President Obama!


Staff member
Why didn't the President stop in Wisconsin on Friday?

He was in MN and IL.

No matter which way the recall goes, I think strategically he is better off after the votes are counted. Especially as close as that election is. If Walker wins, look for the president to campaign hard there keeping that state good and hot for November.


Für Meno :)
Barack Obama: he may be bad for Canada, but we still love him

He hurt the development of the oil sand industry when he nixed the Keystone Pipeline deal; he chose not to stand-up for Canada when the Senate and House were debating "buy-America" provisions; and it appears he's holding up Canada's formal inclusion into a new free-trade group of Pacific Rim countries.Despite all this, Canadians' love affair with U.S. President Barack Obama continues.

According to a new poll by Angus Reid, 65 per cent of Canadian respondents said, that if they could, they would cast a ballot for Obama. A not-so-whopping 9 per cent would go with Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The rest were undecided.


Well-Known Member
Alexander Cockburn at Counterpunch
There’s a Cancer on the Presidency, Called Barack Obama

Glen Ford from Black Agenda Report
Cleaning Up Obama’s “Dark Side”

2 examples of the attitudes among the liberal progressive core from which an activist base came that made up the 2008' Obama campaign. Obama's missing in action in Wisconsin on the Walker recall may end up as more fuel to the fire that may cause a further erosion of Obama strongest campaigners from 2008'. And don't think Wisconsin isn't on liberal/progressive minds and the fact that Obama is a no show. But then folks like Kevin Zeese understand the narrative and are calling out the fakery as it's obvious. Being out of work for a week recently, I decided one day to listen for a few minutes to Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity just being curious as to what those 3 were taking about. Had I not known who and what they were, I'd have thought they were working for the Obama campaign, and borrowing from Zeese, selling the narrative that is music to the ears of liberals while being meat and potatoes to conservatives. After a few minutes of each of which I quickly turned back to ESPN radio learning my lesson to never do that again, it was clear to me a false narrative was being sold by both sides almost as if they are behind the curtain working together. But the honest liberal/progressive know Obama is a fake just as real conservatives know Romney is a fake. Question remains if on election day they'll just hook up together and go get drunk. Be the greatest act of real patriotism if they did.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Listen, when OBAMAS numbers get into the BUSH range for monthly and quarterly productions, then Ill start to worry. BUT as long as they are BETTER than the BUSH record, then we have nothing to worry about.


If Obama could find a way to buy a 6% unemployment number, then perhaps he'd be a shoe-in.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
President OBAMA bags another terrorist!

Top al Qaeda strategist may have been killed in Pakistan

Gee, how many did W get? Lets check the score card!

W - 1 Obama - 41

Congrats again on a strong defense Mr President!




golden ticket member
President OBAMA bags another terrorist!

Top al Qaeda strategist may have been killed in Pakistan

Gee, how many did W get? Lets check the score card!

W - 1 Obama - 41

Congrats again on a strong defense Mr President!


And how much information did we get from that terrorist??


golden ticket member
I heard a clip of Rush L. saying

It's not president of the United's Celebrity of the United States, Barack Hussein Kardashian ! :rofl::rofl:


Well-Known Member
A report by the New America Foundation “The Year of the Drone,” gives lie to the claim that, unlike Bush, Obama was
willing to use drones to kill our enemies inside Pakistan. The report shows that between 2004 and 2008, the Bush-Cheney
Administration launched 42 individual such attacks compared Obama’s 53 in 2009 and 118 in 2010.
There is no question of an uptick under Obama that is more likely to be a function of advances in technology
than any other factor. If the charge is that Obama used drones and Bush did not, that charge fails. If anything, it
is another example of Obama’s carrying on policies in place when he took over.

This ability was in place because of Bush and Cheney

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