President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today

Another trip abroad ?
How many does that make ?
Is he on record to be the first president to spent the least time in DC ?
has anyone determined to date what his carbon footprint is ?

We might be able to turn the economy around if O spends enough time bowing to other leaders. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

We might be able to turn the economy around if O spends enough time bowing to other leaders. :happy-very:
Do you think any leader especially in the middle east will respect Palin if she was in power? I doubt it seriously, they can't even drive a car. Bush looked even more stupid they he usually does when he held the saudi's hand like a good daddies boy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Do you think any leader especially in the middle east will respect Palin if she was in power? I doubt it seriously, they can't even drive a car. Bush looked even more stupid they he usually does when he held the saudi's hand like a good daddies boy.

So your saying you support the Saudis views on women and do not believe in women's rights?


Re: Obamanation here today

Do you think any leader especially in the middle east will respect Palin if she was in power? I doubt it seriously, they can't even drive a car. Bush looked even more stupid they he usually does when he held the saudi's hand like a good daddies boy.

You probably did not get the memo but Bush is not president and Palin has not announced her candidadcy. As such the guy who is in charge spends too much time holding townhall meetings with foriegn college students and spends too much time groveling in submission at the feet of lesser leaders. I really don't know why you're so defensive. Oh thats right you voted this idiot into office didn't you?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I don't talk to rascist people like yourselve.

I will take that as a yes. I fail to see how I am the racist when you are the one desiring to turn back the clock on women's rights. Care to go back to the days of the Jim Crow laws too? Or maybe you would just be content to end women's suffrage?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You probably did not get the memo but Bush is not president and Palin has not announced her candidadcy. As such the guy who is in charge spends too much time holding townhall meetings with foriegn college students and spends too much time groveling in submission at the feet of lesser leaders. I really don't know why you're so defensive. Oh thats right you voted this idiot into office didn't you?

I voted for Obama. The smart guy who's speeches move and motivate people to action. I actually like McCain. I think he is sincere and genuine. It was a horrible choice for him to choose an ex beauty queen that went to community college and is definitely not in it for the people. I think she just quit as governor of Alaska or something, so she could make a lot of money writing trash books and riding the wave of idiots that think she is great.
Just be thankful that Obama came along, remember who was a shoe in before that? HILLARY


Re: Obamanation here today

I voted for Obama. The smart guy who's speeches move and motivate people to action. I actually like McCain. I think he is sincere and genuine. It was a horrible choice for him to choose an ex beauty queen that went to community college and is definitely not in it for the people. I think she just quit as governor of Alaska or something, so she could make a lot of money writing trash books and riding the wave of idiots that think she is great.
Just be thankful that Obama came along, remember who was a shoe in before that? HILLARY

I'm not a fan of Hillarys but I think she was a better candidate for the job.

your comments on Palin have a discriminatory sound to them. Whats wrong with Palin going to a community college as part of her education?
Whats wrong with the beauty contest? It does not define her its one part of her background. I am amazed that someone like Palin who supposedly has nothing going for her continues to generate such fear from the left.

We've seen many polished candidates from Ivy league backgrounds run for office. Americans identify with a Palin because she actually speaks blue collar english. The crowds she generates at her trashy book signings shows that people are tired of being lied to by Ivy league types and ready to vote someone in that speaks english. They saw through the full court media trashing Palin endured and still come out and support her. You can bring up the McCain history if you want but many americans have moved on and hold no grudges against Palin.

The fact she went to a community college is now part of the charm.

Her inexperience rings hollow in light of the fact that an inexperienced Obama continues to embarass us on the foriegn Policy front. The good news is that Obama at least knew who he was bowing to. It could have really been bad if he had bowed to a butler or valet. :happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I'm not a fan of Hillarys but I think she was a better candidate for the job.

your comments on Palin have a discriminatory sound to them. Whats wrong with Palin going to a community college as part of her education?
Whats wrong with the beauty contest? It does not define her its one part of her background. I am amazed that someone like Palin who supposedly has nothing going for her continues to generate such fear from the left.

We've seen many polished candidates from Ivy league backgrounds run for office. Americans identify with a Palin because she actually speaks blue collar english. The crowds she generates at her trashy book signings shows that people are tired of being lied to by Ivy league types and ready to vote someone in that speaks english. They saw through the full court media trashing Palin endured and still come out and support her. You can bring up the McCain history if you want but many americans have moved on and hold no grudges against Palin.

The fact she went to a community college is now part of the charm.

Her inexperience rings hollow in light of the fact that an inexperienced Obama continues to embarass us on the foriegn Policy front. The good news is that Obama at least knew who he was bowing to. It could have really been bad if he had bowed to a butler or valet. :happy-very:
Im just stating facts. I have nothing against woman, but I do have something against a woman that is running for vice president that has no business running for a position like that. Hillary has the smarts but she is just like most polititians and is only in it for the power and money.
As for the middle east not respecting woman, its a fact ands thats all it is.


