President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

Via Reason:
Investor Warren Buffett and actor George Clooney have logged more face time with President Barack Obama than the person tasked with executing the President’s war on drugs, White House visitor records show.

Drug Enforcement Administration Administrator Michelle M Leonhart has met with Obama at the White House only once, back in June 2011. Buffett meanwhile, has met with Obama at the White House four times since 2010, and Clooney has met with the President twice.

This data comes courtesy of a new searchable database built by the Washington Post that pulls information from

Leonhart, who served as acting DEA administrator under President George W. Bush, was renominated to that position by Obama on Feb. 2, 2010. Yet according to White House visitor logs, Leonhart did not meet with the president before or after her nomination. Instead, she met with Vice President Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff Alan Hoffman on April 8, 2010, and again with Sarah Coleman, an Office of National Drug Control Policy staffer, on Feb. 10, 2010.

And the desperation finally sets in....




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

The Economy is not recovering, but slipping away......

President Obama’s only claim to reelection is that he and his team steadied America during its time of economic uncertainty and are, albeit slowly, growing the economy. Friday’s anemic jobs numbers show that in fact the economy is not recovering, but rather, unfortunately slipping away, and with the state of the race as it is, the election possibly, irrevocably, too.

In February of 2012, we added 227,000 new jobs, revised upward from 210,000. Things looked good for the economy and Obama’s reelection prospects.
But since then things have gone downhill.

Friday we discovered that in March we created 143,000 new jobs, 10,000 less than we originally thought. Not robust growth, but certainly no cause for panic. In April, however, we added just 77,000 new jobs, a figure that has been revised downward from 115,000.

In May we netted just 69,000 jobs, revised downward from a projected 150,000. Further bad news, the unemployment rate has climbed up to 8.2%. I think both my fellow Americans, and especially the Obama administration, have cause to worry.

Today’s lackluster jobs figures are symptomatic of a weak economy, and that’s disquieting for all Americans. But with several new polls being released recently which show the president virtually tied with Romney in three crucial swing states (Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada), this is especially troubling for the Obama reelection team.

An obvious observation: a best-fit line showing the amount of jobs created would be going downward, steeply. Another observation: if one were to draw a best-fit line through Obama’s poll numbers in the three states mentioned above, it too would be going downward. Romney’s go up.
The three are most definitely intertwined.
The president and his team have been campaigning as our economic saviors, throwing around counterfactuals and speculations about how bad things could have been. The problem with that, highlighted by the recent economic data, is that things are already pretty bad.
You cannot campaign that you are saving the economy if the unemployment rate goes up, and, when it goes down, only offer a weak explanation that it's because Americans are losing hope and dropping out of the labor force.
The latest poll numbers signal a shift in the race: the American people see that Obama and his team are no longer presiding over a recovery, and are in fact incapable of doing so. This spells disaster for the president.
The economy is weak. Americans no longer see him as the man capable of fixing this. All this is reflected in the polls. If Romney can take advantage of this shifting momentum, he may begin to dramatically pull ahead in the race for the White House.
Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist, Fox News contributor, author of the new book, “Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What it Means for 2012 and Beyond” (Rowman and Littlefield). Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasESchoen.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

The Economy is not recovering, but slipping away......

President Obama’s only claim to reelection is that he and his team steadied America during its time of economic uncertainty and are, albeit slowly, growing the economy. Friday’s anemic jobs numbers show that in fact the economy is not recovering, but rather, unfortunately slipping away, and with the state of the race as it is, the election possibly, irrevocably, too.

In February of 2012, we added 227,000 new jobs, revised upward from 210,000. Things looked good for the economy and Obama’s reelection prospects.
But since then things have gone downhill.

Friday we discovered that in March we created 143,000 new jobs, 10,000 less than we originally thought. Not robust growth, but certainly no cause for panic. In April, however, we added just 77,000 new jobs, a figure that has been revised downward from 115,000.

In May we netted just 69,000 jobs, revised downward from a projected 150,000. Further bad news, the unemployment rate has climbed up to 8.2%. I think both my fellow Americans, and especially the Obama administration, have cause to worry.

Today’s lackluster jobs figures are symptomatic of a weak economy, and that’s disquieting for all Americans. But with several new polls being released recently which show the president virtually tied with Romney in three crucial swing states (Colorado, Iowa, and Nevada), this is especially troubling for the Obama reelection team.

An obvious observation: a best-fit line showing the amount of jobs created would be going downward, steeply. Another observation: if one were to draw a best-fit line through Obama’s poll numbers in the three states mentioned above, it too would be going downward. Romney’s go up.
The three are most definitely intertwined.
The president and his team have been campaigning as our economic saviors, throwing around counterfactuals and speculations about how bad things could have been. The problem with that, highlighted by the recent economic data, is that things are already pretty bad.
You cannot campaign that you are saving the economy if the unemployment rate goes up, and, when it goes down, only offer a weak explanation that it's because Americans are losing hope and dropping out of the labor force.
The latest poll numbers signal a shift in the race: the American people see that Obama and his team are no longer presiding over a recovery, and are in fact incapable of doing so. This spells disaster for the president.
The economy is weak. Americans no longer see him as the man capable of fixing this. All this is reflected in the polls. If Romney can take advantage of this shifting momentum, he may begin to dramatically pull ahead in the race for the White House.
Douglas E. Schoen is a political strategist, Fox News contributor, author of the new book, “Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What it Means for 2012 and Beyond” (Rowman and Littlefield). Follow Doug on Twitter @DouglasESchoen.

Listen, when OBAMAS numbers get into the BUSH range for monthly and quarterly productions, then Ill start to worry. BUT as long as they are BETTER than the BUSH record, then we have nothing to worry about.




golden ticket member
Obama took time off from his SIX fund raisers yesterday to say, about the bad news numbers in the economy, the congress isn't working.

The totally clueless one takes no responsibiity whatsoever for the economic problems. It's always somebody else's fault....which means somebody else needs to be president!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama took time off from his SIX fund raisers yesterday to say, about the bad news numbers in the economy, the congress isn't working.

The totally clueless one takes no responsibiity whatsoever for the economic problems. It's always somebody else's fault....which means somebody else needs to be president!

Better come up with a better excuse than that.




Well-Known Member
President Obama wants a second term to fix his sterling accomplishment Obamacare.

Why did He let Pelosi and Reid push it through so quickly, no one read it or knew what was in it before it was passed.

Now after all the "dispensations and controversy" He wants four more years to fix his problem.

Absolutely no leadership or executive skills demonstrated then---- no evidence of leadership skills or problem solving skills now

Time for a change !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
President Obama wants a second term to fix his sterling accomplishment Obamacare.

Why did He let Pelosi and Reid push it through so quickly, no one read it or knew what was in it before it was passed.

Now after all the "dispensations and controversy" He wants four more years to fix his problem.

Absolutely no leadership or executive skills demonstrated then---- no evidence of leadership skills or problem solving skills now

Time for a change !

Too much TV Island. Hopefully youre not going to say nancy pelosi said "we have to pass it so we know whats in it"..... are YOU??

Because, i hope you are bright enough to know that, that particular quote is taken partially out of a bigger sentence, but used as a one line statement by fox news and the talking heads of FOX.

The bill was not only READ, but constructed page by page by experts, lawyers and scholars. You watch your beloved FOX or listen to your talking heads on am radio and hear what you want to hear, and make out like the health care bill was thrown together in a hodge podge fashion.

2000 pages of words nobody read.

Hopefully, your not this gulible.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I guess we should be thankful Obama’s massively overinflated ego won’t let him admit the obvious, his Bain attacks have been an absolute failure.

Via The Hill:
President Obama’s campaign is going full throttle with its attacks on Mitt Romney’s time at the private equity firm Bain Capital despite concerns from some Democrats that the strategy could backfire.

Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said Team Obama will continue to go after Romney’s record with the same intensity that’s marked the last two weeks, which have seen the release of two advertisements slamming Romney and Bain Capital for purchasing companies that later shed jobs and shut down.

“Mitt Romney has made his tenure as a corporate buyout specialist the central premise of his candidacy and claimed it is what credentials him to be a job creator as President,” LaBolt said in an email. “But Governor Romney’s goal wasn’t job creation, as he claims, it was profit maximization for himself and his partners – he profited off of bankrupting companies and outsourcing jobs.”

Jen Psaki, Obama’s former deputy communications director, echoed that message.
Obama “will continue to highlight holes in Romney’s record,” Psaki said. “People deserve to know about his record on the economy and laying out the case is a part of the campaign’s message


golden ticket member
Heres the record: OBAMAS economy is better than the BUSH economy.

Case closed.



Have you rec'd your dark glasses and white cane yet?

10 T deficit (Bush)
16T deficit (Obama)

5.3 % unemployment number overall average (Bush)
Seems like it's been over 8% forever now.

Gas prices under $2.00
NoW, over $4 (Obama)

Not a better economy, no matter how many smoke & mirror experts play with the numbers.(Nutting)

Piss (on the economy)


Well-Known Member
Too much TV Island. Hopefully youre not going to say nancy pelosi said "we have to pass it so we know whats in it"..... are YOU??

Because, i hope you are bright enough to know that, that particular quote is taken partially out of a bigger sentence, but used as a one line statement by fox news and the talking heads of FOX.

The bill was not only READ, but constructed page by page by experts, lawyers and scholars. You watch your beloved FOX or listen to your talking heads on am radio and hear what you want to hear, and make out like the health care bill was thrown together in a hodge podge fashion.

2000 pages of words nobody read.

Hopefully, your not this gulible.




Of course you are 100% correct again. That is why hundreds of "dispensations" have been given by the Administration. Also who is that asking for another four years to fix Obamacare---I know it was not Bush !!!


Well-Known Member
I think he's a private man now and really doesn't enjoy the spotlight and finally has time to spend with family, especially 2 aging parents. Being on the ranch is his heaven!!

Bush is not in politics anymore in case you haven't noticed. He endorsed Romney did his dad and brother.
What do you expect him to do, sell Romney bobble-head dolls at the state fair?

One can see from the picture, someone wishes all former Presidents would do that (I think he's a private man
now and really doesn't enjoy the spotlight and finally has time to spend with family)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Have you rec'd your dark glasses and white cane yet?

10 T deficit (Bush)
16T deficit (Obama)

5.3 % unemployment number overall average (Bush)
Seems like it's been over 8% forever now.

Gas prices under $2.00
NoW, over $4 (Obama)

Not a better economy, no matter how many smoke & mirror experts play with the numbers.(Nutting)

Piss (on the economy)


the delusions are alarming..

Gas under BUSH was only under 2 bucks for 6 months in 08, the rest of the time they were close to 5 bucks...

5.3 average under BUSH?? seriously?

10t under BUSH no dispute...

16t under obama... geez... fantasize much? so far 5.8 trillion.

Smoke and mirrors? Lets see, BUSH was losing close to 750 thousand jobs a month for 2 years running and now were under 400K... I dont know where you studied math, but that isnt worse, its better.


The delusion is all yours my dear.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
One can see from the picture, someone wishes all former Presidents would do that (I think he's a private man
now and really doesn't enjoy the spotlight and finally has time to spend with family)

There is a big difference between being a former president who wants to be a private man, and a former president who is hiding from the international law for his war crimes.

BUSH is TOXIC and you wont see him on the campaign trail or visible on television.

NOBODY mentions BUSH, he is more forgotten by the GOP and its faithful than anyone else. Believe me, the world has forgotten about BUSH, they are seeking him and his former administration.




YEAH, bring BUSH to the campaign!!

