President Obama!


golden ticket member
President OBAMA bags another terrorist!

Top al Qaeda strategist may have been killed in Pakistan

Gee, how many did W get? Lets check the score card!

W - 1 Obama - 41

Congrats again on a strong defense Mr President!


Yes, thanks Bush and Cheney for this great drone program you set up!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A report by the New America Foundation “The Year of the Drone,” gives lie to the claim that, unlike Bush, Obama was
willing to use drones to kill our enemies inside Pakistan. The report shows that between 2004 and 2008, the Bush-Cheney
Administration launched 42 individual such attacks compared Obama’s 53 in 2009 and 118 in 2010.
There is no question of an uptick under Obama that is more likely to be a function of advances in technology
than any other factor. If the charge is that Obama used drones and Bush did not, that charge fails. If anything, it
is another example of Obama’s carrying on policies in place when he took over.

This ability was in place because of Bush and Cheney

Apologize Now - Conservative News, Views & Books


i dont think you and MR PEABODY went far enough back into the way back machine. The DRONES go back to CLINTON in 1995!!

RQ-1 / MQ-1 Predator

Remote piloted aircraft, UAV
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems
First flight
July 1994
July 1995
In service
Primary user
United States Air Force
Number built
360 (285 RQ-1, 75 MQ-1)
Program cost
US$2.38 billion (2011)
Unit cost
US$4.03 million (2010)
Developed from
General Atomics GNATVariants
General Atomics MQ-1C Grey Eagle
Developed intoGeneral Atomics MQ-9 Reaper

The General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used primarily by the United States Air Force (USAF) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Initially conceived in the early 1990s for reconnaissance and forward observation roles, the Predator carries cameras and other sensors but has been modified and upgraded to carry and fire two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or other munitions. The aircraft, in use since 1995, has seen combat over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.
The USAF describes the Predator as a "Tier II" MALE UAS (medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft system). The UAS consists of four aircraft or "air vehicles" with sensors, a ground control station (GCS), and a primary satellite link communication suite.[SUP][4][/SUP] Powered by a Rotax engine and driven by a propeller, the air vehicle can fly up to 400 nautical miles (740 km) to a target, loiter overhead for 14 hours, then return to its base.
Following 2001, the RQ-1 Predator drone became the primary UAV used for offensive operations by the USAF and the CIA in Afghanistan and the Pakistani tribal areas; it has also been deployed elsewhere. Because offensive uses of the Predator are classified, U.S. military officials have reported an appreciation for the intelligence and reconnaissance-gathering abilities of UAVs but declined to publicly discuss their offensive use.

Sorry slick, but the drone program goes back to CLINTON and not BUSH and CHENEY. It was BUSH and CHENEY who continued CLINTONS program but thanks for playing.

Its amazing how silly people can be with made up facts heard from Rush Limbaugh who just today repeated the same claim as you did.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

Nice to see ROMNEY is willing to send other peoples children to fight in wars overseas, but wont encourage his own sons to do the same! What a bunch of cowards.

"My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard. One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president." ~Mitt Romney

What a joke. Just another elite unwilling to send his sons to fight for his country while he threatens to attack IRAN!





golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Washington — Republican Mitt Romney believes President Barack Obama is holding on to the government’s stake in General Motors to avoid an embarrassing financial loss before the election, and says he’d sell the stock quickly if he wins the White House.

In a wide-ranging half-hour interview with The Detroit News, the presumptive GOP nominee also said he’d review pending rules that will require automakers to almost double fuel efficiency requirements by 2025, and believes Detroit may need a leadership change in order to fix its nagging financial problems.

As part of the government’s GM bailout, the U.S. Treasury still holds a 26 percent stake in the Detroit automaker, and has been sitting on that share for 35 months.

“There is no reason for the government to continue to hold (its GM stake),” Romney, a Detroit native and son of an auto executive, said Friday.

“The president is delaying the sale of the shares to try and avoid the story that the taxpayer took another loss. I would get the company independent from government and run for the interests of the consumer and the enterprise and its workers — not for the political considerations of government officials.”

At GM’s Monday closing price of $21.11 a share, the government would lose $16 billion on its $49.5 billion bailout.


Strength through joy
Just one little tweet ( under 140 words ) was all the support bhos had for that recall in Wisc.
Seems like his magic has faded.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

You know it’s bad when even liberal Dems like John Kerry and Dianne Feinstein are pissed at the Obama administration for compromising national security to make Obama look better.
(CNN) — The FBI has launched an investigation into apparent leaks of classified information involving a U.S. cyberwarfare program against Iran, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

FBI spokesman Paul Bresson had no comment on the reported investigation.
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said he was informed that an FBI inquiry is under way.

The senator from Georgia and other leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees issued a joint statement Tuesday deploring the apparent leaks.

“In recent weeks, we have become increasingly concerned at the continued leaks regarding sensitive intelligence programs and activities, including specific details of sources and methods,” said Chambliss; Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-California; Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan; and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, in the statement.

“These disclosures have seriously interfered with ongoing intelligence programs and have put at jeopardy our intelligence capability to act in the future. Each disclosure puts American lives at risk, makes it more difficult to recruit assets, strains the trust of our partners and threatens imminent and irreparable damage to our national security in the face of urgent and rapidly adapting threats worldwide.”


Well-Known Member

Bush should give back that Nobel Peace Award for the drone use.

BY the way I consistently support both Presidents on the policy unlike the left that calls Bush a war criminal and OBama a hero for the same thing.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Bush should give back that Nobel Peace Award for the drone use.

BY the way I consistently support both Presidents on the policy unlike the left that calls Bush a war criminal and OBama a hero for the same thing.

The difference between OBAMA and BUSH, is that OBAMA isnt killing 250 thousand civilians for an UNJUSTIFIED REASON. OBAMA is also not practicing acts of RENDITION where we are taking INNOCENT persons out of one country and taking them to another country to be tortured or killed.

OBAMA is doing what he said he would do when he campaigned in 2008. He said he would go into pakistan and KILL al qaeda leaders. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

BUSH attacked two nations that had nothing to do with 911, lied to the american people about weapons of mass destruction, killed men, women and children, destroyed an entire country (IRAQ) and left them in the stone age with violence on the streets that didnt happen before we invaded them.

Clinton started the DRONE program and BUSH and CHENEY continued that program, unlike what TEXAN said, that OBAMA continued the program started by BUSH and CHENEY.

OBAMA has done more in three years in the war on terror than BUSH did in 7 years.

Here's your war hero!
Bush Dodges Shoes Thrown by Iraqi Journalist - YouTube

