President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

The funny thing is is that when unemployment was 10%, it was sufficiently high enough for the right. Now, that it's trending downward, we've switched to "real unemployment" as the discussion.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics


Originally Posted by The Other Side

Obama adds 6 trillion to save the country


Since this is a fairy tale,
You just forgot the beginning....."Once upon a time....."
And the end, "They lived happily ever after..."



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

He does have lots to sing about lately ! :)

Watching those 4 clowns heggeling it out, jobs growth, economical growth. (according to Canadian banks, the US will surpass Canada in GDP growth in 2012, by half a percentage, most likely 2.5 versus 3% in the US). That is good substainable growth !
He's not gonna have much to sing about at the state of the union speech. I'm tuning it to see if he gets booed at all.

If he mentions about his marvelous job creation.....after saying no to the pipeline....someone should boo him!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

I definitely care about American jobs more than "bombastic Obama !!

If that were TRUE, you would have supported the GM bailout and the ultimate saving of not only american jobs but american manufacturing.

Sometimes I just wonder about your thought process.

The Taliban must renounce ties to terrorists and endorse peace efforts as a condition for opening a political office in the Gulf state of Qatar, a senior U.S. diplomat said Sunday.
What are they going to do, look in a mirror and say I RENOUNCE YOU ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Obama Official Confirms U.S. Meeting With Al-Qaeda Allied Haqqani Network…

As if the Taliban wasn’t bad enough.
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN — The US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan on Sunday confirmed a meeting with the Haqqani insurgent group, as signs of a dialogue between the United States and rebels continue to grow.

‘We had one meeting with Haqqani network,’ Marc Grossman told a news conference in Kabul.
His remarks come after US and the Taliban militants confirmed preliminary talks for opening an liaison office for the Taliban in the Qatari capital of Doha – increasing speculation of an end to the decade-long bloody insurgency in this war-torn country.

‘I think, from the Afghan prospective anyway, this is an inclusive process but we will have to see what turns out,’ Grossman said, after a two days trip to Afghanistan.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Top U.S. Catholic Cardinal Blasts Obama For Being “On Wrong Side Of The Constitution Again”…

As a Catholic all I can say is, finally.
( — Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has recorded a video message bluntly stating that the Obama administration has a habit of advancing policies that violate the U.S. Constitution.
“But I am afraid the administration is on the wrong side of the Constitution again,” Dolan said in the video.

The new video message is the latest step in an escalating and historically unprecedented confrontation between the Roman Catholic Church and an American president.

It centers around what the American Catholic bishops see as the Obama administration’s efforts to restrict the right of Catholic citizens and institutions to freely exercise their religion as guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.

This time, Dolan said, the administration is moving to violate the 1st Amendment by forcing Catholics to purchase health insurance plans that cover sterilizations and artificial contraceptives, including abortifacients.

The church teaches that sterilization, artificial contraception and abortion violate the natural law and that Catholics cannot be involved in them. Dolan called on Americans to contact elected officials and call for the administration’s health-insurance regulation to be rescinded.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Another Democrat with a room temperature IQ.
Via Mediaite:
Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings spoke with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell about President Obama’s record and made the extraordinary claim that President Obama had “some 508 promises that he made to the American people and he has acted on all of them except three.” [...]

While Cummings correctly cites the president’s 508 promises compiled by Politifact, saying he acted on all of them except three is exceptionally dubious, especially since the site explicitly mentions he broke 56 promises. That is a far cry from three.


Age quod agis
Re: Obamabastic !!

He does have lots to sing about lately ! :)

Watching those 4 clowns heggeling it out, jobs growth, economical growth. (according to Canadian banks, the US will surpass Canada in GDP growth in 2012, by half a percentage, most likely 2.5 versus 3% in the US). That is good substainable growth !

Stay out of our politics.

Go sell some hot dogs and travel on a cruise.

When you pay taxes as an American and vote as an American; only then will your annoying views about our country have validation.

Can you just take a chill pill?


golden ticket member
Monday, January 23, 2012 @ 3:17 pm | Report: Obama Personally Approved Use of Budget Gimmickry To Hide Billions From Cost Of Obamacare…
Via Politico:
The president prided himself on honesty in his first budget proposal, including the real estimated costs of spending, but Obama later shifted his stance and approved the use of budget gimmickry, according to The New Yorker.

When his aides suggested in late 2009 that he should abandon the honest approach on estimated spending on disaster aid, for example, the president signed off, The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza reports. Obama also approved of fanciful budget numbers on his signature health care legislation, Lizza wrote:
In the December 20th memo, [Obama aides] resorted to gimmickry…On disaster relief, for example, he had estimated that the government would need twenty billion dollars a year, a figure based on the statistical likelihood of major disasters requiring federal aid.

Now Obama’s aides reminded him that Congress had ignored his “ ‘honest budgeting’ approach,” and perhaps they should, too. They proposed “$5 billion per year for disaster costs.” Obama drew [a] check mark.

The White House could also save billions by fiddling with the way it presented savings from Obama’s health-care-reform bill. Check.