President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

(don't shoot the messenger)

Obama's First Six Months' Accomplishments

1. Offended the Queen of England .

2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .

3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia .

6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras .

7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they're building their nuclear weapons.

8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

9. Expanded the bailouts.

10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

11. Doubled our national debt.

12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.

13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.

14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.

15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."

16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters."

17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership.

18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.

19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.

20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States .

21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.

22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers.

23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel .

25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.

26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.

27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will reduce Medicare for seniors, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, B.O. is heading to Denmark to fight for Chicago to get the summer games in 2016 !!! Why not? There's nothing else happening in the country. IDIOT !!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, B.O. is heading to Denmark to fight for Chicago to get the summer games in 2016 !!! Why not? There's nothing else happening in the country. IDIOT !!!

I on the other hand, think it's not a bad idea.
If rewarded soon in the future, it would put thousands of people back to work in the Chicago area.
From building new roads, innercity train expansion, Olympic venues, and housing.
And constuction costs are at it's lowest during a recession.

The looks of it, Chicago is mostly likely the place they'll chose anyways.
Being in Bejing last (can't see Tokyo getting it), and London in 2012, not likely to be another European City (Madrid).

So far, so good. A little help and assurance from the President will probably go a long way, too.

Good luck Chicago !


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

(don't shoot the messenger)

Obama's First Six Months' Accomplishments

1. Offended the Queen of England .

2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .

3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.

4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.

5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia .

6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras .

7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they're building their nuclear weapons.

8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.

9. Expanded the bailouts.

10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.

11. Doubled our national debt.

12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.

13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.

14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.

15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."

16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters."

17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership.

18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.

19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.

20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States .

21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.

22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers.

23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.

24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel .

25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.

26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.

27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will reduce Medicare for seniors, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.

So much frustration going around the right wing blogoshere here. This E-mail is spreading around like a sexual transmitted disease. But golly gee, It definitely sucks to have supported a Republican for the last 8 years and end up in a crap hole. Now the only tactic I hear: Obama lies and kisses commies and Saudis. Do you, guys, know that this is precisely the tactic that Stalin used to rule Russia and Lenin used to start a bloody revolution. Put a bunch of crap on the opponent and let him clear himself. Got to hand it to the sour pussess, this tactic definitely works with close-minded people of limited intellectual ability though. Vent your frustrations all you want with reasonable debate, but don't insult people's intelligence with that "LIE" idiocy.



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

What is a BIGGER LIE ?
Someone who makes promises about a bill that they have not written themselves ?
Someone who hides his personal records behind Executive Orders ?
Someone who promises that before he signs a bill into law there will be a waiting period for everyone to actually read the new law, yet does not ?
Someone who backs the lawfully removed dictator-to-be and gets praises from other dictators ?
Someone who says that illegals will not get any benefits from the new health care reforms because he soon plans to make them all "citizens" ?
Someone who said that his administration would have all new faces, yet hires Clinton retreads and known tax cheats ?
Someone who says that the economy is on the mend, while the jobless numbers keep climbing ?
Someone who has raised the national debt yet can not tell the taxpayers where actually the money has gone ?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, B.O. is heading to Denmark to fight for Chicago to get the summer games in 2016 !!! Why not? There's nothing else happening in the country. IDIOT !!!

Got your wish !

Chicago now out of the race for the Summer Olympics !

Down to Rio de Janero and Madrid.

(Didn't know in my previous post that Rio was running).

But, with 95%, I believe they'll get it.
Just can't see Madrid getting it, right after London.

Too bad, the infrastucture for Chicago would have been good timing.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

The reasons why Chicago did not get any votes was that great team of speakers they sent over.
All they talked about was themselves.
" I, I ,I ,I, I " was all the committee heard.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

The reasons why Chicago did not get any votes was that great team of speakers they sent over.
All they talked about was themselves.
" I, I ,I ,I, I " was all the committee heard.

