President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Absolutely, and there are people who say he was on a secret base on Mars via DARPA or teleport. And you know what, I believe it. Too many people talks about Barry Soetoro AKA Obama.
Now the question is why is he hiding it, or what is he waiting for and why is the MSmedia can't do it's job. But the idea of NWO getting done piece by piece with each presidents you gotta ask the question who/what is running the country?!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

The guy who made that little film was asked if there was anything negative in it and he said that the biggest negative was that there was too many positive things about Obama to fit inside of just 17 minutes. Even Piers laughed at that. Definitely a regular kool aid drinker!


golden ticket member


Staff member
It's got nothing to do about other monies.....It's like I agree on a price to coat your roof and I say I'll do the job for $10,000.00 and we agree. I finish the job and I bill you for $25,000.00 and say, "Oops, I must've figured it wrong!"

People get angry about being taken advantage of and lied to!!
Like Iraq was going to pay for the war effort with oil revenue?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

All kinds of stuff going on in the world and now you have to pay to play your NCAA brackets against the president's.
The real March Madness is the leader in the white house and his priorities!!


golden ticket member
We have Marines urinating on corpses and a mass murderer killing innocent civilians---what words would you like Obama to use?
There should be no qualifying words when you express what you feel about people who volunteer to protect you.

He sounded very much like that Mrs of his...."I've not been proud of my country 'til my husband was pres...." There you go again, pride, but with qualification.

There have always been incidents where men crack under pressure, but I never heard GREAT LEADERS and military commanders in chief say anything less than they were extremely proud
of the troops they commanded.

This pres. does not beam with pride except when he looks in the mirror.

Aren't you proud of your kids and love them....even though they did drugs, got bad grades, talked back, etc?