President Obama!


Well-Known Member
I know that's the good thing about America, everyone that sees a doctor that has a simple cough , gets a $1000+ catscan taken.
You folks have enough money to pay for it all.

They do not pass cat scans out like candy---the doctor would first use his stethoscope to listen to your lungs and would then most likely order a nebullizer treatment--if neither of those were definitive he would then order an x-ray--if that was inconclusive only then would he order a cat scan.

I get bronchitis every winter and have to endure the stethoscope and nebullizer treatment before they give me the good cough medicine.
Well, here everyone is treated equally. Don'matter if you a kid, working citizen or unemployed , neither retired. We all sit in any doctors office we chose to go.

Some of you are for a flat tax , such as that 9-9-9 plan.
Why aren't you for a flat rate at a hospital ? $1000 a day, $2000 a day , no matter what they provide you with ?
Our hospital doctors don't get paid by surgery (what type, or how difficult, or how long they take) - they get paid a nice salary instead.

In the case of Sarah Burke, her cost probably would have been $1000-$2000 per day for those 5 or 6 days. And that's it !

Anyways, now you folks know how much it costs for accidential death in the US (half a million) for being less than a week hospitalized.
Keep it going, so no one can longer afford it !

Btw, does a UPS driver get paid for every single stop that is different from another (stairs, long walk ways, heavy packages).
I didn't think so.

But American doctors are !

Wanna venture a guess who decides on how much a doctor gets paid for the various services they provide? You may think it is the Doctors, but that isn't exactly correct. Bottom line is, it is the government that makes that decision Medicare dictates how much is paid for a procedure and that is what the private insurance companies base their payouts on as well. To use made up numbers for example:
An appendectomy pays are: Patient pays $10, 000 , private insurance pays $6,000 , Medicare pays $4,000. The doctor has little leeway on setting that price. As I said, these are made up numbers but a fairly accurate example of the pricing structure. The amount of time a patient can stay in the hospital is limited also, depending on the patients given diagnoses and current condition. A person receiving that appendectomy to be dismissed from the hospital in 2-3 days tops unless unexpected complications arise. All these circumstances are derived from Medicare/Medicaid , aka the government.
And this is the USA, the land of free enterprise,.....right.


golden ticket member
I know that's the good thing about America, everyone that sees a doctor that has a simple cough , gets a $1000+ catscan taken.
You folks have enough money to pay for it all.

I think you missed my point. ( that's normal) I'm saying by the time you see a doctor about a simple smoker's could be months waiting for an X-ray and then be diagnosed with a stage 4 lung cancer that would've been stage 2 had they been more aggressive in checking you out.
That's why I said I don't know how you could risk smoking in Canada.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



Für Meno :)
Pretty weak response there Klein, makes it obvious you don't know what you are talking about.

Why did you pass over Island's post an hit on Moreluck? Never mind answering that, I have a pretty good idea.

I skipped over Island's post because I already posted several times, that each province handles it own healthcare, and I am aware that Ontario has a problem, with not having enough hospital beds, and probably surgeons, too. And that they do send out patients to the US (paid by them, not the patient).

It's like comparing Alaska as a whole of the American health system (Sarah Palin admitting her family often went to Canada for healthcare services).
And since I never used out of province medical care, I can't really speak about it.
But, I still believe it's better then not being insured at all, and not being able to see a doctor if you don't have money or insurance.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

That makes sense.

However, I think Obama's point is that in this time of belt tightening universities also will have to do their part. I don't see how that's hard to agree with. And I don't really see it as a campaign slogan, just fact.


He is using it as a campaign slogan without knowing or caring about what the true financial or budget problems are.

Very simply ---The University President that was on the news --I believe U.W. ---stated that the tuition went up for students because taxpayor money went down.

Without knowing the details of the cost and budget ---cutting more federal funding --will only raise the tuition more --just simple math.

On trying to find Common ground with you --I believe belt tightening by all is good in this day and age --but as the most powerful person in the world --my opinion--I would not be threating making the problem even worse --until my Education Secretary with University officials gave me a full account of what is driving the costs up. Logically--can they be controlled ?? What are they --discretionary-non descretionary etc etc.

Do not make a nice campaign slogan to get the young vote --when the University Presidents are stating you do not know anything about the budgets and what are the cost drivers. Some of the cost Drivers might also be from government mandates.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama introduced one of his economic plans today. He said it's a plan for "responsible homeowners" to re-structure their mortages and save up to $3000 a year, but didn't give the things that describe a "responsible homeowner". He also didn't mention how this would be paid for. From what I could tell, it would be paid for by every customer of a bank. Here's the story.....

Obama Proposes New Government Guarantee For Homeowners To Refinance | Fox News


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I just recently posted how many in the "Liberal Academia" are upset with President Obama over rising tuition costs. These people obviously supported Him in the last election.

Another group --Catholics --voted 52% for President Obama are now incensed over the Abortion Issue. Normally the Catholic church has been very silent on politicians and political races.

Just this month the U.S. Catholic Bishops are in an uproar over Obamacare forcing Catholic hospitals into the Abortion Controversy.

Catholic hospitals have traditionally treated all different faiths.

The government is not stating that you must treat "Catholics only" or offer and perform Abortion services. This is going to turn into a big issue with Catholics comprising almost 35% of the total electorate.

Leaving the Economy on the side ---Obama losing some support in key areas will hurt in a close election.


Für Meno :)
The question remains : Is healthcare a Right ?

Here it is. It's a right for all of us to seek medical attention to whichever doctor, hospital, clinic we seek.
Same as most of the rest of the world.


The question remains : Is healthcare a Right ?

Here it is. It's a right for all of us to seek medical attention to whichever doctor, hospital, clinic we seek.
Same as most of the rest of the world.

How's the weather on that moral high ground you staked for yourself?


Für Meno :)
It's amazingly warm for this time of the year, and if it stays this way, be prepared to pay a lot more for bread, beer & beef.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

(USA Today) — President Obama had a 50% or more approval rating last year in only 10 states, plus the District of Columbia — all blue states, Gallup reports.

In his 10 worst states, Obama’s average approval ratings were 36.5% or lower — though those are Republican red states.

Throughout the nation, Obama saw higher 2011 approval ratings in only three states: Wyoming, Connecticut and Maine. But there were declines of less than 1 percentage point in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Jersey, Arizona, West Virginia, Michigan and Georgia.

Republicans, of course, are trumpeting the new Gallup report.

“The president’s approval has gone down in every swing state Obama needs to win in November,” said a release from the Republican National Committee.