President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Quit wasting taxpayer's money!!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012 @ 5:45 pm | EPA Chief Lisa Jackson Defends $25K Interpretive Dance Grant, “They’re Very Well Respected”…

Really? – You’re going to try and justify this?
(PJM) — EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing this week that she isn’t familiar with the “kinesthetic learning” for which a dance company got a $25,000 grant, but understands that they’re “quite well-respected.”

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) questioned Jackson about the 2011 allotment made through the Environmental Justice Small Grants Program, particularly in light of EPA complaints about funding shortages. [...]

“The project intends to produce innovative lectures, demonstrations and movement classes in 10 elementary schools,” the document describes. “Kinesthetic learning will be used to examine air quality issues and encourage youth and their families to adopt healthy living practices.”

“I’ve read about it and we are reviewing,” Jackson said. “It’s with a very well-respected group. . . that uses dance to educate. . . . Apparently they have a long history of doing this and are quite well-respected.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I posted what I wanted to post......I did not go to any blog. If you choose to travel further than what I post, then that's your business.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

No, it's because the 50 yr old women are no longer do-able ! (and younger ones we can't get) :(

Doable...just not with the lights on. Any lights. Not even the glow of the TV. Hell, may as well be another guy!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

(more positive Obama economics) :)

TSX jumps on bank earnings, U.S., China data

Oil climbed above $123 a barrel on the upbeat China number and on U.S. data that showed Americans filed fewer new claims for jobless benefits last week, another sign of health in the world's No. 1 economy.

The loonie rose 0.43 of a cent to 101.49 cents US.
Don't trust the government data!!!
Jobless claims explained funny vid:

The Unemployment Game Show: Are You *Really* Unemployed? from - YouTube


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Karzai has to maintain control of the country before it collapses into chaos and our troops get stuck there for 10 more years to protect him. We never should have been there in the first place, but you can blame yourself and your friends for supporting this war from the jump.

You thought then, that it was a GREAT IDEA and now you have a problem with it?



thought Afghanistan was O's war!!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

So I'm suddenly wondering, "What if...." What if the right in the country got what they want tomorrow? What if we balanced the budget tomorrow? Federal, State and local? How many people would be sent home directly from government jobs and how many orders would be cancelled and how many industries would implode within the month due to the immediate dissolution of their biggest customer? What would the unemployment number be? Would it be Obama's fault?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama had people in the crowd screaming "No" when he said that oil companies make mega bucks and should the gov't be giving them money.

Why didn't he also say that Planned Parenthood makes mega bucks and should the gov't be giving them money???


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

So I'm suddenly wondering, "What if...." What if the right in the country got what they want tomorrow? What if we balanced the budget tomorrow? Federal, State and local? How many people would be sent home directly from government jobs and how many orders would be cancelled and how many industries would implode within the month due to the immediate dissolution of their biggest customer? What would the unemployment number be? Would it be Obama's fault?
No it's not his fault(alone), that would be a 100 years of Keynesian economics experiment with debt fiat money, fractional banking and a private central bank which are finally about to be finished. But we will just kick the can down on the road (the road will end) and pretend that we have a wonderful growing economy and no need to worry, huge trade deficits, listening the Status Que about we need this and that, american jobs, just spend like no tomorrow, bigger military budget, half of the people who work doesn't even pay taxes. We didn't default yet because the big guys who creates fiat currencies around the world are still backing us. This whole system is like a cancer now, it will never disappear, it will just grow.

The benefits obligations are outrages to me, it's mathematically impossible to pay it out later (ponzi scheme), I already know I won't get a single penny from my SS while they take it out from my paycheck, it will run out of money by (projected) 2025, also paying taxes to cover the interest on the national debt feels pretty awesome too. There is no way out of this, not even with Ron Paul who says he will balance the budget. Just take a look at Greece today a lot of happy protesters, we can be just like that very soon (with guns)...
It's nothing personal against Obama, but he is pretending like he doesn't know what the hell is going on. I need someone who has the guts to face at least half of these issues, arrest the banksters who committed fraud and don't put them in as financial adviser to the White House, some of whom says doing God's work.

The unemployment number and the inflation is fudged, anybody can tell that it is not 8 % or 2 % for inflation.
I mean somebody has to grow some balls and face these issues or at least try to solve some of it and not delaying it. But of course if Obama knows something more about a positive future than the public, I guess nothing bad will happen. Crossed my fingers. :D


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I posted what I wanted to post......I did not go to any blog. If you choose to travel further than what I post, then that's your business.

The problem becomes when the headline and blurb that you post are selectively pulled from a much longer text to fit some predetermined agenda.

You need to read the blog in it's entirety to see the context from which the blurb was taken. If you do you will see just how silly the headline was.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The problem becomes when the headline and blurb that you post are selectively pulled from a much longer text to fit some predetermined agenda.

You need to read the blog in it's entirety to see the context from which the blurb was taken. If you do you will see just how silly the headline was.
So answer me this.......when someone posts, for instance, a you tube video, you go to all 12 other videos that are also shown around the one that was posted??? Same scenario.
And no, if I got the story I wanted to post, I am not obligated in any way to read other blogs or comments on that site. You, however are looking frantically for something to hang me with. You'll definitely need more than this activity after you on it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So answer me this.......when someone posts, for instance, a you tube video, you go to all 12 other videos that are also shown around the one that was posted??? Same scenario.
And no, if I got the story I wanted to post, I am not obligated in any way to read other blogs or comments on that site. You, however are looking frantically for something to hang me with. You'll definitely need more than this activity after you on it.


It will be a nice quiet weekend here while the Dominator and the Hammer are in Vegas.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today


It will be a nice quiet weekend here while the Dominator and the Hammer are in Vegas.
You didn't pay attention....I said Indian casino (one hour away). We were there at 6 AM and left at noon.....that's when the money ran out.
Hi upstate, did you miss me ?????


golden ticket member
Via The Hill:
A powerful House Republican wants the Obama administration to explain why it’s asking for an extra $111 billion to implement part of the healthcare reform law.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) is asking about a spike in the estimated costs of subsidies to help people buy private insurance — a central, and expensive, component of the new healthcare law.

The administration’s budget request this year included $111 billion more for subsidies than its request last year. The difference falls across the same seven-year window.

“This staggering increase in health insurance exchange subsidy spending cannot be explained by legislative changes or new economic assumptions, and therefore must reflect substantial changes in underlying assumptions regarding the program’s utilization and cost,” Camp wrote Friday in a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.


Für Meno :)
$111 Billion ?????

How dare the president ask for that amount of 1 year worth of military in Iraq ????
Screw the US poverty people - that money can be much better used going to war with Iran now !


golden ticket member
$111 Billion ?????

How dare the president ask for that amount of 1 year worth of military in Iraq ????
Screw the US poverty people - that money can be much better used going to war with Iran now !

It's got nothing to do about other monies.....It's like I agree on a price to coat your roof and I say I'll do the job for $10,000.00 and we agree. I finish the job and I bill you for $25,000.00 and say, "Oops, I must've figured it wrong!"

People get angry about being taken advantage of and lied to!!


Strength through joy
I enjoyed bhos' speeches that " you will be able to keep your own doctor " seeing that he never read the bill until after he signed it.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today
Obama’s DHS Invites Nuclear Terrorism With Refusal to Inspect 100% of All Inbound Cargo Despite Congressional Mandate to Do So