES !!!!
Daily the U.S. is suffering deaths of our young people in the south of Afganistan fighting the GLOBAL war on terror-----Yeah Klein they cheer Obama around the world -----but give him nothing --as the U.S. prepares to send thousands more to Afganistan ------a few countries with a very small number of troops cower in the North of Afganistan !!!

Well, we know up here, who screwed us on that deal, too (us being in Kabul (south) ). It was because while the Europeans were picking the easiest spots to be, our military took what was left.

I don't know, how americans ended up in the south, but that was surely under Bush.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

no vids of the hundreds of thousands that proudly served? just a few hundred traitors that thought they would bad mouth their country while on a foreign soil?

every one of them should be shot as traitors performing treason. If you're going to protest then have the guts to do so on american soil.

Maybe , because the "land of the free" will prosecute them ?
And they have a right to claim refugee status, in the country that wrote the UN Human Rights Act .

And, not every American agreed to go to war against Iraq, or am I wrong ?


Re: Obamanation here today

Go ahead, and try to find me a vid or a news report of Bush going anywhere in the world without a demostration !
And find me a vid or a newsreport, about a demostration outside the USA where Obama gets slammed or demostrated against.

Not my opinion.. it,s a fact !

I don't think you get it. Let me dumb it down for you.

World is really bad.

full of mean people.

Mean people hate presidents that are stronger then them.

Mean people love presidents that bow to them and kiss their rear.

Got it yet?


Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe , because the "land of the free" will prosecute them ?
And they have a right to claim refugee status, in the country that wrote the UN Human Rights Act .

And, not every American agreed to go to war against Iraq, or am I wrong ?

yea , you're wrong again.

if you want to protest us policy you're free to do so here on our soil.

If you go on foriegn soil and do so you should be shot for treason.

There is nothing stopping them from protesting here.

Writing a humans right act that can not be enforced by a weak ass canadian country and weak :censored2: united nations is no accomplishment.

I can write a human rights act that gives everyone a million dollars but don't look for the money anytime soon.

The US actually has improved the human rights of brutalized Iraqi's and Afghanistanies while your prima donna leaders were writing worthless human rights acts.

See I really wish the act you take credit for actually did something. I'm tired of sending US kids into combat because the rest of the world is balless when it comes to actually enforcing these "human rights acts"

But as a consolation I'm sure your human rights act looked pretty when it was done. Worthless but pretty.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

yea , you're wrong again.

if you want to protest us policy you're free to do so here on our soil.

If you go on foriegn soil and do so you should be shot for treason.

There is nothing stopping them from protesting here.

Writing a humans right act that can not be enforced by a weak ass canadian country and weak :censored2: united nations is no accomplishment.

I can write a human rights act that gives everyone a million dollars but don't look for the money anytime soon.

The US actually has improved the human rights of brutalized Iraqi's and Afghanistanies while your prima donna leaders were writing worthless human rights acts.

See I really wish the act you take credit for actually did something. I'm tired of sending US kids into combat because the rest of the world is balless when it comes to actually enforcing these "human rights acts"

But as a consolation I'm sure your human rights act looked pretty when it was done. Worthless but pretty.

Well, the USA wasn't asked to write the Charter of Human Rights.
For a reason - because they don't have all of them in place !

And, you can't force someone to go to a war, they don't want to go to.
So, there is the breech !


Re: Obamanation here today

Well, the USA wasn't asked to write the Charter of Human Rights.
For a reason - because they don't have all of them in place !

And, you can't force someone to go to a war, they don't want to go to.
So, there is the breech !

Like I said I'm sure your countries worthless accomplishment looked pretty on paper.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Like I said I'm sure your countries worthless accomplishment looked pretty on paper.

In time it does work, like we took black refugees in from the USA, because they were not treated as the whites there.
I still can't believe that when I was born, the USA had seperate busses, water fountains, for black colored Americans.

I bet you would just love to turn back that clock, too !


Re: Obamanation here today

In time it does work, like we took black refugees in from the USA, because they were not treated as the whites there.
I still can't believe that when I was born, the USA had seperate busses, water fountains, for black colored Americans.

I bet you would just love to turn back that clock, too !

In time what works. Your country wrote a worthless edict that your country can not enforce. How would this worthless edict your country wrote ever work.

Remember there are many mean people in the world that laugh at your countries stupid and worthless human rights edict.

Even Obama tried to claim he was for human rights but has yet to change anything for the better. Yet the world loves him why? Because he is willing to bow to the world and tell them he is sorry.

You find that male prostitue yet thats going to make us popular?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

In time what works. Your country wrote a worthless edict that your country can not enforce. How would this worthless edict your country wrote ever work.

