President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

The only thing that saves UPS with set pensions, is that it's international.
No other country receives pension from UPS.
If UPS was just in the United States, it would have been the same outcome. (pensions gonzo).

But, they are reducing them.... year by year... as I see that here on BC.
I realize you live in Canada -and of course some things are very different.
I think you missed the point in my previous message --not related to UPS pensions.
Private citizens as well as private and union pension funds--invested in good faith their money in GM Bonds.
A "Bond' is an agreement --a contract of sorts. The people that in good faith had their retirement money invested with GM --were sold out by Obama ---He called them "Greedy" for yelling about recieving pennies on their hard earned investment dollars ---this did not hit just the "rich" --Hit all income levels --devasted some older American's --but as I said --what the hell a poorly run company with an agressive union survived ---who cares how it was done --just cheer for Obama --I am a little surprised --that you think this was a great thing --maybe you did not know all the slimy details --like payback to the auto unions --no matter what other small people got hurt.:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Ford didn't need saved!!

(as an aside I own 2 Chevys)

Nobody saved Coors!
On cnnmoney there is an interview with the Ford ceo who says that the GM Chrysler bailout saved the economy. He went on to say that if those companies had failed it would have resulted in the losss of some 4 million jobs and that those two companies and there suppliers are about 4% of the US's gdp. It would have sent us into a depression he said.


Re: Obamanation here today

I realize you live in Canada -and of course some things are very different.
I think you missed the point in my previous message --not related to UPS pensions.

I'm not sure things are really that different in Canada. The real differences are probably inside the head of a canadian who was fired for drinking on the job and who is presently taking a long vacation in florida while sucking up unemployment.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Even if a company pays back the stimulus $$$, the gov't is still looking at special punitive taxes for these companies........

"I owe my soul to the govn't store......"

Again, penalizing someone when they do well.
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Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

quote=tieguy;669861]I'm not sure things are really that different in Canada. The real differences are probably inside the head of a canadian who was fired for drinking on the job and who is presently taking a long vacation in florida while sucking up unemployment.[/quote]

Just too bad, I don't have a wife, that I knocked up a few times, so she could collect maternity leave, (unemployment bennies here).

But, I'm sure everyone on here is single and never collected those funds:sad-very:

I realize you live in Canada -and of course some things are very different.
I think you missed the point in my previous message --not related to UPS pensions.
Private citizens as well as private and union pension funds--invested in good faith their money in GM Bonds.

Yes, nothing here is company related. Not healthcare, not pension.
We work hourly or for a salary, and that's it.

More of a private sector here. ( meaning you work, and save for your own retirement).
Nothing requires you to keep a job here, besides seniorty and vacation time.
In Europe or even Australia, Vacation time is based on age, and not senority time.

Very simple: The older you are, the more vacation you get. And age discrimation laws are very strict. Nevermind, they may bring more knowledge then a young person.

Anyone, that invests in it's company..... well, they should know what they are doing.
Like, I said, our retirement funds are not invested thru a company, but personal banking. Besides, a small Teamsters Plan of $50/mth per year service.
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Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Even if a company pays back the stimulus $$$, the gov't is still looking at special punitive taxes for these companies........

"I owe my soul to the govn't store......"

Again, penalizing someone when they do well.

It won't be paid back in 4 years, so don't you worry.
The republicans won't "punish" them.
These companies didn't go bankrupt under them, right ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

No, you're not getting it. These establishments have paid back the $$$ and dipwad wants to invent new levies to fine these banks. Do well & we'll smother you !!!

Pres. Odrama


Re: Obamanation here today

No, you're not getting it. These establishments have paid back the $$$ and dipwad wants to invent new levies to fine these banks. Do well & we'll smother you !!!

Pres. Odrama

and they were able to do well and make extraordinary profits because they were loaned this money .


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

And how much does an average new homeowner pay back within the first year ?

I was responding to your lie that the car companies had repaid all the money from our government. I can play this game with you as well. Since 100% of the car companies that received money from the government later filed for bankruptcy also within your one year period what percentage of homeowners file for bankruptcy within the first year of homeownership? Just the fact that 100% of the automobile companies that received money from the government shows what a complete failure this goofy program was.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I was responding to your lie that the car companies had repaid all the money from our government. I can play this game with you as well. Since 100% of the car companies that received money from the government later filed for bankruptcy also within your one year period what percentage of homeowners file for bankruptcy within the first year of homeownership? Just the fact that 100% of the automobile companies that received money from the government shows what a complete failure this goofy program was.

