President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Any job increase is good but we still have to watch this going forward. Jobs at UPS increased over the last few months leading up to peak but what will happen with them now? Like UPS, will the broader job market increase/decrease/stay the same now and over the next few months?

Any good news is still good news but we need to see longterm trends before we can break out the bubblie IMO. America still appears to be paying down it's private debt and over the longhaul, this is a good thing regardless of the idiots in Washington.

When one also looks deeper, the warm and fuzzy may not be so warm and fuzzy after all.

From Telegraph in the UK
America Slides Deeper into Depression As Wall Street Revels


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Isn't this cute ?

The Man of 2009


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Here is another "average" canadian that thinks she sees invading aliens. This is also an example of what canadians think.

Here Tie,
2 polls from CBC and BBC from 11 countries thru out the world:

Percentage of respondents from France who described Americans as arrogant. More than half of American respondents agreed.

Percentage of Canadian respondents who said the U.S. is a better place to live than Canada. Ninety per cent said it was not better than Canada.

4 out of 5
Proportion of overall respondents who said they would not like to live in the United States if given the chance.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

37% of Canadians have never tried maple syrup !!

I actually got some in my fridge.
Maybe , they just don't know they tried it, since it's almost in every resturant, or served at hotels, or they had it as kids, from thier parents.

It is expensive.
I never tried icewine. And Canada makes the best of it.
But, over $100 a bottle, or $12 for a mini 75ml bottle, too rich for me.
Might get some at the dutyfree shop though.


Re: Obamanation here today

Here Tie,
2 polls from CBC and BBC from 11 countries thru out the world:

Percentage of respondents from France who described Americans as arrogant. More than half of American respondents agreed.

Percentage of Canadian respondents who said the U.S. is a better place to live than Canada. Ninety per cent said it was not better than Canada.

4 out of 5
Proportion of overall respondents who said they would not like to live in the United States if given the chance.

meanwhile 87 percent of brown cafe posters wish you would leave. These polls don't seem to be helping anyone.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

meanwhile 87 percent of brown cafe posters wish you would leave. These polls don't seem to be helping anyone.

Show me that poll tie.
I just put that poll up, just for your own arrogance!
Was only meant for you.

And , hopefully no harm to others.

Just checked my "klein poll" oh well: 5.... not too bad...

Tie, I think if you put up your own poll, you would beat me (negative wise).


Re: Obamanation here today

Show me that poll tie.
I just put that poll up, just for your own arrogance!
Was only meant for you.

And , hopefully no harm to others.

Just checked my "klein poll" oh well: 5.... not too bad...

Tie, I think if you put up your own poll, you would beat me (negative wise).

The ulitmate act of arrogance.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

The ulitmate act of arrogance.

6 now... I guess I know where that one came from.
But, to your good schooling and math... I'll give you the 87%.

If there is a total of 250% in your mathbooks, they tried to teach you so hard one day.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Here Tie,
2 polls from CBC and BBC from 11 countries thru out the world:

Percentage of respondents from France who described Americans as arrogant. More than half of American respondents agreed.

Percentage of Canadian respondents who said the U.S. is a better place to live than Canada. Ninety per cent said it was not better than Canada.

4 out of 5
Proportion of overall respondents who said they would not like to live in the United States if given the chance.


What is your intention here? It looks like it's to create division among people within our community..:dissapointed:

This community's intent is to bring people together no matter where they're from, there are no borders here!

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals, their ideas or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.

Now stop it!:biting:


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today


What is your intention here? It looks like it's to create division among people within our community..:dissapointed:

This community's intent is to bring people together no matter where they're from, there are no borders here!

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals, their ideas or their situation. The latter is considered to be a flame and will not be tolerated.

Now stop it!:biting:

I do opoligize, shouldn't have gone that far.
But, someones arrogance took me to it.

Besides, it didn't take me long to discover this site is already divided.
Strongly with hardcore Republicans, and the lighter liberals.

But, in no way, did I want to divide up nations.
Just gave a lecture to a hardcore rep.