Remember there are many mean people in the world that laugh at your countries stupid and worthless human rights edict.

Even Obama tried to claim he was for human rights but has yet to change anything for the better. Yet the world loves him why? Because he is willing to bow to the world and tell them he is sorry.

You find that male prostitue yet thats going to make us popular?

IT's not our country alone to enforce... but all of the United Nations.
Ofcourse, countries disobey it, like China for one, and even USA.
But, it 's a goal. And it will and has made history.
It's a book of rules atleast to go by.
That all of the UN has signed and agreed upon.

There are many civil court cases regarding that Charter of Rights.... like gay marriage..or even employment issues. It's the book, for all high courts in the world.


Re: Obamanation here today

IT's not our country alone to enforce... but all of the United Nations.
Ofcourse, countries disobey it, like China for one, and even USA.
But, it 's a goal. And it will and has made history.
It's a book of rules atleast to go by.
That all of the UN has signed and agreed upon.

There are many civil court cases regarding that Charter of Rights.... like gay marriage..or even employment issues. It's the book, for all high courts in the world.

thats the pont worthless edict back by worthless United Nations


Re: Obamanation here today

In time it does work, like we took black refugees in from the USA, because they were not treated as the whites there.
I still can't believe that when I was born, the USA had seperate busses, water fountains, for black colored Americans.

I bet you would just love to turn back that clock, too !

You could have talked about the germans doing the same thing to the jews. Yet you chose to talk about the us doing so to the blacks.

You're not an american so you should stick to your own heritage for human rights violations.

Is this where I am supposed to ask you if you would like to turn the clock back to when germans abused the jews?

what an absolutely stupid and offensive comment for you to ask me if I would like to turn the clock back to something I never created or supported.

I thought your previous comments were perpetuated out of ignorance I'm now starting to realize you're just stupid. My apologies for the former.



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

You could have talked about the germans doing the same thing to the jews. Yet you chose to talk about the us doing so to the blacks.

You're not an american so you should stick to your own heritage for human rights violations.

Is this where I am supposed to ask you if you would like to turn the clock back to when germans abused the jews?

what an absolutely stupid and offensive comment for you to ask me if I would like to turn the clock back to something I never created or supported.

I thought your previous comments were perpetuated out of ignorance I'm now starting to realize you're just stupid. My apologies for the former.

The differnce between you and me :
I was born here, then lived and schooled, and worked in Germany.
I was more German then anything else, by the time I got back here.

And, I missed my 5 weeks mandatory vacation, that I had in Germany, among other great social benefits, that Canada doesn't have.
Even though, I was not 1 single day unemployed ever in Germany... but the easy access to everthing you need was great.

I carry 2 passports. The EU and Canadian Passport.

And, if the history is correct... germans only "haunted Jews" during the few years of the Nazi area.
Not, for decades!
And they moved there on thier own. Not in slavery.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

so if everything was so rosy over there , why did you leave ?

Let me guess they caught you NOT drinking a beer during lunch ?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

so if everything was so rosy over there , why did you leave ?

Let me guess they caught you NOT drinking a beer during lunch ?

You have no clue, they had beer despenser machines at work.
First beer at 9am for break, then noon, and after that it wouldn't quit.
Couldn't keep up with the older co workers.

Why did I leave ? My Family is here (brothers, mom ). And I got a job offered here while I was visiting.
And, why I won't go back ? (incase you ask) : Too many rules and regulations there. And, Canada is a better place to live.
Higher standard of living. Less People, and the openess, the nature, etc.
I like it here, period.


Re: Obamanation here today

The differnce between you and me :
I was born here, then lived and schooled, and worked in Germany.
I was more German then anything else, by the time I got back here.

And, I missed my 5 weeks mandatory vacation, that I had in Germany, among other great social benefits, that Canada doesn't have.
Even though, I was not 1 single day unemployed ever in Germany... but the easy access to everthing you need was great.

I carry 2 passports. The EU and Canadian Passport.

And, if the history is correct... germans only "haunted Jews" during the few years of the Nazi area.
Not, for decades!
And they moved there on thier own. Not in slavery.

you actually have the guts to try to alibi what the germans did to the jews? Keep showing your stupidity.


Nine Lives
Re: Obamanation here today

You have no clue, they had beer despenser machines at work.
First beer at 9am for break, then noon, and after that it wouldn't quit.
Couldn't keep up with the older co workers.

Why did I leave ? My Family is here (brothers, mom ). And I got a job offered here while I was visiting.
And, why I won't go back ? (incase you ask) : Too many rules and regulations there. And, Canada is a better place to live.
Higher standard of living. Less People, and the openess, the nature, etc.
I like it here, period.

So, no chance of moving to the US? :anxious: