President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today

I feel sorry for people like you. Just because you landed in a good job by pure luck is my guess, you think your intitled to belittle people that have less, and group them all into as you call it "moochers". I have news for you, people are struggling right here in the U.S. of A and they are not Moochers, they are hard working people that have been screwed by corporate america.

you may have missed my question. You claim nothing trickled down to you from Reagan. So my question would be are you job less?

I'm not sure what else government would owe you other then a booming economy that allows you the opportunity to earn a job.

The corporate america you badmouth is the one that allows you the opportunity to earn that job. UPS alone has employed over 400,000 people. All of them have the opportunity to earn a good paying position if they don't have one already.

I don't therefore understand how corporate america is screwing anyone.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

If you think corp. america has screwed you over, boy you ain't seen nothing yet.
With the power hungry fools currently "running " this country, your taxes are going to explode while services decrease.
At least in the corp world one could always complain to the stockholders if the BOD was ruining the company.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"U"man reminds me of someone who complains that "they never win the lottery"..........of course, they never buy a ticket either!:knockedout:

You can't just sit on your butt and wait for something to happen.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

you may have missed my question. You claim nothing trickled down to you from Reagan. So my question would be are you job less?

I'm not sure what else government would owe you other then a booming economy that allows you the opportunity to earn a job.

The corporate america you badmouth is the one that allows you the opportunity to earn that job. UPS alone has employed over 400,000 people. All of them have the opportunity to earn a good paying position if they don't have one already.

I don't therefore understand how corporate america is screwing anyone.
*************, Im not asking for anything. I don't know where your coming from, Im not unemployed and I have been working ever since I was 15. I have owned and operated a company with employees. You misjudge people so bad its a wonder you did not vote for Hitler if he was
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Depends how much you make. I don't think there will be a trickle down tax break coming for the rich. Im still waiting for that to come my way.

You should research the facts before just repeating Liberal talking points.
Go to the IRS --That is Internal revenue Service ---Research --look at with your own eyes --the "Tax Schedules" under the Clinton administration vs the Tax schedule under the Bush administration. You will see with your own eyes -----every taxpayer under Bush received a 5% to 6% reduction.
Obviously if you were making a million a year --the 5% was more in dollars.
With hard working UPS union members --make a good salary but no one feels they are rich. When Obama lets the "RICH BUSH TAX CUTS EXPIRE" EVERY TAXPAYER GOES UP AT LEAST 5% ---do not believe me --look for yourself ---people should not repeat right or left "talking points" WHEN THEY ARE REPEATED OFTEN ENOUGH --most uninformed people take them as gospel !!!!:sad-little:


Re: Obamanation here today

You stooge, Im not asking for anything. I don't know where your coming from, Im not unemployed and I have been working ever since I was 15. I have owned and operated a company with employees. You misjudge people so bad its a wonder you did not vote for Hitler if he was

If I'm the stooge why is it you're the one now ranting about Hitler.

You previouly made the comment that nothing trickled down to you. Thus the natural question would be what you would expect would trickle down to you from the government?



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I feel sorry for people like you. Just because you landed in a good job by pure luck is my guess, you think your intitled to belittle people that have less, and group them all into as you call it "moochers". I have news for you, people are struggling right here in the U.S. of A and they are not Moochers, they are hard working people that have been screwed by corporate america.

Feel sorry for me? Feel sorry for yourself. Look, I recognize that some people are having a hard time right now, but that does not justify in any way using the ballot box as a weapon to confiscate the wealth of other people in order to give it to those who are down on their luck. Just because someone has a few health problems does not entitle them to my wealth or anyone else's for that matter. You say you are still "waiting" for the trickle down effect to reach you, and that tells me you think that the trickle down effect means you just stay where you are and money will rain on you like a summer shower. In order to benefit you have to be willing to work for it, sweat for it, and suffer for it just like the rest of us. This country is stronger when individuals understand this and get their hands dirty so they can have a piece of the proverbial American pie. Instead we have legions of people like yourself who think they should be able to sit back and have it served to them on a silver platter.

Life is tough, and more often than not is unfair, but its always been that way and will always be that way. The sooner people realize this, the sooner this country can begin the healing process and move forward.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If I'm the stooge why is it you're the one now ranting about Hitler.