To be honest.
For Canada, it would have been the best thing ever to happen, if Detroit was shut down.
Chrysler and GM Canada didn't go into bankruptcy here.
They would have just moved production north.

Too bad, in a way, it didn't happen.
We could have used those extra 50 000 + jobs.


Re: Obamanation here today

quote=tieguy;669861]I'm not sure things are really that different in Canada. The real differences are probably inside the head of a canadian who was fired for drinking on the job and who is presently taking a long vacation in florida while sucking up unemployment.

Just too bad, I don't have a wife, that I knocked up a few times, so she could collect maternity leave, (unemployment bennies here).

But, I'm sure everyone on here is single and never collected those funds:sad-very:

I don't know I've never collected unemployment. I think there was an answer there somewhere to explain your blatant theft of unemployment funds but I missed it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

And how much does an average new homeowner pay back within the first year ?

Were the terms of the loan to be paid over 30 years? And what is the amortization schedule for their loan? The average homeowner pays within the terms of their loan.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

I don't know I've never collected unemployment. I think there was an answer there somewhere to explain your blatant theft of unemployment funds but I missed it.
No, wouldn't figure you could have a family. Who would put up with you?
So, no maternity leave there.
You are soo right !

Theft ?
It gets taken off, every single paycheck... for 35+ years...
I guess it's just meant for others, that didn't pay into it ?
Or for the young women that have children ?
Or even the so called new commers, that just got refugee status or approved immigration ?


Re: Obamanation here today

No, wouldn't figure you could have a family. Who would put up with you?
So, no maternity leave there.
You are soo right !

Theft ?
It gets taken off, every single paycheck... for 35+ years...
I guess it's just meant for others, that didn't pay into it ?
Or for the young women that have children ?
Or even the so called new commers, that just got refugee status or approved immigration ?

I'm sorry I know the truth hurts. The fact remains you are taking a florida vacation , a nice long one at that while living of someone elses hard work. You are a thief my friend and an embarrassment to the hard working canadians who are supporting you. But please do amuse us. Your custume is colorfull and your bells harmonious.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I'm sorry I know the truth hurts. The fact remains you are taking a florida vacation , a nice long one at that while living of someone elses hard work. You are a thief my friend and an embarrassment to the hard working canadians who are supporting you. But please do amuse us. Your custume is colorfull and your bells harmonious.
Don't you think that's a little bit harsh? what has he done to you to deserve that kind of criticism?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

2 million jobs from stimulus - White House

By Tami Luhby, senior writerJanuary 13, 2010: 12:28 PM ET

NEW YORK ( -- The economic stimulus program has boosted employment by 1.5 million to 2 million jobs, the president's chief economic adviser said Wednesday.
The Obama administration estimate includes both jobs directly funded by stimulus money, as well as those created indirectly by companies buying supplies for stimulus projects, people spending their stimulus tax cuts and the like.

The report, by the Council of Economic Advisers, is likely to spark sharp reactions from the Obama administration's critics who argue that the $787 billion package has failed to deliver on its promises.
To be sure, the economy has continued to lose jobs despite stimulus - shedding 85,000 in December. The administration, however, maintains that things would have been much worse without the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The stimulus act also added between 1.5 and 3 percentage points to the nation's gross domestic product in the last three months of 2009, the council said in its second quarterly stimulus report to Congress.
This is a slower pace than in the third quarter, for which the council estimates stimulus added between 3 and 4 percentage points. The economy grew at a 2.2% rate in the third quarter, according to the Commerce Department. The official fourth-quarter GDP report is set to be released later this month.
"Fiscal stimulus has the biggest impact on growth rates when it's first ramping up," said Christina Romer, chairwoman of the council.
The economy likely grew at a 3% rate in the fourth quarter, according to a National Association of Business Economists forecast. The stimulus program, however, should continue to keep the level of the economy elevated throughout the year as the federal government continues to release the funds, Romer said.
Some one-third of stimulus funds, or $263.3 billion, has been paid to states, contractors and other recipients or has been distributed in tax breaks. Taking into account the amount approved for distribution but not yet handed out to recipients, the percentage rises to one-half.