President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

(Had to post the entire article, lest upstate think I mixed & matched the artice & headline)[h=1]Obama Loved His Neighbor Less Than Himself[/h]by Keith Koffler on February 3, 2012, 9:18 am

We were on the receiving end Thursday of a fusillade of frothy Biblical rhetoric from President Obama, who dusted off all the old warhorses during the National Prayer Breakfast: “for unto whom much is given, much shall be required” and “love thy neighbor as thyself” and “I am my brother’s keeper” and don’t forget “the biblical call to care for the least of these.” The president lectured us about the urgency of making these the foundation of public policy.

Obama milked this for all he was worth, relating how he gets up and prays every morning, how these principles guide his life, and blah blah blah.

Sure I love my neighbor, but within reason.
Photo by Keith Koffler

Because that’s not quite enough to keep my brother. If “much shall be required,” well, ONE PERCENT IS NOT MUCH.

These weren’t exactly lean years. According to previous reports you may remember, the Obamas earned $1.2 million from 200-2004, parting with a mere $10,772 for the least of these.

If this is loving thy neighbor, then I’m glad I wasn’t the poor guy living next to the Obamas.

It appears, though, that the Obamas got religion on charity, shall we say, once it occurred to him to run for president. For the 2005 tax year – which he would have filed in early 2006, when he was surely thinking hard about making a run – the Obamas suddenly decided that “much more shall be required.” They began donating about five percent of their income, which was vastly increased by his book sales, to charity.

I’ve been a reporter for 17 years. In that time, I’ve learned something about politicians.

I beg you. BEG YOU BEG YOU BEG YOU. When a politician gets really high on their high horse about something, turn the volume down to zero.
They’re just politicians.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

(I had to post the entire story because some one on here thinks I switch headlines & stories!)

Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 12:55 pm | GOP Rep. Phil Gingrey Walked Out On Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast Speech, “Offended By His Use of Prayer And Reflection For Partisan Politics And Class Warfare”…
Well done, Congressman.
(The Hill) — Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey (Ga.) walked out of President Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, his spokeswoman confirmed to The Hill.

Jen Talaber said the five-term lawmaker “left quietly” in the middle of the president’s remarks.
“He was disturbed and offended by the president’s use of prayer and reflection time for partisan politics and class warfare,” Talaber said. “Rep. Gingrey enjoyed listening to the keynote speaker and found the breakfast to be inspiring until President Obama began politicking.”

At the breakfast, Obama tried to tie some of the proposals from his State of the Union address, such as everyone paying their fair share in taxes, to Biblical teachings.

“When I talk about our financial institutions playing by the same rules as folks on Main Street, when I talk about making sure insurance companies aren’t discriminating against those who are already sick, or making sure that unscrupulous lenders aren’t taking advantage of the most vulnerable among us, I do so because I genuinely believe it’ll make the economy stronger for everybody,” Obama said. “But I also do it because I know that far too many neighbors in our country have been hurt and treated unfairly over the last few years, and I believe in God’s command to love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Talaber said Gingrey listened to several minutes of the speech before he “slipped out” because he found the perceived politicking “inappropriate.”

“There are 364 other days a year in which to do that,” she said. “While he commends the president for his attendance, Rep. Gingrey wanted to hear what was in his heart and not campaign rhetoric. He was disappointed that the president seemed to be unaware of the reason so many gathered there today.”


Strength through joy
[h=4]Danger Pay Now Calculated By the Day[/h]Starting this month, the Defense Department will calculate imminent-danger pay by the day rather than the month, a cost-cutting move the department estimated last year could save $30 million annually. Up to now, servicemembers received a full month’s imminent-danger pay — $225 — for spending even a single day in designated hazardous areas, which range from war zones such as Afghanistan to out-of-the-way spots like Montenegro. But beginning Feb. 1, they’ll get the extra pay only for days they’re actually present in the danger zones. The prorated daily amount works out to $7.50. The exception is for troops exposed to hostile fire. “If you take fire, you get the full $225,” regardless of time spent in the area, said DoD spokeswoman Eileen Lainez.
You do realize that it is the inability of congress to work together that forces these cuts, right?

There are many areas of cuts that can be made in the military without cutting pay for the people with their lives on the line. How bout taking that $7.50 per day out of the pay checks for the brass that never leave the shadows of the pentagon?


Well-Known Member
You do realize that it is the inability of congress to work together that forces these cuts, right?

Yes and no. Things may have changed since I was discharged in 1989 but the military was bloated then and I would to have to think that it is bloated now, although to a lesser degree.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

[h=1]"Hidden" mortgage fee paying for payroll tax cut[/h](CBS News) Just before Christmas, American workers got a rare gift from Washington politicians - the current payroll tax cut would be extended for two more months.
At the time, both President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner lauded the move to avoid a tax increase for millions of working Americans.
But there's something the politicians weren't bragging about - the fact that they're paying for the two-month tax cut with what has turned into a brand new fee on home buyers.
The new fee is a minimum of one-tenth of 1 percent on Fannie Mae- and Freddie Mac-backed loans, and is likely to go much higher.
It will be imposed for the next 10 years on most mortgages and refinancings and it lasts for the life of the loan.