President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I think you mean the cdn dollar has risen 93.5 to todays value of 96.7 cents to the US in a month.

Meaning last month 1 US dollar bought 1.07 cdn dollars.
Now, it just buys $1.03 cdn dollars.

But, this is nothing, wait until Spring (before summer vacation). Oil at $100 - $120 again, when demand is bigger.

Yes, speculation does play a role on wall street.
But so does China and India, with more people driving cars each and every day.

I don't mind it though. For us, higher oil prices is a huge winfall.
The few cents extra to pay at the pump is well worth it for us.
I am paying a dollar more per gallon compared to the same time last year.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

I am paying a dollar more per gallon compared to the same time last year.

Its to bad we are not allowed to drill for more oil in gas in the good ole USA...oh wait Bush tried but the Dems shut him down. Not to worry though the windmills and elect cars will help. Oh and the cap and trade deal will really help with the high energy prices. Obama rocks!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

fewest job loses in two years don't lie. Every economist agrees that the economy is improving. The only thing I can see that will stop it is speculators driving oil prices up to 150 dollars a barrel like they did with the oil man in office. I bet Obama stops that before it gets there.... Hopefully

Here is one economist who disagrees.


Re: Obamanation here today

I'm not surprised our Deficit is now going up to 14 Trillion after Sundays increases in congress. Spending is out of control.

Meanwhile Obama is telling everyone he deserves a B+ for his first year. Talk about being out of touch with reality.

Does anyone remember what we got rid of before Obama and his friends came along. Here is a reminder:

Hillary, Obama, Edwards and Gore obtain SuperDuperPowers


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today


The Marketing Creation

Who is John Pilger
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

More disappointing job numbers... Actions speak louder than words. Jobs still not a priority for this administration.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

More disappointing job numbers... Actions speak louder than words. Jobs still not a priority for this administration.

Hmmm, first increase in jobs in 2years !!! That previous administration didn't do well, either ! :

1/8/2010 8:35:00 AM ET

[BRIEFING.COM] S&P futures vs fair value: -3.00. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -1.80. Both stock futures and the dollar have pulled back as a result of some disappointing monthly payroll figures. Specifically, nonfarm payrolls for December decreased by 85,000, which is worse than the flat reading that had been expected. However, nonfarm payrolls for November were revised upward to reflect an increase of 4,000 jobs -- that marked the first increase in two years. The unemployment rate still stands at 10.0%, as expected. Average weekly hours worked also went unchanged at 33.2, as expected.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hmmm, first increase in jobs in 2years !!! That previous administration didn't do well, either ! :

1/8/2010 8:35:00 AM ET

[BRIEFING.COM] S&P futures vs fair value: -3.00. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -1.80. Both stock futures and the dollar have pulled back as a result of some disappointing monthly payroll figures. Specifically, nonfarm payrolls for December decreased by 85,000, which is worse than the flat reading that had been expected. However, nonfarm payrolls for November were revised upward to reflect an increase of 4,000 jobs -- that marked the first increase in two years. The unemployment rate still stands at 10.0%, as expected. Average weekly hours worked also went unchanged at 33.2, as expected.

Any job increase was more people hired in the Govt.

UPS is getting rid of 1800 more jobs by April.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Here , what an average of Canadians think (sad but true).
An earlier conversation I had :

But they showed it on the news, all that nice cold Canada climate heading south.
Michele says:
looks good on them
I'd rather be cold and have a parka than the gun laws and medicare they have there
Klein says:
Americans are proud of the fact , they can buy guns, and think they have the worlds best Healthcare.
Michele says:
yeah, I guess if you get pissed off and want to kill someone, it's great, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a disgruntled employee who bought an ouzi at 7-11.... and their healthcare is okay if you're rich or never get sick
Klein says:
But, you can't argue with them. They have it the best in the world.
Michele says:
only according to them. I like visiting, but if I bought a timeshare or a place, it would be somewhere quiet.... like New Mexico


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Any job increase is good but we still have to watch this going forward. Jobs at UPS increased over the last few months leading up to peak but what will happen with them now? Like UPS, will the broader job market increase/decrease/stay the same now and over the next few months?

Any good news is still good news but we need to see longterm trends before we can break out the bubblie IMO. America still appears to be paying down it's private debt and over the longhaul, this is a good thing regardless of the idiots in Washington.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Who is this Michele person....let's put a hit on her !!!

She's just an average Canadian that works for a large phone company here.
She's on my msn list.

But, just an example what we think of America, here up north.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama accepted Senator Harry Reid’s apology for calling him “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect” in private conversations during the 2008 campaign.

Could you imagine the outrage if this was said by a conservative?