President Obama!


golden ticket member
Hugo Chavez To Obama: “You Are a Shame To Black People”…

That was then . . .

. . . this is now.


President Hugo Chavez speaks on Obama - "You are a shame to black people" - YouTube


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Gee, TOS must've gotten her numbers from a "butt poll".....................because these #'s arent 50 % like TOS claims........

December 28, 2011 @ 12:41 pm | [h=2]WSJ Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Among His Base Support Groups Has Tanked…
Via Newsmax:

President Barack Obama’s approval rating has dropped among his key 2008 voting blocks, and “a generic Republican” leads him in the polls, The Wall Street Journal says on its opinion pages.
A Dec. 15 article by The National Journal — “Where Obama Has Slipped” — Ron Brownstein writes:

“Obama’s approval rating is now 12 percentage points lower than his 2008 share of the vote among young adults (age 18-29); 11 points lower among African Americans; and 10 points among college-educated white women. . . . compared to his 2008 showing, he’s tumbled 14 percentage points among independents, another group that provided him a narrow majority of its votes last time.

[Among] upper-middle-income families earning between $75,000 and $100,000 annually . . . he’s dropped from 51 percent of the vote with them to 44 percent approval


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's not like Obama has to shore up support with his base. They will be there in November.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Independents. That's where elections are won.
The independents have all but abandoned Buck.

"Obama's approval rating is now 12 percentage points lower than his 2008 share of the vote among young adults (age 18-29); 11 points lower among African Americans; and 10 points among college-educated white women… Compared to his 2008 showing, he's tumbled 14 percentage points among independents, another group that provided him a narrow majority of its votes last time. [Among] upper middle-income families earning between $75,000 and $100,000 annually…. he's dropped from 51 percent of the vote with them to 44 percent approval."

President Obama's Slip -


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



golden ticket member
Just to clarify: Being photographed at Target or PetSmart is perfectly fine, having their pic taken at a swanky $260 per dinner restaurant is unacceptable.
Via White House Dossier:
President Obama and Michelle had dinner last night at Honolulu’s famed foodie paradise, Alan Wong’s. [...]
I realize the Obamas are wealthy people, and that wealthy people have the right to drop $260 of their disposable income on chow. But if you’re going to invite Associated Press photographers along to capture your trip to Target and stage photo ops at PetSmart and Best Buy, then I’m going to write about your unpublicized excursion to Alan Wong’s.
Diners have been trying to takes pictures of POTUS, only to be chased off by advance staffers.
Since when are people not allowed to take pictures?


golden ticket member
People choose to go into public life, in a public place their privacy. Stay at home if you want privacy, Rockstar!

From a debate:

"Public figures seek this status knowing that it will bring attention to their private lives – pop stars, footballers, etc. Constant scrutiny is the price of fame. Many celebrities actively seek media exposure in order to advance their careers, revealing many aspects of their personal lives; once success has been bought in such a fashion it is hypocritical to complain of “press intrusion” into those few aspects the star would prefer to remain hidden."

Private Lives of Public Figures: Debatabase - Debate Topics and Debate Motions
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Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=1]ICE launches hotline for busted immigrants[/h]The hotline, run by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, is available 24/7 for detained individuals to phone if they think they “may be U.S. citizens or victims of a crime.”