President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Another Major Obama Fundraiser Is Investor In Car Company That Won $50 Million Federal Loan…

Follow the money.
(WaPo) — An investment firm whose vice chairman has been an adviser and fundraiser for President Obama saw one of its portfolio companies win approval this year for $50 million in loans from the administration’s clean-energy loan program.

Washington-based Perseus says its affiliation with James A. Johnson, a major fundraiser for Obama’s campaign, played no role in persuading the Energy Department to award the loan to Vehicle Production Group, a Miami start-up that is manufacturing wheelchair-accessible cars and taxis.

Johnson headed Obama’s vice presidential selection committee in 2008 and is the former chairman of housing mortgage giant Fannie Mae. He was listed as a campaign fundraising bundler for Obama in the 2008 race, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, and committed to raising $200,000 to $500,000 for the upcoming presidential race.

Johnson could not be reached for comment Thursday. Perseus Chairman Frank Pearl said in an interview that it is an “absurd idea” to think that Johnson’s political connections helped the Miami company.

“I doubt there was anybody at DOE that even considered the fact that Jim was part of this firm. We went straight through the proper channels of the [loan] program,” he said.


golden ticket member
And Obama considers this his crowning achievement.
(HealthWatch) — Support for Democrats’ healthcare reform has hit its lowest point since the law passed in March 2010, says a new monthly poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
After months of split support for the law, 51 percent of respondents to the latest poll had an unfavorable view while only 34 percent had a favorable impression.
The key reason for the change, the poll found, was Democrats’ waning support: Even though they remain more favorable to the law than Republicans and Independents, the proportion of Democrats with favorable views has decreased from about two-thirds to just 52 percent in October.
The poor polling numbers all but ensure that the law will be a handicap for many Democrats — and the president himself — going into the 2012 election. They also suggest that Republicans’ constant hammering at the law has been effective: Only 18 percent of respondents now expect that they and their families will be better off thanks to the law, down from 27 percent just last month.
And Obama considers this his crowning achievement.
(HealthWatch) — Support for Democrats’ healthcare reform has hit its lowest point since the law passed in March 2010, says a new monthly poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
After months of split support for the law, 51 percent of respondents to the latest poll had an unfavorable view while only 34 percent had a favorable impression.
The key reason for the change, the poll found, was Democrats’ waning support: Even though they remain more favorable to the law than Republicans and Independents, the proportion of Democrats with favorable views has decreased from about two-thirds to just 52 percent in October.
The poor polling numbers all but ensure that the law will be a handicap for many Democrats — and the president himself — going into the 2012 election. They also suggest that Republicans’ constant hammering at the law has been effective: Only 18 percent of respondents now expect that they and their families will be better off thanks to the law, down from 27 percent just last month.

Some of them must have finally read the law to "find out what's in it" .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Another Obama-Backed Green Energy Company Files For Bankruptcy, American Taxpayers On The Hook For $43 Million…

If there’s one thing this administration excels at it’s pissing away taxpayer cash.
(Reuters) — Beacon Power Corp filed for bankruptcy on Sunday, just a year after the energy storage company received a $43 million loan guarantee from a controversial Department of Energy program.

The bankruptcy comes about two months after Solyndra — a solar panel maker with a $535 million loan guarantee — also filed for Chapter 11, creating a political embarrassment for the administration of President Barack Obama, which has championed the loans as a way to create “green energy” jobs.

Beacon Power drew down $39 million of its government-guaranteed loan to fund a portion of a $69 million, 20-megawatt flywheel energy storage plant in Stephentown, New York.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama’s Labor Secretary Uses Sexually Explicit Slur “Teabaggers” To Describe Conservatives…

(SSN) — With the team behind President Barack Obama targeting the Sunshine State in their bid for a second term in 2012, the White House sent U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis to speak to the Florida Democratic Convention on Saturday.

A day after Vice President Joe Biden told the convention at Walt Disney World that Obama needed to carry Florida to win in 2012, Solis attempted to rally Democrats for the elections and urged them to push for the Obama jobs plan which, with Republicans controlling the U.S. House, has no chance of passing Congress.

Speaking at a luncheon event on Saturday, Solis carried water for Obama, bashing Republicans and praising the administration’s economic policies.

Solis offered harsh words about conservatives. Looking at 2012, Solis slammed the tea party movement, calling them “teabaggers” and promising the Obama administration will take them on.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Republican Congressman to Obama: Please Stop Buying Your Own Books With Taxpayer Money…
(The Hill) — Rep. David Schweikert (R-Ariz.) wants President Obama to give back the royalties on books purchased by the State Department, he said Tuesday.
“Imagine you’re in a foreign country, you’re visiting a foreign embassy, they hand you a very political book written by the president and you realize the president’s getting royalties on. It just, symbolically but also even mechanically, it doesn’t seem right,” Schweikert said on Fox News. “This is one of those occasions where, on the scale of what’s going on in Greece and Afghanistan, it may be very small, but the symbolism’s pretty powerful.”

