President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Pending home sales agreements fell in July.....first time in 3 months. This is one figure in real estate that is 'forward looking'......not good news.


golden ticket member
I heard the beginning of Obama's speech in Minneapolis at the American Legion..........He was beginning by thanking his hosts and mentioned the Adjutant just read over the word adjutant and say it out loud. I know how it's suppose to sound. Obama said it as Agi-taunt.......he actually pronounced the back half of the word as 'taunt'. Reminded me of his "corpse" slip up.

Don't his groomers tell him how to properly pronounce the military words? When he does these slip ups, it may not seem like a big deal, but it really "pops" out at you. Man, if you even watched one episode of JAG, you would know more than the so-called commander.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's no longer the 'government' it's now the 'Federal Family'. Re-naming it does not make it kinder & gentler. At least it didn't cost any money!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]Obama NLRB Eliminates Secret Ballot Elections-Making Card Check Forced Unionism a Reality[/h]
Outgoing NLRB Chair Wilma Liebman and the of the Obama Appointed NLRB Board members, Craig Becker & Mark Pearce, voted to eliminate secret ballot election protections. Now, when employers make secrets deals with a union bosses agreeing to recognize a union without allowing his employees a secret ballot vote; employees no longer have the right to force an NLRB secret ballot election and allow workers to decide if they want the union or not.
Unable to pass EFCA, Card Check Forced Unionism, through a Democrat-controlled congress, Obama is paying off Big Labor through his handpicked NLRB Board. He is doing all this at the expense of worker freedoms and worker paychecks. And, the NLRB Decision is applied retroactively to bar even elections that have already been held but not counted.
Employees can now be forced to pay for an undisclosed arrangement between employers and labor union bosses without having the right to put it to a secret ballot election.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

If you drink the Messiahs and MSM kool-aid...then yes its a coincidence. I look at it as the Messiah is worried about getting re-elected and will do anything. Just watch how nasty things get comming from the Dems as we get closer to the elections.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

After Scheduling Obama’s Address To Coincide With GOP Debate, Carney Says Republicans Should Reschedule “In The Spirit Of Democracy”…
Takes some serious chutzpah to make a statement like this.
(Politico) — The White House suggested Wednesday that the hosts of next week’s GOP presidential debate can change the time by an hour so it doesn’t interfere with President Obama’s planned jobs speech to Congress.

POLITICO and NBC are hosting a Republican debate Sept. 7 at 8 p.m., the same time the White House said Obama asked Congress to make an address.

Asked about the timing on Wednesday, press secretary Jay Carney said, “It is coincidental.”
“There are a lot of factors that go into scheduling a speech before Congress, a joint session,” he said. “You can never find a perfect time. . . . There are many channels, there are many opportunities for people to watch the president, and obviously for people to watch the debate.”

Asked later if the interruption is then an “added bonus” for the White House, Carney suggested that isn’t the case. “There’s one president, there’s 20-some-odd debates,” he said.

“There are many opportunities for the American people. There’s a choice they can make to watch the president, to watch the debate,” he said. “A network could make a decision to alter the timing of the debate by an hour.”

Carney later elaborated, saying that if “sponsors chose and the candidates so chose to adjust the timing of their debate . . . that would be completely fine with us, in the spirit of democracy.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

His speech is also scheduled the same night as the Green Bay and New Orleans game too. What is in his speech that he's trying to hide amidst the game and the GOP debate?

C'mon coward, pick another night so America can really hear your 'great plan' !!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I am additionally surprised that Obama has called a joint session of congress for his TV jobs talk.

Normally a big deal joint session is for the State of the Union or a declaration of war after our country is attacked.........he's probably going to be repeating his same talking points he's said a million times before.

Why does he need a joint session if he just wants to say he's going to need to spend more on the infrastructure......except he won't use the word "spend". He'll use 'invest' instead. I think it's an abuse of power and I would like to see the Republicans go somewhere and watch the debate and skip the joint session.

I probably won't watch the prez., but I'll tape it so I can listen to it and carefully pull out the parts where he says "spend", in so many words. Or maybe I'll stroke count every new idea he has.......I won't need any paper that way.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Either he has some real dummies on his staff not to know when the GOP Debates are scheduled or he is just a dumbask.
Trying to steal the GOP's thunder really showed everyone just how much real world knowledge he has.

Isn't Thursday night when NFL starts their regular season with the defending champs playing ?
Now that exposes more just how his elitist mind works.
I can't wait to see the over night ratings.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Either he has some real dummies on his staff not to know when the GOP Debates are scheduled or he is just a dumbask.
Trying to steal the GOP's thunder really showed everyone just how much real world knowledge he has.

Isn't Thursday night when NFL starts their regular season with the defending champs playing ?
Now that exposes more just how his elitist mind works.
I can't wait to see the over night ratings.

I hope football wins!