President Obama!


Nine Lives
Jimmy Carter has been labeled as the worst president ever but after just 3 years in office it, has Obama taken the trophy?

Obama Is Jimmy Carter 2.0

While I don't think Carter will ever be considered a great, or even a good president, I do respect the tough choices he made regarding the economic conditions he inherited. The over spending of the Great Society debacle of Johnson's era and then the Vietnam War costs of both Johnson's and Nixon's eras left the country in an economic mess very similar to our current mess.
He took the advice of Volcker and made economic decisions that was very courageous because it almost ensured he would not be re-elected.
I don't believe the last three presidents would have had the courage to do what he did. Much of Reagan's success was set up from the groundwork that Volcker laid down.



golden ticket member
They say you can't really rate a President until he's out of office 50 years.

Only then can you "Get the big picture".

Then that would make Obama one of the most fantastic, amazing presidents because he's been able to show us the entire big picture at just under 3 years of his term. We got it Barack!!


Strength through joy
(CNS) — In just four days last week, President Barack Obama’s administration increased the national debt by more in inflation-adjusted dollars than the administrations of Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower increased the national debt over the entire decade of the 1950s.
At the start of business on Tuesday, Aug. 2, according to the Daily Treasury Statement, the national debt subject to the legal limit was $14.293975 trillion. Obama signed legislation that day lifting the limit by as much as $2.4 trillion — with an initial and immediate increase in the limit of $400 billion. By the close of business on Friday, Aug. 5, according to the Daily Treasury Statement, the national debt subject to the limit had grown to $14.536130 trillion.
Over just four days, the debt had jumped $242.155 billion.
By contrast, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, over the ten-year period from the end of fiscal 1950 to the end of fiscal 1960, the national debt grew from approximately $257.36 billion to approximately $286.33 billion — an increase of approximately $28.97 billion.
Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, $28.97 billion in 1960 dollars equals $220.92 billion in 2011 dollars.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's sad that Bush is ranked so low. I admit he wasn't even close to being a great pres but to say he is the worst is just as bone headed as blaming him for the current economic mess we are in. Hell, liberals (including Obama) blame him for just about everything that happens. Democrats controlled Congress during much of his presidency. They are the ones that jacked things up and still are to this day. Bush was a much better president than Carter. And, so far, way better than Obama.


Staff member
I've never seen a poll, either of historians or the general public, that ranked either Carter or Bush as the worst president. They do both generally get ranked in the bottom quartile. Anyone who tells you that either one of them was "The Worst" is really telling you that they don't know much about US history. The way Obama is going I suspect he will wind up in the same box, ie, not the worst but clearly below average. I think he's a decent enough fellow of above average intelligence who can write a pretty speech, but he's not much of a leader and just seems way out of his league in national level politics. The comparison to Hoover seems apt.


golden ticket member
When Obama's qualifications were constantly questioned.......we asked, what's his experience. The questions were pshawed by Democrats and pushed aside with....."Look at the campaign he's running!" Great, he's a party-planner. Well, that's exactly what we got.


golden ticket member

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
When Obama's qualifications were constantly questioned.......we asked, what's his experience. The questions were pshawed by Democrats and pushed aside with....."Look at the campaign he's running!" Great, he's a party-planner. Well, that's exactly what we got.
Reagan was questioned by another candidate about his age during one of his presidential debates in the 80s. So, he mentioned his opponent's lack of experience. His opponent backed off. The sad thin is that Obama was one of the most least qualified candidates to EVER run but he won. His performance so far correlates with that lack of experience.


Well-Known Member
It's said that Obama has no experience and that may be true but then on the same level neither did George Washington if you wanted to be honest. At least George could claim how one has experience in a job never before had existed and a valid point. But back to Obama, you can still make the claim and even more interesting is the claim that Obama never created a private sector job or made a payroll and this again may be true. However, what so many people on bothsides of the political isle seem to, scratch that, ignore is the fact that surrounding Obama are captains of industry, leading capitalist if you will. These are the men who make free markets work right?

How is it then that we get state socialism ends by state capitalism means?


golden ticket member
It's said that Obama has no experience and that may be true but then on the same level neither did George Washington if you wanted to be honest. At least George could claim how one has experience in a job never before had existed and a valid point. But back to Obama, you can still make the claim and even more interesting is the claim that Obama never created a private sector job or made a payroll and this again may be true. However, what so many people on bothsides of the political isle seem to, scratch that, ignore is the fact that surrounding Obama are captains of industry, leading capitalist if you will. These are the men who make free markets work right?

How is it then that we get state socialism ends by state capitalism means?

With reference to Washington vs. Obama...........I think maybe George had a pride in this country, very heart felt. With Obama, it's just, "what's in it for me?"
Obama surrounded himself with lawyers............that was the first bad sign. As they fall away, he may be re-thinking his original appointments and deciding to pick people who might actually know something. However, one of his originals keeps filing suits against the very states he's suppose to represent!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

After saying (a short time ago) that he will not rest until every person in the U.S. who wants a job, gets a job........and oh, by the way, I'm leaving for 9 days on my August vacation.

That to me is like saying ..."See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!"

Granted, everyone deserves a vacation, but during a real crisis, even though he cant' solve it, but caused most of it, he should appear to be a leader or at least a cheer leader.

France's president cut short a vacation and returned to Paris because of their crisis. That's what a leader does. Hopefully, when he's away for 9 days, things will self correct and he'll deserve no credit for any of it. It'll show him that America wants him in Go Away !!

Among Independents only, his approval rate is 31%.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

If his normal motorcade includes 40 vehicles.
Just how big will this bus tour caravan really be ?
Including all the closed airspace around his bus route ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Via Fox Nation:
“We saw within a few days that this President was going to be heavy-handed, he was going to implement his agenda and pay back his political allies, and it just went on from there to ObamaCare and then to Dodd-Frank,” DeMint said. “It has been the most anti-business and I consider anti-American administration in my lifetime.

Things that are just so anathema to the principles of freedom, and everything he has come up with centralizes more power in Washington, creates more socialist-style, collectivist policies. This president is doing something that’s so far out of the realm of anything Republicans ever did wrong, it’s hard to even imagine.”