President Obama!


Strength through joy
(USA Today) — Nearly one in 10 midsize or large employers expects to stop offering health coverage to workers once federal insurance exchanges start in 2014, according to a survey from a large benefits consultant.
Towers Watson also found in a survey completed last month that an additional 20% of companies are unsure about what they will do.
Another big benefits consultant, Mercer, found in a June survey of large and smaller employers that 8% are either “likely” or “very likely” to end health benefits once the exchanges start.
Employer-sponsored health insurance has long been the backbone of the nation’s health insurance system. But the studies suggest some employers, especially retailers or those paying low wages, feel they will be better off paying fines and taxes than continuing to provide benefits that eat up a growing portion of their budget every year.

So much for that often-told promise about being able to keep your health insurance, eh Barack?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

One persistent myth that libertarians and other free-market types have to unmask is that President Herbert Hoover’s belief in laissez faire was responsible for dramatically worsening what became the Great Depression. The myth that Hoover stood around and did nothing while the economy collapsed gets repeated ad nauseum in the media by pundits including everyone from Nobel Prize winners like Paul Krugman to, most recently, MSNBC talk-show host Rachel Maddow.
The punditry is right about one thing: Hoover can be blamed for turning what would have likely been a severe but short market correction in the wake of the artificial boom of the 1920s into a deep and long Great Depression. The reason, however, is not that Hoover did nothing, but that he did many things. Hoover, much like FDR, was skeptical about free markets, as both his earlier work as secretary of commerce and his own description of his beliefs made clear. Faced with the worsening crisis in the fall of 1929, he expanded the federal government’s role in a whole variety of ways.
Long List of Interventions
Without going into detail about any one of them, the Hoover interventions include: expanded public works, greater government control over agriculture, the Smoot-Hawley tariff, a virtual end to immigration, government loans for construction and other businesses, and greater enforcement of antitrust laws. Most important was Hoover’s pressuring businesses to not cut wages even as the prices of their output fell. The result was higher real wages, which were responsible for the unemployment rate topping out at 25 percent, causing the greatest human toll of the Great Depression. (I ignore here the very important mistakes made by the Federal Reserve System in allowing the major deflation to take place, not because it was unimportant – it was crucial to making matters worse – but because Hoover had no real control over the Fed.)

FDR Advisers Knew What Rachel Maddow and Paul Krugman Don't

and the companion piece, What Do We Mean By Big Gov't!


golden ticket member
Slacker-in-Chief: Obama Goes Golfing For 4th Time In Six Days…
For those of you keeping score at home, this is the 80th time he’s hit the links since taking office just over 2 ½ years ago.
VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. (AP) — President Barack Obama has once again hit the golf trifecta as he vacations on Martha’s Vineyard.
He spent more than two hours at Mink Meadows Golf Club on Tuesday, a semi-private, nine-hole club on the island’s north shore. It was Obama’s fourth outing since he arrived last week for a 10-day vacation. His golf partners included his friend Eric Whitaker and White House chef Sam Kass.
Obama has now played all three island courses — just as he did during family vacations in his first two years as president.
Earlier Tuesday, Obama received updates on preparations for Hurricane Irene and the upheaval in Libya. He also conferred with an economic adviser on the jobs and deficit plan the White House says he will unveil after Labor Day.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

So glad he has his priorities straight !!! If you are a supporter of Obama, doesn't stuff like this make you go, WTH ???
Obama’s New Goat Herder Regulations

While Obama has relaxed in Martha’s Vineyard this week; His administration is still hard at work for the American people and protecting our American interests. That’s why I’m so glad to tout the administrations newest labor regulation. What is it? It is law that improves the working conditions for foreign goat and sheep herders. Before today you could have been a foreign goat herder in the United States and not owned a cell phone, or you could have slept in a bed that was less than comfy. This is the case no longer. Now for foreign-born goat herders, regulations demand things such as employer paid cellphones and comfy beds to sleep in.
The new directive comes straight from our very own Department of Labor. It’s a crowing achievement for a governmental organization the American people have come to expect very little from. But I know what you are probably thinking. You’re probably saying to yourself cell phones and comfy beds are great and all, but couldn’t they have figured out a way to be even more needlessly intrusive? No need to worry. The regulations also include strict rules for sleeping quarters, lighting, food storage, bathing, laundry, cooking elements, and rules for table tops and counters where food is prepped. The nanny state is in full effect.
This marks the 75th notable job regulation from the Obama administration. Sources such as Audrey Hudson from Human Events estimate the annual bill for all 75 regulations at a total of $38,000,000,000. That’s a bill footed by American businesses. I wonder how many jobs are not created due to job producers needing to foot an extra 38 billion in new regulation compliance.
If this is the best reform the Department of Labor can offer, it might be beneficial to send the whole department on vacation for the rest of Obama’s term. So while pundits are quipping and complaining about the latest Obama family vacation; Maybe they need to see the silver lining in Obama taking a break from running a country in crisis. The best government, is a government that governs least. Obama, for at least a couple more days… will successfully live up to that standard. I just wish the heard of sheep at the Department of Labor, would follow his lead.



golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Reminds me of the old saying...."People who fail to plan, plan to fail". Nobody's working a plan in this administration.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

ZIP | Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 6:02 pm |
GOP Sen. Jim Inhofe Gives Him Both Barrels: Obama “Destroying” America…[/h]
Preach it.
BROKEN ARROW (Tulsa World) — President Barack Obama alone is to blame for the nation’s budget deficit — and just about everything else, U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe told the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday.

“We now have a president, and I don’t mean this disrespectfully, who is destroying these very institutions that made America great,” Inhofe, R-Okla., said.

Inhofe went on to say the Obama administration has “disarmed America,” is solely responsible for the federal budget deficit, mostly responsible for the nation’s dependence on imported oil and suffocating business with regulations.

He said military spending, as a share of gross domestic product, has declined during the Obama administration and criticized unflattering descriptions of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where terror suspects are held, saying, “You know the biggest problem for prisoners when they get to Gitmo? Obesity.”

Inhofe said the idea that prisoners have been tortured there was invented by Obama and others “to make you think something bad is happening in America — the same thing he does and others do when they go around talking about how bad America is.”

Inhofe said the deficit is Obama’s fault because “it’s the president’s budget. Period. That’s the end of it.”
He said the recent debtlimit agreement is a sham that does little or nothing to reduce overall spending. One solution, he continued, would be to repeal the health-care reform law, which he said is an example of “social engineering” designed to make Americans more dependent on the federal government.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

(ABC News) — As a candidate in 2008, President Obama pledged to tear out the White House bowling alley and install a basketball court instead.
Just over three years later, the basement bowling alley President Truman installed in 1947 is still there -– and apparently being put to good use.
At least 230 visitors to the White House during May came for the express purpose of bowling, according to visitor logs released today.
In fact, the underground alley was used every day of the month, except five – May 14, 16, 18, 21 and 22.
On two days, May 15 and 23, the visitor entries indicate “bowling party.”