President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


bbsam is always trying to throw a "3rd leg" into any conversation with the hot ladies of BC!

I would but the doctor refuses to write that big of a prescription for that much Viagra soooooooo.......


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Someone can earn a bazillion dollars, but if it's only like a 9% profit, that's acceptable in my mind.

If I have a lemonade stand and each glass of drink costs me 35 cents to make, I want 50 cents as my price. Do you realize that's about a 40% profit?

If I want to make a 9% profit like the oil companies make then I should sell a glass for about 38 cents.

You can't just point out that a certain sector or business makes bazillions of dollars.......what percent is their profit???

Again, a defender of the biggest problem in our country, but its ok, its capitalism, even if it kills our country.

I get it.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Well, apparently I flustered BrowbB by trying to make profits a % thing.........and you said you experienced the flustering too, so I assume you were talking about me....along with being a "dominant' poster (been here the longest along with Tieguy).
So, if you weren't talking about me, then nevermind.

Not that I was flustered, but let's assume I was (which is fine by me) - what flusters me is not the percentage of profits point (and I use "point" loosely), but rather your basic inability to digest the counterpoint of anyone that is not completely in line with your own. I do not dislike you on any personal level for this reason, but I do think that your political intelligence is something my dog would find amusing.

That previous snipe aside, allow me to dig a little deeper into this point - maybe I will be silenced by the "Mods that be" and maybe I won't. You have an intense veracity regarding your political beliefs, and that is fine - but it should also occur to you that others have their own beliefs. And, this is my primary point, the ability to reproduce internet links that offer substance to your own political beliefs is not political debate. Let me repeat that: the amount of internet links is not proportional to the validity of ones belief.

To address the issue you raised about the "dominant" poster, you totally missed the point - what Upstate was saying (dare I speak for him, he is free to correct me) is that you blunder around the forums, chiming in on every single topic from dogs to UPS management, from cats to loading Package Cars, and many more (nevermind the fact that I'm fairly confident you have never attempted any of these UPS-related tasks). Which is, technically, your right, but consider it from a common sense perspective: just because you can do certain things, doesn't mean you should. I could go into work and punch my boss in the face, but I don't - so it is with posting in every thread.

Let me be the first to admit that I am wrong from time to time - or maybe all the time. The thing which I would highlight is that when I am wrong, I process that information and think about why I was wrong, and then I move on in life and grow as a person; what I do not do is to pretend that I am the master of debate in some political fantasy land.

To bring this back to political land, believe it or not I am a conservative in many respects - economic, being the first and foremost. However, when people (such as yourself) demonstrate that you have an excommunication from political logic, I wouldn't dare put myself in that camp.

Am I making this post because I am a mean-hearted SOB? Hardly; rather, this is what you have asked for, this is what you have wrought, by your continued chastising of almost every thread around here; yes, you have been here forever and ten days, and that is commendable, but that doesn't mean that you are not, without exception, the most outstandingly annoying person on this entire forum.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I just like posting articles to spur conversations. I have my own political thoughts. Yes, the articles are usually leaning the way I think.

Anyone else can post articles with their point of view.

I read opposing thoughts, but I don't adopt them.

Neither of us here at this address (my house) can figure out how anyone can accept the stuff that comes out of mouths like Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Our comment is usually something like, "Surely she can't believe was she's saying!" The same comments usually comes after Pelosi speaks too.

I can't change the way I believe and the way I see things.

I'm sorry you find me annoying......
The Most Annoying Sound In The World - YouTube


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Threads are chastised? If a comment is added to a conversation in a is that "chastisement". If I comment about a's because someone mentioned "dog".
Everyone is welcome to add to the conversation in every least that's my understanding.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

bbsam is always trying to throw a "3rd leg" into any conversation with the hot ladies of BC!

I would but the doctor refuses to write that big of a prescription for that much Viagra soooooooo.......

Not just any "3rd leg", my "3rd leg". Just trying to use it so I don't lose it.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 @ 10:05 am | Obamanomics: Durable Goods Tanks, Biggest Drop In 3 Years…

So much for that mythical “recovery” Obama and the MSM have been touting.
(CNBC) — New orders for U.S. manufactured goods fell in January by the most in three years as demand fell across the board from machinery to aircraft, suggesting the economy started the year on weaker footing than expected.

Durable goods orders dropped 4.0 percent, the biggest drop since January 2009 when the country was still mired in a deep recession, according to Commerce Department data on Tuesday.

Economists had forecast orders falling 1.0 percent.

Durable goods range from toasters to big-ticket items like aircraft which are meant to last three years and more.

Excluding transportation, orders fell 3.2 percent. Economists had expected that reading to be flat. Machinery orders dropped 10.4 percent, the largest decline since January 2009.