He may rest in peace, just wanted to show him, it's not all that it is, he thinks it is.

Again, didn't mean no harm or divide.

Thanks for the warning.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

I do opoligize, shouldn't have gone that far.
But, someones arrogance took me to it.
And your not "arrogant"?

Besides, it didn't take me long to discover this site is already divided.
Strongly with hardcore Republicans, and the lighter liberals.
Only "lighter liberals" and not hardcore Obama blinder libs?

But, in no way, did I want to divide up nations.
Just gave a lecture to a hardcore rep.
Stop the spew so much pro Canada crap it makes me want to puke.

He may rest in peace, just wanted to show him, it's not all that it is, he thinks it is.

Again, didn't mean no harm or divide.
Sure you didnt...i believe you.

Thanks for the warning.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Just keep that fire extinguisher handy, for you'll need it, where ever you're going in afterlife !

But, in no way, did I want to divide up nations.
Just gave a lecture to a hardcore rep.
Stop the spew so much pro Canada crap it makes me want to puke.

That was an international study done, by the BBC, and CBC, and 9 other TV stations in the world.
Just facts. Not pro Canada. (Since 11 countries were involved in it).

I do opoligize, shouldn't have gone that far.
But, someones arrogance took me to it.
And your not "arrogant"?

No, I'm not ! Actually feel pretty much down without a job.
Besides, being more on the liberal side.. a true one, would never think that way, or it wouldn't be liberal.

Besides, it didn't take me long to discover this site is already divided.
Strongly with hardcore Republicans, and the lighter liberals.
Only "lighter liberals" and not hardcore Obama blinder libs?

No, haven't came accross any postings from a liberal that wants America to go under, just to prove a point !
You guys should all stick together in tough times. Not destroy the future.
Last edited:


Re: Obamanation here today

There is again, nothing, no smoking gun. Keep trying, your hatred will only make you look stupid.

there is a little more then more's hatred in that video. To me its more postering by Obama.

The question in my mind is starting to be to ask just who and what is obama. When he speaks to moslems he claims his moslem heritage. When he speaks to asians he speaks as if his birth in Hawaii(?) makes him asian. And when Harry Reid basically denys Obama's ethnicity Obama suddenly loses that part of him.

For some reason the common man knows who and what he is but our president does not.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

there is a little more then more's hatred in that video. To me its more postering by Obama.

The question in my mind is starting to be to ask just who and what is obama. When he speaks to moslems he claims his moslem heritage. When he speaks to asians he speaks as if his birth in Hawaii(?) makes him asian. And when Harry Reid basically denys Obama's ethnicity Obama suddenly loses that part of him.

For some reason the common man knows who and what he is but our president does not.

For me he sounds like an average american.
Considering America isn't even 230 yrs old.
Everyone has a basic heritage from other countries.

Mine happens to be German, Russian, Czech.
Do, I care which religion every country has. NO.
I think in Russia it's russian orthodox.

I guess, if I was ever a world leader, I would use it to my gain, too.
(gain of trust, and invitement to become friends).

But, if you want a snob like Bush (must be self declared "Born again, American") .
Then be happy with the world, not going along with your politics or "world order" behaviour.
And lose more and more respect.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

there is a little more then more's hatred in that video. To me its more postering by Obama.

The question in my mind is starting to be to ask just who and what is obama. When he speaks to moslems he claims his moslem heritage. When he speaks to asians he speaks as if his birth in Hawaii(?) makes him asian. And when Harry Reid basically denys Obama's ethnicity Obama suddenly loses that part of him.

For some reason the common man knows who and what he is but our president does not.
Oh my God, a leader who reaches out to all the people and faiths of the world. Un heard of.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"For me he sounds like an average american"

Average Americans usually don't quote the Koran. It doesn't "gain" him anything, but suspicion from me !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh my God, a leader who reaches out to all the people and faiths of the world. Un heard of.

It is shameful when he bows to our enemies and mingles with them and ignores present problems in OUR surfing in Hawaii while someone was trying to kill hundreds of Americans on a plane. He's an idiot with no clue!!