President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Latest jobless number............400,000 ! WooHoo, the summer of recovery!!

That's 16 out of 17 weeks at 400,000 or above. Anemic !! :sick:

Oops, need to correct...the one time in 17 weeks that was below 400,000 has been adjusted upward, so now it's 17 weeks in a row at or above 400,000.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Tennessee store pulls Obama 'DisappointMINTS'.

Boxes of breath mints were taken off of the shelves at a University of Tennessee bookstore after state Rep. Joe Armstrong (D) asked the bookstore to remove them."Let me make very clear, there is no candy exception to the First Amendment," said Glenn Reynolds, who teaches constitutional law at UT. "Free speech is free speech. If you make fun of the president in a mint, it is just as much free speech as it is if you make fun of the president in a political cartoon."
While citizens have the right to express disapproval of a message on a tin can of breath mints, that opinion has more heft when it's coming from a government official, Reynolds said, calling it "a species of censorship."
"The other thing I have to say is, I just think it's really quite odd to hear of a state legislator to take it upon himself to have something removed from a bookstore."


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Latest jobless number............400,000 ! WooHoo, the summer of recovery!!

That's 16 out of 17 weeks at 400,000 or above. Anemic !! :sick:

Would have been closer to 500.000, but again, congress coulddn't agree on the FAA Union regulations and put about 75.000 FAA and airport contruction workers out of work.
Not only are they losing $1 Billion in airport tax revenue, but closer to $3 Billion in total, if you add the unemployment benefits they receive now and the loss on their income taxes those workers would normally be paying.

Another congress fiasco !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama is going on a bus tour in the midwest and it's not a campaign tour, it's an administrative tour, so we'll be paying for it. It's happening Aug 14 or 15. We're paying for it.......we should name it. Any ideas ?? Transparency Transport (Double 'T' Tour) ??


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Gee, I wonder how much 2 bullet proof busses cost ?? I also wonder how much it costs to fly those 2 busses on Air Force One to D.C. ?? Why 2 busses? Let the press find their own rides.

Ann C. says to call the bus Food Stamp Xpress !

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Jimmy Carter has been labeled as the worst president ever but after just 3 years in office it, has Obama taken the trophy?

Obama Is Jimmy Carter 2.0

The evidence is mounting more than ever to suggest that President Obama is morphing into failed Democratic President Jimmy Carter.

The latest comparison was made by dour New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd in her column on July 30. This is some of what she said:

"Democratic lawmakers worry that the Tea Party freshmen have already 'neutered' the president," as one told me. They fret that Obama is an inept negotiator. They worry that he should have been out in the country selling a concrete plan, rather than once more kowtowing to Republicans and, as with the stimulus plan, Health Care and Libya, leading from behind.

As one Democratic senator complained: 'The president veers between talking like a peevish professor and a scolding parent.' (Not to mention a jilted lover.) Another moaned: 'We are watching him turn into Jimmy Carter right before our eyes.'"
Dowd who once loved Obama is now souring on her liberal-media-created sensation and now she believes that the comparison of Obama to Carter is a valid one.

So what are the valid comparisons between the presidencies of Obama and Carter that allow for even a Democratic Senator to allege it?

Management Style
Iranian Hostages
Energy Crisis
Economic Crises
Public Opinion



Nine Lives
He reminds me a bit more of Hoover than Carter.
Two men in similar circumstances and each equally out of touch with the reality of the times in which they are faced.


Für Meno :)
I googled worst US president for the heck of it....
About 7 out of 10 links.. GW Bush is mentioned.
Nixen twice out of 10, and 1 other president was mentioned on the first search page, and wasn't even Carter !


Staff member
Yeah, Bush is consistently ranked lower than Carter in just about every poll taken since the end of his presidency.