President Obama!


golden ticket member
Supposedly, if Romney gets elected, he said he wants to give waivers to all 50 states......basically doing away with Obamacare mandates....that could change the playing field.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Blame is not the answer !!! stop the flow of money to foreign countries, stop the flow of illegals across the border, stop the spending, etc, etc.......


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Blame is not the answer !!! stop the flow of money to foreign countries, stop the flow of illegals across the border, stop the spending, etc, etc.......

It's time to wake up to smell the coffee.
The USA has been subsidizing many countries, and even dicatorships, such as Mubarak, Shah of Iran, Taliban, Pakistan, Gadaffi, etc.
Just so they'll vote in the UN for the US policies.

You want to run the world, well there is a price to pay for it.
If the US would have just minded their own business, the US National debt wouldn't even be existing.
And that policy totally failed, since all it did was creating more enemies, like currently with the Arabic Spring uprising or in the past with the Taliban, or Iran, Iraq and many more.
Many of those citizens can't understand why the US financially supported those dictatorships they have been under for 30+ years !

And I bet wkmac, will stand on my side on this one !
Re: Obamanomics

It's time to wake up to smell the coffee.
The USA has been subsidizing many countries, and even dicatorships, such as Mubarak, Shah of Iran, Taliban, Pakistan, Gadaffi, etc.
Just so they'll vote in the UN for the US policies.

You want to run the world, well there is a price to pay for it.
If the US would have just minded their own business, the US National debt wouldn't even be existing.
And that policy totally failed, since all it did was creating more enemies, like currently with the Arabic Spring uprising or in the past with the Taliban, or Iran, Iraq and many more.
Many of those citizens can't understand why the US financially supported those dictatorships they have been under for 30+ years !

And I bet wkmac, will stand on my side on this one !
Can't do a damn thing about what happened yesterday....but what is done today and tomorrow is what is important.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

It's time to wake up to smell the coffee.
The USA has been subsidizing many countries, and even dicatorships, such as Mubarak, Shah of Iran, Taliban, Pakistan, Gadaffi, etc.
Just so they'll vote in the UN for the US policies.

You want to run the world, well there is a price to pay for it.
If the US would have just minded their own business, the US National debt wouldn't even be existing.
And that policy totally failed, since all it did was creating more enemies, like currently with the Arabic Spring uprising or in the past with the Taliban, or Iran, Iraq and many more.
Many of those citizens can't understand why the US financially supported those dictatorships they have been under for 30+ years !

And I bet wkmac, will stand on my side on this one !
A bunch of cliche's doesn't present any kind of solution....smell the coffee...geee, I never heard that one before.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Can't do a damn thing about what happened yesterday....but what is done today and tomorrow is what is important.

Well, atleast you have a president now, going on opology tours.
Because many countries in the middle east and even Asia, have been invaded by their neighboring countries, due to funding from the US.
So, that's a start, and after that, it should become fairplay without US tax payers playing favorites.

The Arabic Spring Uprising would have happened much sooner without monetary support from the US, don't ya think ?

What did it get you ? Nearly $550.000 per household National Debt !
And, I don't even blame 1 single party for it..... just US basic world policies !

Russia supported the East Block and went bankrupt, you think it's different now ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

A president going on an apology what we DON"T want. You don't get it and you never will.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

A president going on an apology what we DON"T want. You don't get it and you never will.

If you truley believe it was right to support dictatorships, worse then the Hitler one, sure no opology needed.
You are probably a person the never says the word "sorry" either !


Staff member
Here's Blythe Danner. She's Gwyneth Paltrow's mom. She's no spring chicken (born '43). She's no fat ass either.....


I would have gone with Tina Turner myself.


Für Meno :)
Romney care and 0bama care may be similar but they aren't the same law. One is Federal law and the other is state law.

Your right, they do have lots in common, and that's to stop people from getting free (most expensive) healthcare in the ER !
But, that's not what the republicans want (besides Mitt).
Free expensive ER healthcare needs to stay.

Sounds almost extra-liberal to me, what do you think ?
Your right, they do have lots in common, and that's to stop people from getting free (most expensive) healthcare in the ER !
But, that's not what the republicans want (besides Mitt).
Free expensive ER healthcare needs to stay.

Sounds almost extra-liberal to me, what do you think ?
That has nothing to do with what you said that I was replying to. For Romney care to continue, Mass. will have to have a wavier.


Well-Known Member
I would have gone with Tina Turner myself.

Saw her with Ike on tour with Uriah Heep back in 72' and she had everybody up dancing and singing with her on Proud Mary! And she had those big wheels of her's turning too!

Music Trivia: Who wrote the song Proud Mary?

answer: Willie Nelson


Well-Known Member
Romney care and 0bama care may be similar but they aren't the same law. One is Federal law and the other is state law.

That's the only difference.



What in the world was that sound?

The mythology that the republican party is for limited gov't!