Schweikert is following up on a report by the Washington Times from late October that found the State Department bought more than $70,000 worth of books authored by Obama. Embassies used the books as gratuity gifts and also to stock libraries in various countries. The largest single buy was by the U.S. Embassy in Egypt, which spent $28,636 for copies of Obama’s 2004 memoir Dreams From My Father.
Schweikert called it “not a particularly pretty circle.”

He sent an open letter to Obama on Monday asking Obama to cease purchasing copies of his books using taxpayer money, and remit any royalty payments based off previous State Department purchases to the Treasury Department.
“Receiving royalties from government purchases of your book is exactly the type of out-of-touch Washington behavior that the American people are weary of and will no longer tolerate,” the letter reads. “Whether this has been done in the past or not, it should be stopped immediately


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama on Economy: “It’s Always My Responsibility, I’m Less Interested In Allocating Blame”..

Talk about assploding hypocrisy, he’s been blaming Bush since day one.
(CBS News) — President Obama defended his administration’s economic record by saying that the nation has “made steady progress” during his term in office, and he continued pushing Congress to pass his $447 billion jobs bill in an interview broadcast on CBS’ “The Early Show” Tuesday.

The president spoke with local television reporters from swing states at the White House Monday, including Amelia Santaniello of CBS News affiliate WCCO-TV in Minneapolis, who asked Mr. Obama if he could tell Americans that they were better off than they were four years ago.

“We are better off now than we would have been if I hadn’t taken all the steps that we took,” Mr. Obama said. “I don’t think the country’s stronger yet than it was when the economy was still booming and we didn’t have the Wall Street crisis and we didn’t have the housing bubble burst, but we’ve made steady progress. We just need to make more.”
The president said he wasn’t dodging responsibility for the economy’s slow recovery from the recession that started during the Bush administration.

“It’s always my responsibility,” Mr. Obama said. “I’m less interested in allocating blame than just making sure that we’re taking every step we need to to move the economy forward.”

The president said that stabilizing the economy since he took office in 2009 was one of the actions of which he’s “proudest” and that he wants to lower the nation’s high unemployment rate


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

November 2, 2011 @ 1:09 pm | Obamanomics: Almost 15% of U.S. Population Now on Food Stamps, Jumps 8.1% During Past Year…

Otherwise known in the Obama administration as, mission accomplished.
(WSJ) — Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in August, as the number of recipients hit 45.8 million.
Food stamp rolls have risen 8.1% in the past year, the Department of Agriculture reported, though the pace of growth has slowed from the depths of the recession.

The number of recipients in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), may continue to rise in coming months as families continue to struggle with high unemployment and September’s data will likely include disaster assistance tied to the destruction


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

| Wednesday, November 2, 2011 @ 7:15 pm |
[h=2]Obamanomics: Federal Debt Jumps $203 Billion During October…[/h]

(CNS News) — The federal government’s debt increased by $203,368,715,583.63 in the month of October, according to the U.S. Treasury.

That equals about $650 per person for each of the 312,542,760 people the Census Bureau now estimates live in the United States.
At the end of September, the total national debt stood at $14,790,340,328,557.15, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt. By the end of October, it had risen to $14,993,709,044,140.78.

The debt increased far more this October than it did last October. Between the last day of September 2010 and the last day of October, the debt rose from $13,561,623,030,891.79 to 13,668,825,497,341.36 — for an increase of $107,202,466, 449.57.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

If economy isn't his forte.....and foreign relations fall flat at his hand, it makes me wonder what is he good at? To me, his comment would be like if someone talked about Malia & Sasha and said "it's a good thing they have long hair to cover those 'Dumbo" ears they must've inherited from you."

Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 9:32 am French Outraged Obama “Insulted” Sarkozy With Joke About His Looks…
You mean people don’t like being called ugly? I’m shocked.

CANNES, France
— President Obama came, he saw, he insulted.

“Obama insults Sarkozy,” blared the headline on one French website, taking umbrage at Mr. Obama’s wayward remark at the G20 summit here about the physical appearance of French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Mr. Obama thought he was making a gentle joke about Mr. Sarkozy, host of the summit, when he congratulated Mr. Sarkozy and wife Carla Bruni on the birth of their baby daughter on Oct. 19. Instead, Mr. Obama caused a minor international incident.

“I want to make mention that this is our first meeting since the arrival of the newest Sarkozy, and so I want to congratulate Nicolas and Carla on the birth of Giulia,” Mr. Obama told reporters shortly after his arrival at the G20, with Mr. Sarkozy at his side. “And I informed Nicolas on the way in that I am confident that Giulia inherited her mother’s looks rather than her father’s, which I think is an excellent thing.”

He added, “And so now we share one of the greatest challenges and blessings of life, and that is being fathers to our daughters.”

Mr. Sarkozy, who is said to be very conscious about his looks, did not appear greatly amused by the comment, and some observers who attended the meeting said Mr. Obama’s remark fell flat.