President Obama!


golden ticket member
Monday, December 26, 2011 @ 11:40 am | Obama Quietly Nominates Dem Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Brother-In-Law To Federal Judgeship…

Cronyism at its worst.
(Politico) — Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) brother-in-law was quietly nominated by President Barack Obama to a federal judgeship in New Jersey, even though the state’s senior senator, Frank Lautenberg, was leaning toward other candidates, according to a report Monday.

Kevin McNulty, who is married to Schumer’s sister, was nominated for the $174,000-a-year lifetime post in the U.S. District Court on Dec. 16, according to the New York Post.

“McNulty came out of left field,” the Post quoted someone involved in New Jersey’s judicial politics as saying. “McNulty’s not a dumb guy, but people were just, like, ‘How’d that happen?’ ”

The paper’s sources suggested the nomination was a nod by Lautenberg to Schumer, in a bid to stave off opposition from Schumer and other Democratic leaders to the 87-year-old Lautenberg running for reelection in 2014


golden ticket member
I have a question.

If and when Obamacare is in full effect..............what if a person goes to the E.R. and has no insurance.? What happens to them?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

No I dont. He's ending two wars. He said so long before he took office. One down, 7 months to go on the other war. With over 250 thousand civilians killed in two countries under the BUSH administration, ANY president who vows to end wars that take innocent lives deserves the peace prize.

The mass killing of innocent human beings doesnt make us a tougher or stronger country, it makes us weak. The strength comes from diplomacy and peace.

I'm sorry to report that the 2006 election for which the D's won both the House & Senate was on a Let's end the war slogan. So how was he able to declare victory in 2008, while two wars were still on going ? And now we have been involved with 2-3 more wars ?
" strength comes from " kicking someone's butt, not bowing to every other world leader.
And those mass killings are still going on, yet our "Christian" president says nothing about the deaths of all the non-muslims who have lived in their own countries for centuries peacefully.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

No I dont. He's ending two wars. He said so long before he took office. One down, 7 months to go on the other war. With over 250 thousand civilians killed in two countries under the BUSH administration, ANY president who vows to end wars that take innocent lives deserves the peace prize.

The mass killing of innocent human beings doesnt make us a tougher or stronger country, it makes us weak. The strength comes from diplomacy and peace.


With your way of thinking, if I promise to spell every word correctly, then I could be the National Spelling Bee Champion!!
Oh, I could ride that bull better than that guy. You can? Here's your National Rodeo Chmapionship Cup !!
I can dance really's your Disco Ball Trophy and you win dancing with the Stars!!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]It’s the Math, Stupid!: Seven Devastating Facts About 2012[/h] by Wynton Hall

  1. Every day, the U.S. government takes in $6 billion and spends $10 billion. This means that every day the federal government spends $4 billion more dollars than it has.
  2. The real unemployment rate is a jaw-dropping 11 percent.
  3. Every fifth man you pass on your way to work is now out of work.
  4. College graduates are now 34% less likely to find a job under Obama than they were under President George W. Bush.
  5. Every seventh person you pass on the sidewalk now relies on food stamps.
  6. The ravages of the Obama economy now mean that more Americans live under the federal poverty line than at any time in U.S. history since records have been kept.
  7. Under President Barack Obama, every fifth child in America now lives in poverty.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Where are the spending cuts ???

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The White House plans to ask Congress for an increase in the debt limit before the end of the week, according to a senior Treasury Department official.

The debt limit is projected to fall within $100 billion of the current cap by December 30. President Barack Obama is expected to ask for additional borrowing authority to increase the limit by $1.2 trillion.

Under the new budget, Congress can only vote to block the debt-ceiling extension with a disapproval resolution. Lawmakers have 15 days within receiving the request to vote down the debt limit increase.

The debt limit currently stands at $15.194 trillion and would increase to $16.394 trillion with the request


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today


Was the first to state your point and the duplicate to further said point?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Was the first to state your point and the duplicate to further said point?
All I see is one picture on post #1804....I don't know what you are talking about. If there's something askew....maybe I pushed a button twice.....did I turn your world upside down? Go to the movies!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh, I was from Xmas eve and it was repeated by the cartoonist again he submitted a repeat cartoon and it's my fault? What can I say? I liked it on Xmas Eve and I liked it today. Guess what? I'll probably like it tomorrow too. Ask me next week and I'll probably like it then too. I didn't notice it was posted before. I guess that makes you so right. OK, now what do you have planned Mr. hall moniter?

I didn't know B.C. hired a private eye, a dick!! Hell of a job....very thorough. What time did I log off last night? What did I have for supper tonight?

:picture: :detective


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

WTH !! Is anyone paying attention ???

December 27, 2011 @ 10:31 pm | Good News: Another $180K In Taxpayer Funds Have Been Spent on The “Shrimp Running on a Treadmill” Study…

Good grief.

( – Reports of $500,000 of taxpayer funds to study a project that has shrimp running on a treadmill hit the headlines early in 2011. A recent report now shows that $682,570 in grants has been awarded to the research effort.

According to the National Science Foundation (NSF) website, the money has been granted to the “Taking the Pulse of Marine Life in Stressed Seas” research conducted by biology professors Louis and Karen Burnett at the College of Charleston. The research page describes the professor’s “big question” as “How are human-made marine stresses affecting the marine life that we need?”

The website describes the process of the Burnett’s experiments, “First, a crustacean is infected, by injection, with the same types of disease-causing bacteria that are commonly encountered in the wild. Next, the animal is placed on a specially built, mini underwater treadmill. Then, the organism’s vital signs, such as its heart rate and blood pressure, are measured (as a proxy for fitness) while it walks on the treadmill–similar to the way that a person’s vital signs are measured while he or she& walks on a treadmill during a stress test.

Finally, the treadmill performances of infected crustaceans are compared to those of their uninfected counterparts.”

The NSF has even produced a video on the project titled: “The Importance of Studying Shrimp On A Treadmill”.