President Obama!


golden ticket member
Do they ever think of the other side of the coin......if you have gay also have to have gay divorce.....and alimony and child support. That will make lots of job security for those slimy lawyers out there.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Via Diogenes’ Middle Finger and Atlas Shrugs


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Subject: If Obama would just change a few things, Remember HOPE and CHANGE.

Reflecting on his visit to Disney World in Florida on Thursday, Obama said the U.S. needs to encourage tourism. He will expand the number of countries where visitors can be pre-cleared by Homeland Security so they don’t need a tourist visa.
“We want more visitors coming here,” Obama said. “We want them spending money here. It’s good for our economy, and it will help provide the boost more businesses need to grow and hire.“ ( from Market Watch CNBC)

Now what if we changed a few things in Obama’s speech we would really be fixing this economy.

Reflecting on his visit to Disney World in Florida on Thursday, Obama said the U.S. needs to encourage capitalism. He will reduce the number of regulations where
businesses will have less government intervention and they can prosper and grow their business.
“We want more businesses coming here,” Obama said. “We want them to build their businesses here and spend money here. It’s good for our economy, and it will
help provide the boost for more businesses to grow and hire.“ (from the Hammer)



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Sunday, January 22, 2012 @ 3:21 PM | Oprah’s Creepy Cult-Like Devotion To Obama As Strong As Ever…
pparently Oprah’s under the impression Obama’s presidency has been “successful.”
JAIPUR, India (AP) — Oprah Winfrey says she is confident that President Barack Obama will win another four-year term in this year’s U.S. election.

The talk show host was addressing a literary festival Sunday in the northwestern Indian town of Jaipur.
Winfrey praised Obama’s handling of the presidency. She said his next four years would be even more successful, with people able to get back to work.

Winfrey backed Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign in her first-ever political endorsement.


golden ticket member
January 22, 2012 @ 7:42 pm |
Too Funny: Naive Obama Administration Thinks The Taliban Will Renounce Terrorism…

Clueless doesn’t even begin to describe these people.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Taliban must renounce ties to terrorists and endorse peace efforts as a condition for opening a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar, a senior U.S. diplomat said Sunday.

Marc Grossman, the special U.S. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, called for quick work in setting up the office in Qatar, seen as a step to negotiating an end to the decade-long war in Afghanistan between the Taliban and the Western-backed government.

The issue underscores the complexity of efforts to wind down the war ahead of the November Presidential election. Publicly, the Taliban have expressed no interest in reconciliation.

Grossman said Qatar and Afghanistan need to be in direct contact about the office, but “for an office to open, we also need to have a clear statement by the Afghan Taliban against international terrorism and in support of a peace process to end the armed conflict in Afghanistan.”
Last year Washington opened secret negotiations with the Taliban exploring their willingness to enter into peace talks ahead of the presidential election.

U.S. conversations with Taliban representatives have focused on establishing the Taliban office in Qatar and prisoner exchanges. The Taliban are seeking the release of five prisoners from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, including Khairullah Khairkhwa, the former governor of Herat province, and Mullah Mohammed Fasl, a top Taliban commander.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I saw him standing in front of the castle at Disney World and talking about travel & tourism. If people had jobs, maybe they could vacation & travel........and if he was speaking to people outside the U.S.....shoot, they're in a mess too.
Orlando was a good spot to unveil this Mickey Mouse idea.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

I saw him standing in front of the castle at Disney World and talking about travel & tourism. If people had jobs, maybe they could vacation & travel........and if he was speaking to people outside the U.S.....shoot, they're in a mess too.
Orlando was a good spot to unveil this Mickey Mouse idea.

Of course he meant tourisum from people visiting the US. That brings money in.
But why did he slap another $7 something entering fee onto Mexicans and Canadians, that were excempt until this year ?
It's not a lot of money, but it's the principle, that some just stay away. That's the only way you can beat added fees, is to boycott them, like you have with BOA !
Do they ever think of the other side of the coin......if you have gay also have to have gay divorce.....and alimony and child support. That will make lots of job security for those slimy lawyers out there.

Not so sure it shouldn't be that way. I know three couples of women that have used donors and had kids through natural birth. I don't know if the non-birth mother is listed on the BC at all. I don't know what would happen legally if they split up on child support or custody . A law on civil unions could well cover these possible situations as well as giving them the same rights as straight couples in a marriage. There are lots of laws granting rights to spouses that gay couples don't have. The right of inheritance of intestate estates(community property), filing income tax as a couple, right to limited health information and I am sure there are many others I can't think of right now. I think getting all these rights to gay people are important. In Texas we don't have alimony but do have spousal support which can, and sometimes does, go either way.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamabastic !!

He does have lots to sing about lately ! :)

Watching those 4 clowns heggeling it out, jobs growth, economical growth. (according to Canadian banks, the US will surpass Canada in GDP growth in 2012, by half a percentage, most likely 2.5 versus 3% in the US). That is good substainable growth !