Not to mention the First Lady inventing memories. She told them one of her earliest memories was sitting on her fathers lap watching Carl Lewis at the Olympics. That would have been 1984 when she was 20.....


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Of the 89 sentences that barry & wife spoke , they used the pronoun " I " or " me " 70 times.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

And more Obama News :

Health care reform clears a US Senate hurdle, wins bonus backing from moderate Republican

Oct.13th, 2009 By Steven R. Hurst, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama's vow to reform the U.S. health care system cleared a key hurdle Tuesday with a bonus vote from a moderate Republican whose backing could be key to final passage.

Members of the 23-member Senate finance committee voted 14-9 to approve the legislation, setting up a historic debate on the Senate floor and moving health care overhaul closer to reality than it has been for decades.

The measure meets most of the requirements set out by Obama, who promised voters during the presidential campaign to overhaul a system by extending insurance coverage to virtually all Americans, lowering medical costs and ending insurance industry practices of refusing protection to people with so-called pre-existing conditions or dropping coverage to those who become seriously ill.

Excepting Sen. Olympia Snowe, opposition Republicans are battling the overhaul plans, claiming the Democrats' measure will unduly increase the national debt and wrongly intrude on the private sector. And some members of the opposition party see it as a chance to score political points by sinking a measure at the core of Obama's presidency.

Most controversial among those issues would be establishment of a government program in competition with the private insurance industry. That was written out of the Senate Finance Committee but remains part of three reform plans passed by committees in the House of Representatives.

Snow said she was laying aside misgivings for now and voting to advance the bill, a sweeping $829 billion, 10-year health care remake. "When history calls, history calls," said Snowe.

Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, a Democrat, called his bill "a commonsense, balanced solution." A distance runner, Baucus has endured months of marathon meetings to get this far. It is not the finish line.

Health care legislation is expected to be on the Senate floor the week after next, said a spokesman for Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid. But it will not be Baucus' bill. Reid will combine the Finance version with a more liberal proposal from the health committee - with unpredictable results.

The Senate Finance Committee's plan would require most Americans to purchase insurance and usher in a host of other changes to the $2.5 trillion U.S. medical system. The U.S. is the only industrialized country without universal health care coverage, and about 47 million Americans are uninsured.

Much work lies ahead before a bill could arrive on Obama's desk, but passage by the Finance Committee marks a significant advance. Snowe voted yes after heavy courting by the Democrats who saw her as the best chance for breaking the partisan barrier.

She became the first Republican to support a health overhaul bill. The health legislation that passed three House committees and one other Senate panel did so without a single Republican vote.

Sen. Charles Grassley, top Republican on the Finance Committee, said in advance that the reform measure was "moving on a slippery slope to more and more government control of health care."

The four other congressional committees acted before August to pass health legislation, so for months all eyes have been on the Finance Committee, the remaining one. It is also the panel whose moderate makeup most closely resembles the Senate as a whole. The committee's centrist legislation is seen as the best building block for a compromise plan that could find favour on the Senate floor.

With Finance Committee passage, Obama's top domestic priority advances beyond former President Bill Clinton's effort ever did. The Clinton health plan never made it through all the congressional committees with jurisdiction.

When the Senate floor debate starts, Republicans, while a minority, still hold sufficient votes to stall passage through a delaying procedure known as a filibuster.

That move is expected and would require majority Democrats to muster all 60 of their votes, not a simple majority of 51, to end debate and bring a bill to a final vote. Some fiscally conservative Democrats are opposed to the bill coming out of the committee, so that gaining the 60 votes to break a filibuster is far from certain.

And even if that happens, the health care bill would then move to what is known as a conference committee to meld the Senate bill with one passed by the House.
The lower house, where the Democrats have a heftier majority and delaying tactics are not possible, is considering three versions of the legislation, any one of them assured of passage and far more inclusive of an outcome sought by the White House.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Interesting, they keep voting to pass a bill that has not even been written yet. Is this how the New World Order works ?