President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

"For me he sounds like an average american"

Average Americans usually don't quote the Koran. It doesn't "gain" him anything, but suspicion from me !!

Here, just a few of famous muslims in America. They probably read from the Koran.
I'm sure there are famous mormons, etc, too.

It's no big deal.

You deliver to them on a daily basis, some might even be the best customers UPS has.
1 of them tipped me the best ever.
Can't throw them all into one basket.
Or you would need to do the same with catholics and catholics priest, molestering the children.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

It is shameful when he bows to our enemies and mingles with them and ignores present problems in OUR surfing in Hawaii while someone was trying to kill hundreds of Americans on a plane. He's an idiot with no clue!!
Your out of touch with reality. This country and the world economies were on the brink of total desaster and through his leadership. Nations and people regained confidense and it looks like the world economy will recover quickly.
As far as bowing to our enemies. Grow up, just because your the big bully on the block doesnt mean you shouldn't be respectfull of other nations. Its called being diplomatic and keeps other nations from hating us and getting them to go after are real enemies.


Re: Obamanation here today

Oh my God, a leader who reaches out to all the people and faiths of the world. Un heard of.

Its more like reaching for his identity. The good news you liberals can't now pull the race card since you defended the biggest bigot of them all.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

It is shameful when he bows to our enemies and mingles with them and ignores present problems in OUR surfing in Hawaii while someone was trying to kill hundreds of Americans on a plane. He's an idiot with no clue!!

Actually Unionman: Moreluck missed the whole point !
Since when has Saudi Arabia been an enemy ?
As far as I know, Bush was very good friends with them.
Besides, a lot of oil comes from there to the USA.
Oh, and American forces are based there, too. For protection of the surroundings.
But, Moreluck, you may call them enemies.
Bush never has, either have the American people , or the World for that fact.

Nice try, though. In your dreamland of enemies.
Hoping Europe or Canada isn't next on your enemy list, just because Obama might greet them nice.


Re: Obamanation here today

Your out of touch with reality. This country and the world economies were on the brink of total desaster and through his leadership. Nations and people regained confidense and it looks like the world economy will recover quickly.
As far as bowing to our enemies. Grow up, just because your the big bully on the block doesnt mean you shouldn't be respectfull of other nations. Its called being diplomatic and keeps other nations from hating us and getting them to go after are real enemies.

Thats some nice rhetoric but as I look at double digit unemployment and an economy that is still in trouble I'm trying to find these confidence boosters you see. Could you step away from the DNC script for a moment and tell us exactly specifically what Obama fixed?


Re: Obamanation here today

Actually Unionman: Moreluck missed the whole point !
Since when has Saudi Arabia been an enemy ?
As far as I know, Bush was very good friends with them.
Besides, a lot of oil comes from there to the USA.
Oh, and American forces are based there, too. For protection of the surroundings.
But, Moreluck, you may call them enemies.
Bush never has, either have the American people , or the World for that fact.

Nice try, though. In your dreamland of enemies.
Hoping Europe or Canada isn't next on your enemy list, just because Obama might greet them nice.

Did I tell you about the village idiot that often did not realize he was being laughed at?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Did I tell you about the village idiot that often did not realize he was being laughed at?

Yup, here he is on youtube :

Moreluck can call that : " Dancing with the Wolves" LOL

And can't forget, they kissed later :

won't even bother with the holding hands , while they were walking together.
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New Member
Re: Obamanation here today

What makes union labor so much better than non-union labor? My experience is that union labor drags jobs out longer so that they get paid more for doing less. And the location they have cleaned isn't even clean!!!!! They are more worried about getting paid more than doing a good job.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Thats some nice rhetoric but as I look at double digit unemployment and an economy that is still in trouble I'm trying to find these confidence boosters you see. Could you step away from the DNC script for a moment and tell us exactly specifically what Obama fixed?
Biggest thing he did was restore confidence in are leadership. I'm not going to get into what he has done with your cynical mind because you would just make up lies like a true Republican does.
Lets talk about what would have happened if he was not in office. Where would we be, that is the question. I doubt very seriously if this country would be headed in the right direction.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Typical Obama supporter answer.....change the subject !!!

I'll help Unionman out:
How many of you (republicans), thought NOT to bail out Chrysler & GM ?
Well, they are paying back thier money owned, and over 30.000 to 50.000 jobs saved.
And the Detroit area from going totally bankrupt.

Was a nice call to save them.

I doubt anyone things differently now.
But, months ago, it was an uproar.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I would not have saved them........there's a natural consequence to companies who don't run lean and smart.

The US Post Office is the biggest business failure ever and they still get $$$ pumped into them.

It needs to still be survival of the fittest and not every kid gets a gold star. That's where a lot of our problems stem from.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I'll help Unionman out:
How many of you (republicans), thought NOT to bail out Chrysler & GM ?
Well, they are paying back thier money owned, and over 30.000 to 50.000 jobs saved.
And the Detroit area from going totally bankrupt.

Was a nice call to save them.

I doubt anyone things differently now.
But, months ago, it was an uproar.
Your wasting your time Klein, I already know the reply coming from the right is going to be. Where is my bailout!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Was a nice call to save them.


Actually it was a horrible call to "save" them. Our government has no role in the ownership of a car company. It is stupid to prop a company up that makes products that people do not want. The idea that the government should keep an inefficient company in the marketplace only rewards inefficiency which in the end harms the consumer.

To top it all off Chrysler doesn't even have to pay the government back.


GM has only paid back about 1/50th of their "loan".


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I would not have saved them........there's a natural consequence to companies who don't run lean and smart.

The US Post Office is the biggest business failure ever and they still get $$$ pumped into them.

It needs to still be survival of the fittest and not every kid gets a gold star. That's where a lot of our problems stem from.

If no one uses USPS, then get rid of it, I agree.
Let UPS and Fedex take your letter for $15 a piece, if not more.

Then see how happy the general public will be.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I'll help Unionman out:
How many of you (republicans), thought NOT to bail out Chrysler & GM ?
Well, they are paying back thier money owned, and over 30.000 to 50.000 jobs saved.
And the Detroit area from going totally bankrupt.

Was a nice call to save them.

I doubt anyone things differently now.
But, months ago, it was an uproar.

Yeah, I guess your right again. All the people and unions that held GM bonds that got crunched are real happy --people on set pensions --ruined --but --eh --what the hell --all is fair in love and war and redistribution of wealth wheter it belongs to the rich, middle class or whomever. At least Obama paid back the auto unions --Who said "special interests groups" ???????:dissapointed:
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I would not have saved them........there's a natural consequence to companies who don't run lean and smart.

The US Post Office is the biggest business failure ever and they still get $$$ pumped into them.

It needs to still be survival of the fittest and not every kid gets a gold star. That's where a lot of our problems stem from.
Are you really that simple minded? the domino effect of companies folding and the huge loss of jobs would have sent this country right back down the toilet of recession.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Yeah, I guess your right again. All the people and unions that held GM bonds that got crunched are real happy --people on set pensions --ruined --but --eh --what the hell --all is fair in love and war and redistribution of wealth wheter it belongs to the rich, middle class or whomever. At least Obama paid back the auto unions --Who said "special interests groups" ???????:dissapointed:

The only thing that saves UPS with set pensions, is that it's international.
No other country receives pension from UPS.
If UPS was just in the United States, it would have been the same outcome. (pensions gonzo).

But, they are reducing them.... year by year... as I see that here on BC.