Re: Obamanation here today

Im just stating fainects. I have nothing against woman, but I do have something against a woman that is running for vice president that has no business running for a position like that. Hillary has the smarts but she is just like most polititians and is only in it for the power and money.
As for the middle east not respecting woman, its a fact ands thats all it is.

I don't know you threw the racist line out there earlier while badmouthing both female candidates hillary and Palin. Sarah Palin was running for vice president a job that puts her in relative obscurity. Palin actually had more executive level experience for a lesser job then Obama did for the job of president yet Palin's inexperience was supposedly the deal breaker. I think this election was one where the rules were made up as we went along.

Now that americans see they have elected a boob to the presidents job without the world coming to an end they may be more comfortable with a palin.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I don't know you threw the racist line out there earlier while badmouthing both female candidates hillary and Palin. Sarah Palin was running for vice president a job that puts her in relative obscurity. Palin actually had more executive level experience for a lesser job then Obama did for the job of president yet Palin's inexperience was supposedly the deal breaker. I think this election was one where the rules were made up as we went along.

Now that americans see they have elected a boob to the presidents job without the world coming to an end they may be more comfortable with a palin.
Come on, do you really believe that? Katie kuric is more qualified to be Vice president then Palin. She is interesting and makes for a good entertainment tonight show but a leader, I think not.
As for Obama, I think he is doing a great job and he is sure to win the next election, unless the Republicans can find an ace in the hole.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

GREAT JOB !!! What has he done? Won an undeserved peace prize? He's an inexperienced idiot and does not belong in politics......a car lot maybe.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

GREAT JOB !!! What has he done? Won an undeserved peace prize? He's an inexperienced idiot and does not belong in politics......a car lot maybe.

A used car salesman? He does look good in a suit. Just look at the "messiah" on the cover of GQ. He is a rockstar. All it takes to be president is to have the left wing media on your side, look great in a suit, get sheep to follow you, have radicals be part of your admin, and come up with great ideas like his latest "cash for caulkers". :peaceful:


Re: Obamanation here today

Come on, do you really believe that? Katie kuric is more qualified to be Vice president then Palin. She is interesting and makes for a good entertainment tonight show but a leader, I think not.
As for Obama, I think he is doing a great job and he is sure to win the next election, unless the Republicans can find an ace in the hole.

I didn't say anything for or against Katie Kuric.

What I did say is this. We elected Obama to the job of president. He did not have the experience to do the job. Hell he's screwed the job up every way imagninable. In fact in hindsight I'm convinced we should not have elected anyone to the job. We would have saved the taxpayers three trillion dollars and not been any worse off.

At this point we elected the least qualified candidate to ever run for the job and survived the experience.

Elect Kuric or Palin it does not seem to matter. We all get the same line of BS and somehow the country keeps running. Economy is in shambles and your president either tells us he inherited the mess while forgetting he was in congress or he tells us things could have been a lot worse.

Today we saw a president recieve a Nobel Peace Prize who did not earn it and who made a speech in which he said that war was sometimes necessary.

I can't wait to get up tommorrow this is most insane administration I have ever seen.

Your 2012 Palin campaign motto - Elect Palin she's no dumber then Obama.


Re: Obamanation here today

Would you rather have him raise your taxes? Thats what all Republicans fear.

Raising our taxes is a given. I'm at a point now where I no longer want the economy to get better because I know the democrats in power will jack up our taxes as soon as it does.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Raising our taxes is a given. I'm at a point now where I no longer want the economy to get better because I know the democrats in power will jack up our taxes as soon as it does.
Depends how much you make. I don't think there will be a trickle down tax break coming for the rich. Im still waiting for that to come my way.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

you're unemployed?

Its a possibility he is, but I'm leaning more towards the typical moocher mentality. He believes simply because he exists he is entitled to someone else's wealth, and its the government's job to spread that wealth. Little does he know or understand that he will most likely not be the recipient of said redistribution of wealth, and in fact will likely be the target of having his own wealth redistributed through higher taxes. Despite his naive belief that his income level will shield him from paying those higher taxes.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Its a possibility he is, but I'm leaning more towards the typical moocher mentality. He believes simply because he exists he is entitled to someone else's wealth, and its the government's job to spread that wealth. Little does he know or understand that he will most likely not be the recipient of said redistribution of wealth, and in fact will likely be the target of having his own wealth redistributed through higher taxes. Despite his naive belief that his income level will shield him from paying those higher taxes.
I feel sorry for people like you. Just because you landed in a good job by pure luck is my guess, you think your intitled to belittle people that have less, and group them all into as you call it "moochers". I have news for you, people are struggling right here in the U.S. of A and they are not Moochers, they are hard working people that have been screwed by corporate america.