President Obama!


Strength through joy
In case anyone missed it,
Iraq told him to remove his troops NOW.

No leaving manned bases behind,
Remove them all.
He failed to convince Iraq's leaders to do anything.

What he won't tell you that our exit port is thru Kuwait and that it takes two weeks to properly prepare a regiment's equipment for shipment.
So what are we to do with all the military equipment, leave it behind ?


golden ticket member
In case anyone missed it,
Iraq told him to remove his troops NOW.

No leaving manned bases behind,
Remove them all.
He failed to convince Iraq's leaders to do anything.

What he won't tell you that our exit port is thru Kuwait and that it takes two weeks to properly prepare a regiment's equipment for shipment.
So what are we to do with all the military equipment, leave it behind ?
I heard weeks ago that we'd be leaving it all behind....too expensive to transport it all!!


Strength through joy
What a moronic statement.

But then again you have so little knowledge about military hardware, what's left behind will be used again. Probably sold to Iran to crush the Kurds.


Strength through joy
Seem nobody has noticed that Iraq firmly booted the messiah out of their country.

October surprises usually come just before the Nov. presidential elections , not a whole year earlier.
What will he try to use come next Oct. ?
Re: Obamanomics

Lol. Sorry. Just wouldn't want folks to be too self-absorbed in their own happiness. But never being divorced, I have to ask, is the happiness of each of the parties involved mutually exclusive or in any way diminishing should one or the other have knowledge of the other's happiness?

Very complicated question and is variable depending on the two people, the longevity of the relationship and circumstances of the split. Sometime one half of the couple is oblivious to the others state of mind and misery level. Should they be able to tell? I think so, but it doesn't often seem to work that way. Then even if the misery level is known, there has to be a willingness to try and fix what is wrong. And this is just the basics.

Upstate is correct, in many cases ones misery level is diminished and sometimes erased by a divorce.
Re: Obamanomics

Very complicated question and is variable depending on the two people, the longevity of the relationship and circumstances of the split. Sometime one half of the couple is oblivious to the others state of mind and misery level. Should they be able to tell? I think so, but it doesn't often seem to work that way. Then even if the misery level is known, there has to be a willingness to try and fix what is wrong. And this is just the basics.

Upstate is correct, in many cases ones misery level is diminished and sometimes erased by a divorce.
BTW Sam, I am truly happy for you that you have never been divorced and hope that you never are.


Well-Known Member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Does it make any more consoling if he calls from the Oval Office? Do you think the Saudis care where the phone call was made?

I wonder how many similar calls W made from Crawford.

You are amazing--you dig up the most trivial crap to use against Obama.
Gee, when Trp or baba or someone else keeps count of the golf games, you never comment on are a he-man woman hater!!

Oh, and by the way, I purposely posted this and didn't wait for one of the other guys to do it because I knew you'd jump at it.


golden ticket member
Still no exuse, you seen London, England lately or Germany, even northern Europe, and all of Europe.
Hongcouver (formally known as Vancouver) ? Or Toronto ?

Every country has many immigrants, and all the "homegrown" people are becomming minorities.
Nothing new there.

Why can't the US deal with it, while other western nations can ?
The problem arises when the immigrants try to change everything to do things their way!!! We refuse "to deal with that" !!