You previouly made the comment that nothing trickled down to you. Thus the natural question would be what you would expect would trickle down to you from the government?
It was a generalization of Reagans phylosophy that never worked. He gave tax breaks to the rich and that was suppose to trickle down to the middle class. As usual, corporations and rich people just got richer and the middle classes buying power keeps going down hill.


Re: Obamanation here today

It was a generalization of Reagans phylosophy that never worked. He gave tax breaks to the rich and that was suppose to trickle down to the middle class. As usual, corporations and rich people just got richer and the middle classes buying power keeps going down hill.

Its a generalization of denial.Reagan took an economy in full recession and turned it around by liberating the private sector.
Reagan took an economy that had high unemployment and high interest rates and cleaned it up.

You claim to have been a business owner with people working for you but yet somehow could not understand how liberating a reduction of taxes is to business?
Obama can only dream about getting the results Reagan had.

How can you honestly try to tell me that Obamas economy is getting to be so good and yet you are unable to recognize how much better our economy was under Reagan?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Its a generalization of denial.Reagan took an economy in full recession and turned it around by liberating the private sector.
Reagan took an economy that had high unemployment and high interest rates and cleaned it up.
You claim to have been a business owner with people working for you but yet somehow could not understand how liberating a reduction of taxes is to business?
Obama can only dream about getting the results Reagan had.

How can you honestly try to tell me that Obamas economy is getting to be so good and yet you are unable to recognize how much better our economy was under Reagan?
Blah blah blah reagan is great blah.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Yep, we have to pray that this country is not attacked again because B.O. sure won't know what to do if we are !!!!!!!!!!!!:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If Bush was still in there who knows what country we would invade, probrably Iran.:sad-very:

Hate to break it to you, but we may end up in a military confrontation with Iran anyway. That is unless you really believe they are pursuing "peaceful" nuclear power. :rolleyes:

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hate to break it to you, but we may end up in a military confrontation with Iran anyway. That is unless you really believe they are pursuing "peaceful" nuclear power. :rolleyes:

Never happen while Obama is the king. If Iran keeps acting up then Obama will have a beer summit with "imanutjob" and his buddy Chavez. Afterwards they will all stroke Obamas Nobel and his ego and things will all work out. :knockedout:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Blah blah blah reagan is great blah.

The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan October 1988'
by Sheldon Richman

The Myth of Reaganomics circa late 1987'
by Murray Rothbard

When it comes to the state, all Americans in one form or another suffer from messiahism based much on mythology and thus why problems never get solved and we are kept chasing our own tails. We've turned in so many circles that our own disorientation prevents a much needed proper and moral course correction and thus they like it so. If the spinning were to stop, we'd all see them for what they truly are and then openly rebel and do something different!

No matter what your political flavor, did you ever ask why we never, ever solve a problem and it just continues to manifest and grow no matter how much the gov't does in the name of so-called solving the problem once and for all. If as an employee you showed the same level or degree of success in problems on your job as gov't does on their's, let's be honest here no matter what your political flavor, you'd be fired.

Employee: Gee boss, I need more people!

Boss: You said that last time and last time and last time...and I've given you those people.

Employee: But I need more money too!

Boss: And I've given you more money and more money and more money when you asked as well.

Employee: And I need broader authority.

Boss: You've been given that as well but let me tell you what I see. In each and every time I've given you what you've asked, the problems have only grown bigger and ever further from solution. The only problem being solved here is that you are destroying my company and it's apparent you are in the process of surplanting me so that I no longer can act as a stop gap to protect the company itself. Therefore I'm left no choice but to terminate our relationship before my power to do so is taken from me!

When will we act like bosses again and fire all these bastards for non-performance? When you look at them for what they truly are, they really are no different at all!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

If Bush was still in there who knows what country we would invade, probrably Iran.:sad-very:
Latest poll showed that 44% wished Bush was still in office.

If it wasn't for barry, Israel would have taken military action already against Iran { barry won't give them permission to over fly Iraq }.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

tieguy, barry was not bowing out of respect , he was trying to pick up some loose change he saw on the ground. Part of his grand fiscal responsibility