President Obama!


Strength through joy
(Politico) — A former CIA officer was charged Monday with disclosing the identity of a covert CIA officer and with telling journalists the name an agency officer involved with the interrogation of alleged Al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaydah.
The Justice Department charged that John Kiriakou, 47, who worked as a CIA officer from 1990 to 2004, revealed the information to journalists and that one reporter passed some of the secrets onto attorneys representing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Kiriakou’s case is the sixth leak-related criminal prosecution brought since President Barack Obama took office, a figure that exceeds the number of such cases in all previous administrations combined.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
(Politico) — A former CIA officer was charged Monday with disclosing the identity of a covert CIA officer and with telling journalists the name an agency officer involved with the interrogation of alleged Al Qaeda leader Abu Zubaydah.
The Justice Department charged that John Kiriakou, 47, who worked as a CIA officer from 1990 to 2004, revealed the information to journalists and that one reporter passed some of the secrets onto attorneys representing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
Kiriakou’s case is the sixth leak-related criminal prosecution brought since President Barack Obama took office, a figure that exceeds the number of such cases in all previous administrations combined.

What a ridiculous attempt at blaming OBAMA for leaks. You amaze me sometimes BABA, and not for your ability to present knowledge, but for taking twisted takes on the reality of war.

First, lets examine this agents history. He was in the CIA in the FIRST BUSH administration as a counter intelligence officer and continued working in the Clinton administration but not in counterintelligence. During the second BUSH administration he became a senior operations officer of the CIA for BUSH.

Mr. Kiriakou served in the Central Intelligence Agency from 1990 until
March 2004, first as an analyst, and later as a counterterrorism operations
officer. As a senior operations officer, Mr. Kiriakou became chief of
counterterrorist operations in Pakistan immediately following the September
11 attacks. This tour culminated in the March 2002 capture of Abu
Zubaydah, al-Qa’ida’s third-ranking official, in a raid led by Mr. Kiriakou in
Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Upon his return from Pakistan, Mr. Kiriakou was named Executive Assistant
to the CIA’s Deputy Director for Operations, where he was intimately
involved in the planning for the Iraq war, and where he served as principle
Iraq briefer for the Director of Central Intelligence.

Mr. Kiriakou gained nationwide attention in December 2007 when he
became the first CIA officer to acknowledge the waterboarding of al-Qa’ida
prisoners in US custody.

He was out of the CIA when OBAMA took office and he was caught by the OBAMA administration. This guy was just a part of the bigger corruption program of GEORGE W. BUSH and congratulations should be in order for catching this scum bag during the OBAMA administraton.

Instead of trying to make a story into a bad story for OBAMA, why not congratulate him for catching another BUSH ERA crony? I hope they all get caught upto and including GEORGE W BUSH.



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamabastic !!

I feel safe in saying if your government had no other outlet to sell that oil, you would care about the US side of the pipeline probably more than any American.

Actually, I may surprise you, but I don't really agree we (Alberta and Canada), should go full course ahead and sell us much oil as we can.
Why not leave and save some for later years to come ?
It's not like we are disperate and in need of dollars currently.
We could easily wait 10 years and get double the price, with inflation included.

Oil is $110 a barrell today, what do you think the price will be when the economies in Europe and the United States go back into full swing ?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamabastic !!

Stay out of our politics.

Go sell some hot dogs and travel on a cruise.

When you pay taxes as an American and vote as an American; only then will your annoying views about our country have validation.

Can you just take a chill pill?

You want to ban me from watching my Canadian Ali Velshi on CNN, or a British person from watching Piers Morgan ?
Want to ban me from watching Canadian news (try or where the first or second subject is US politics ?

Won't happen.
I understand Americans aren't interested in world news, but other countries are. And it just happens to be, that America seems to make the headlines worldwide.
Maybe, in a few years time when the US dollar is dropped from being the world currency, and our resources are traded in Euros, or Yuans, or some other global currency, the US might not play that important role in the news we have today ?

But, you'll remain our largest trading partner, for generations yet to follow. That won't change anytime soon ! Neither the fact that you are our only neighbors.
Re: Obamabastic !!

Actually, I may surprise you, but I don't really agree we (Alberta and Canada), should go full course ahead and sell us much oil as we can.
Why not leave and save some for later years to come ?
It's not like we are disperate and in need of dollars currently.
We could easily wait 10 years and get double the price, with inflation included.

Oil is $110 a barrell today, what do you think the price will be when the economies in Europe and the United States go back into full swing ?
Evidently your elected leaders don't agree with you.

Plus, I don't believe you for one second.


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

The news just said there will be a second teleprompter on hand tonight, just in case anything goes wrong!!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 @ 7:02 pm | Senate Dems Want To Rename Obama’s So-Called “Buffett Rule” To The “Romney Rule”…

Why not the “Kerry Rule”? He’s richer than Romney (thanks to Teresa) and only pays a 13% tax rate.
(WSJ) — As they say in politics, branding is everything.
Senate Democratic leaders suggested Wednesday that the so-called Buffett Rule should be renamed the Romney Rule, after GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romneysaid this week that he paid less than 15% of his roughly $20 million in income in federal income taxes in 2010.

The proposal — dubbed the Buffett Rule by President Barack Obama — a nod to billionaire Warren Buffett who famously said his tax rate was a lot lower than his secretary’s, and that shouldn’t be — would require households earning more than $1 million to pay an effective federal tax rate of at least 30%.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

The problem with America today no names are necessary:

Times person of the year --a lazy thug taking a crap on a police car.

Villian of the year --a man who gave his inheritance away. Has excellent business acumen, made millions of dollars that he originally paid 39% on --re-invested and risked the money in various business to CREATE jobs --paid by present law 15% on that--in the past two years has contributed to charity over seven million dollars and when he eventually dies --the Government will take an additional 55%.

It is really sad that we have come to hate success.

Stop the nonsense --Obama is talking out of two sides of his mouth--the Present tax law that he has done NOTHING to change in three years --has rates on INCOME and Rates on invested money. If he does not like it --CHANGE IT --and stop crying about it.

He mentioned "Budget" numerous times last night ---CAN the Democrats please put a budget forward !!! It has been over 1000 days since we had one.